Chapter 14: Many Flashbacks Into the Past

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Hey guys! So listen to the above song when Rebekah talks about Henrik's death and also when Elena tells Rebekah that Klaus killed her mom. You don't have to though. I apologize before hand.

If you'd like, the song is call Sad Violin [HQ] on youtube. HEre's the link.



"You need to get some rest, love."

"I will."

"I'll be back soon, my love."

"No. You can not come back."

"Why? What are you hiding?"

"Just trust me, Niklaus. You can not come back."

Silence. That was all that could be heard.

"Goodbye, Nik."


'Taaaaakkkkeee oooon me! Taaaaakkkkeee meeee on!'

I quickly opened my eyes, wiping the drool from my mouth. Reaching for my phone, I set it up against my ear and layed my head back down.

"Who dares disturb my slumber?" I growled into the phone.

"Nice to see you're waking up, sleeping beauty." Instantly, I recognized that voice as my one of my only true friend, Damon Salvatore.

"Uh. Uh. Uh. You forget, Damon. I am not sleeping beauty. I am the Beauty, or in French, la Belle."

"Very funny. I need you."

"Don't you always?" I ask smirking.

"Whatever. Look, Mason Lockwood led me down to this underground cave beneath the old Lockwood Cellar. I can't get in."

"And what makes you think I can?"

"I don't. But according to Alaric there is some pretty ancient Viking writing, and seeing that you're a pretty old vampire..."

"I'm going to act like that wasn't offensive at all." I scoffed. "Anyone else coming?"

"Alaric is bringing Elena."

"Okay. See you in a few."

Groaning, I threw the covers over my body, and zombie walked to the shower. The water harshly spout out as I turned the knob. Taking off each piece of clothing, I stepped into the shower. The feeling of hot water trickled down my body, making every part of my body numb.

After bathing, I took care of my necessities, and headed towards my closet. I picked out a pair of grey high tops, light colored jeans with rips in the knees, and a cropped sweater. I through on my clothes and put my hair in a high tight bun. I then put on Nik's necklace, grabbed a pair of sunglasses and my Impala keys, and sped out to my car. Starting it up and speeding down to the old Lockwood mansion.


Alaric, Elena and I were walking through tunnels that was connected to the Lockwood cellar. For some reason these tunnels looked all to familiar.

"So the Lockwoods really had no idea that these tunnels are underneath their property?" Elena asked trying to make conversation.

"Yeah." Alaric whispered.

I heard someone walking in the tunnels from the other side. Instantly, I picked up on Damon's scent.

"Careful where you shine that thing. Bats hate the light." I said smirking from in front of Elena, yet behind Alaric.  Alaric and I kept walking as Elena stopped, fear evident in her eyes.

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