Chapter 16: Awakening

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I began to see light threw my closed lids. My eye lids shoot open, gasping in a breath. I noticed the blue sky above me being blocked by tree limbs. I went to move my hands but something felt to be between them. I looked down to see roses between my hands, and me still in my homecoming gown and shoes.

I go to look to my side when I felt something comfortable underneath me. I see what seems to be miles of trees to my side. I let go of my flowers and tried sitting up, instead I hit my head on something, causing me to lay back down.

"Bloodyhell." I cursed rubbing my forehead. That's when I realize I am in a glass coffin.

Aw! Niklaus layed me in a coffin like a princess.

I was about to shove the coffin lid off when I heard someone coming. I quickly gathered all the roses into my hand and then closed my eyes.

The foot steps got louder until they stopped right next to me. I heard a creeking sound and then a light breeze brushed my skin.

"Hello, love." Nik. "You look beautiful even in death."

Why is he being so sweet? Didn't he want me dead?

"I have come across a slight problem with your dearest friend's brother. He has stolen my family and threatens to throw them in the ocean unless I leave town."

Not surprising.

"At least I still have you, my love."

Next thing I know, I felt soft lips touch mine. I couldn't help but kiss him back as I've been missing the feeling. Instantly, his body tensed up and he pulled away.


"Morning, darling. Miss me?" I smiled.

"You're alive?"


"But how?"

"You don't think I would come to save you without my own little witch help, now would you?" I lied. He doesn't need to know my truth yet. b

"No. I forget sometimes who taught who, sweetheart."

"Whatever, help me out of this thing." I giggled.

"As you wish."


"Noted. See if I can make any improvements." I smirked at Damon. He's always been the flirt even when he's day drunk.

"Don't mind me." Klaus spoke from next to me. Instantly, Elena got a look of horror as Damon switched to vampire guard mode. I rolled my eyes at Niklaus and walked over to the pool table. Grabbing a stick, I chalked it, then stroked the white ball, causing 3 colored balls to roll into separate wholes.

"You going to do this in the grill, in front of everyone?" Damon asked. "It's a little beneath you, don't you think?"

"I don't know what you're talking about. I just came down to my local pub to grab a drink with a mate and my gal over there." Klaus replied motioning towards me. Damon gave me a 'what the hell' look. I simply mouthed 'we'll talk later'.

"Get a round, then, would you, tony?" Klaus basically demanded.

"Hey! Get me 3 rounds!" I shouted at Tony as he walked away.

"I'm surprised you stuck around town long enough for happy hour." Damon commented.

"My sister seems to be missing. Need to sort that out." I instantly dropped my table stick.

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