Chapter 3: The lovely dream

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 It was 1 in the morning when I heard the door to my bedroom open.
                 "Go away, Damon. I do not want to talk with you."
                   "Aw? Well that was mean. Then again I'm not Damon."
               I looked up from my pillow to see the one and only Katherine.
                       "Hello, Ava."
             I rushed up and hugged her tightly. I haven't seen her in forever.
                        "Katerina, where have you been? I have missed you so much."
                  Katherine chuckled.
                   "Locked in a tomb by Elijah. Why are you here? I thought the goal was to stay away from Niklaus."
                     "Elena aka the doppelbitch is here. And seeing as she is the doppelganger I must kill her."
                       "You know. I've always wondered why you never killed me. That you saved me from being sacrificed."
                      I chuckled at her.
                  "Because I saw myself in you. You where nothing like my sister. Yes, you resembled her, but you never acted like her. I guess that is why I could not let you die."
                    "Aw! I'm touched." Kat replied sarcastically.
                   "Do not be a pompous ass."
                      "Sorry, doll. So what have you been doing in here? Your eyes are very puffy."
                       "Sorry about that. I found out Damon and the Scooby doo gang are going to kill Nik with the help of Elijah. And I can't actually do anything without them finding out the truth."
                        "I'm sorry, darling. I know this must be hard." Kat said pulling me into a hug.
                           "Kat? Will you help me sleep tonight?" I asked her.
                            "Yes." I climbed onto my bed and she tucked me in before sitting on the comforter beside me. Slowly I let my eyes succumb to darkness.

I was running through the forest. Feeling the wind through my hair and the smell of the woods hitting my nose. Finally, I came to the clearing where Nik and I always met at before he turned into a vampire. This was our hideaway.
         "Hello, love."
I turned around fast to come face to face with my Nik.
There stood Niklaus in the clothing that I had once seen him wear when he was human. Or shall I say werewolf.
            "Have you missed me?"
            "Oh, Nik. I've missed you dearly." I say as I wrapped my arms around his waist and buried my cheek into his chest.
           "I want you to come back to me, love. I can not handle you being dead."
           "But I'm not dead, Nik. I'm right here in your arms."
             "You've been dead for 90 years, my Mercedes. I miss you so much, love."
            "I know. I am so sorry, Niklaus. But I am not really dead. I am here alive. Find me."
             "If only, my love."
 I sighed in annoyance. He will not believe me.
             "I love you." I sighed.
             "I love you too, my love."
Nik than did the one thing that I've been craving for him for the last 90 years. He kissed me.

Third Person POV:

Katherine watched as a smile grew on Ava's face. She knew no matter how much Ava ignored it she needed Klaus. Niklaus is Ava's salvation.

Klaus jolted up in bed. Sweat beads flowing down his face.
No matter how hard he tried he could never forget Ava. His love. His Mercedes. His one and only. He had just dreamt of her. Yet it felt so real to him. It was a dream. He knew that due to the fact she died. But it felt so real to him. She felt real.
        'Just wait my love. I will soon complete the ritual. And I will have more power than we could have ever imagine. And it is all for you.' Klaus thought as he laid awake thinking of his Dark Beauty.




So?! What do y'all think about the story so far? Ok, Good, Great? I had to restart the whole thing again!! Ugh!! Also sorry for short Chapter 3. I just wanted to fit that in there.




             <3 Gabby

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