Chapter 29: The Last Fight

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** 3rd POV **

Alaric sat at his desk, in a state of mind that only one would consider evil. He contemplated the plan Esther had devised to be rid of Niklaus once and for all, as he shifted the true white oak stake in his hands. He had only one worry - how was he to defeat Ava after she found out Niklaus is dead? She would hunt him down for all eternity; especially, since she is older than the others and has a greater vendetta then most.

Esther had released to him information about who Ava was the night she died. She had explained to him that Ava was the first original hybrid - made of witch and werewolf blood. She travelled among witches known as the Travellers, until one day, after Quetsiyah had found out about her, Silas, and her sister, Amara's, betrayal was cursed to walk the earth as a vampire. She had no access to her werewolf side unless the day came that Ava killed the last remaining doppelganger. Her witch side is still a mystery, though. Esther had informed Alaric that she suspected that her witch side was resurfacing after all these years. It only came about when she was defending the people she loved.

Alaric feared that, in killing Niklaus, Ava's witch blood will come into full contact, and he will have more to deal with than just an old vampire. He would have to run from an old vampire witch. The darkest of their kind.

"What do you mean you are ditching my clean-up committee?" Alaric looked out the classroom door as he heard the preppy blonde walk down the hall way.

"Klaus called. He is leaving town, and he wants me to pack up his house," a hybrid spoke from the other side of her phone.

"Since when did sire bond equal mover slave?"

"Since he realized, you are not going to dump me to chase after him." Tyler spoke in a mocking tone.

"He's being petty," Caroline sighed. "He is only chasing after me to make Ava jealous. No matter how mad I am at her right now, I still don't want to do that to her. That is just too mean." Caroline let out a loud sigh.

"And he still thinks I am sired to him. It's fine. I'll keep up the act, and it will all be over soon." Tyler let out as he finished gathering his things. "I'm late. I got to go. I love you."

"I love you, too" Caroline sighed as she hung up the phone. Suddenly, a sound came from behind her as if someone had knocked over metal. Spinning her head, she looks behind her to see if she can see anything. A breeze whooshes in front of her with a shadow following, but Caroline was too slow to notice. "Hello?" She calls out into the empty hall way. With no response back, Caroline shakes off the weird feeling and heads towards the cafeteria.

*** Later, Ava's POV ***

After the episode Niklaus had last night, we both decided that the best thing would be for us to move. With his mother and Alaric dead, it seems like it would be the best idea. Although, that means I would have to kill Elena tonight, if I am too be let free from the Coven's control.

"Put these paintings in that box, would you please, love?" Niklaus handed me a few paintings as I put them away in the desired box. Suddenly, the front door bursted wide open and Rebekah came running in.

"Alaric Saltzman just tried to kill me," she let out in a rush.

"Alaric Saltzman is suppose to be dead," Niklaus let out in a gruff, holding the painting of our lake. Esther! I swear I hate that woman with every fiber of my undead being.

"Well he's not! And he's a vampire, thanks to mother's spell, with a white oak stake that can't kill him" I immediately stopped packing and stared at Bekah with upmost terror. How can this be? Did Esther curse Alaric like Quetsiyah did me? How did she get it? I thought I destroyed that spell. "He's strong, Nik, Ava. Too strong."

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