Chapter 12: Begining of Senior Year

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I put the letter inside the box and then closed the lid. I looked over at my clock beside my bed that red '8:00'. Now that Nik is gone and Rebekah is here, it's time for me to get my mind back on track. First things first, get even closer to Elena. I shook my head and headed for the shower.

After I took care of my necessities, I went digging through my closet. I decided to wear my black and white striped crop top, high wasted blue jeans, tan work-boots, Rag & Bone Wide Brim Fedora, my blue sapphire ring Avangeline had made for me, and the necklace Nik had gotten me. 

I threw my hair up into a messy low bun and did my make-up. I admired myself in the mirror for a bit before grabbing my Michael Kors tan leather handbag and putting on a pair of sunglasses. I then grabbed my keys and headed for my car.


I saw Elena, Care, and Bonnie standing looking at the school.

"Hey guys." I said walking up to them

"Hey, Ava." Care said happily.

"Ava." Bonnie smiled.

Elena on the other hand just glared at me.

"Hey, Elena, I really want to apologize for the other night. Rebekah was getting really upset and I didn't want her hurting anyone, so I had to resort to that act."

Elena's face instantly lightened up.

"I understand." She said.

"Do you forgive me?" I asked.

She sighed heavily before answering.

"Yeah. I forgive you." She smiled at me. I smiled back giving her a hug before staring at the school along with them.

"Here we are. Senior year." Care said.

"Anyone else think it should feel slightly more empowering?" Bonnie asked us hands on her hips.

"Ok. So prank night was a bust. But we are accepting it and we are moving on." Care spoke leading us to the school.

"You're right. I mean, why should I let the fact that my boyfriend is seeing the ghost of his dead girlfriend hinder this experience?"

"Yes! And why should I let the fact that my boyfriend was turned into a hybrid put a damper on an otherwise fabulous day." Care replied.

"And why should I be effected by the fact that my ex found out I was alive, and has left town without trying to get me back." I stated staring at the ground while we walked.

Care and Bonnie gave me a sympathy look as Elena stopped right at the entrance.

"Today's our anniversary. Technically, Stefan and I met on the first day of school last year." Elena said sadly.

"Yeah. You win." Care stated.

"Are you sure you want to be here?" Bonnie asked.

"I have to be here. I have to put it behind me. New Year. New Life." Elena said raising her head. She sighed heavily before heading into the school. Did I miss something?


I coughed a bit on the smoke that went into my lungs. I have never smoked weed before in my entire vampire life. But if I had known it was this good, then I totally would have done it sooner.

"Isn't it great?" asked my random companion that sat next to me.

I took another inhale before replying.

"It really is. Haha. I totally feel free. No burdens resting on my shoulder."

I went to take another puff when the bud was ripped from my hands. I felt my anger rise. Looking up at the thief, all my anger instantly heightened. No better thief than the almighty rippah Stefan. Elena filled me in on everything.

"Bloodyhell. That was mine." I crossed my arms.

"Dude. Not cool man. Give the lady back her smoke." My companion said stepping closer to him.

"Yeah. You heard the boy, Stefan." I smirked calmly.

Stefan smirked back before he grabbed the boy by the throat and lifted him in the air.

"I suggest you to shut your trap, and go to class." He compelled. Obviously seeing that they're where several humans in view. My companion simply nodded with a dazed look.

"Good." He lowered the guy to the ground and watched him walk  away. I pulled out the smoke I had stolen from the man before Stefan appeared. I lit it and took a puff.

"You're stressing me out." Annoyed, I took another puff.

"Klaus doesn't want you doing this, Ava."

"Like I care what he wants. He left. I left. There's obviously no caring between us anymore."

"You are actually wrong about that. Seems odd enough that Klaus cares about you since he ordered me too watch over you."

"I don't need watching, Stefan. You can just call up your master and tell him that I said to kiss my arse."

With that, I threw my smoke on the ground and grabbed my bag. I hit Stefan's shoulder as I walked passed him. As soon as I reached my Impala, I quickly got in and drove back to the boarding house. Fuck, school.


Throwing my bag onto the couch, I threw myself onto my bed, screaming frustrated screams into my pillow.

'I got chills

They're multiplying

And I'm losin' control

Cuz the power you're supplying


I crawled out of the bed and dug for my phone out of my purse. I pulled my phone up to my ears without looking at the caller ID.

"Hello?" I said in an agitated voice.

"That's no way to talk to me, love."


"Who else would I be?"

"How did you get my number?"

"I have my ways. Now what is this I hear about you smoking weed?"

"Stefan." I grabbed the bridge of my nose, frustrated at Stefan for ratting me out.

"Don't ignore my question, Mercedes."

I sighed heavily. "I don't need your permission to do what I like, Niklaus."

"No. But I'm not about to let my wife destroy herself."

"First of all, I am not your wife."

"Technically, you still are, love."

Rolling my eyes, I continued "And second, I'm a vampire. I can't destroy myself."

"There are two ways you can kill yourself love..." Niklaus chuckled.

"Look, Nik, what do you want?"

"I want you to stop trying to destroy yourself, Mercedes."

"Why should you care?! You just up and left."

"Actually, sweetheart, you're the one who faked her death and left me."

"That is not fair. I did that to protect you! You don't think I regret making that decision? You don't think I went along in life for 90 years wishing I could be by your side? I thought about you every day of every second. What I did was too protect you. And if you can't see that, then you're the biggest arse I've ever known."



"Why are you lying? Why did you all of a sudden make the decision to protect me? It wasn't a problem before. Who are you trying to protect me from, Ava?"

I froze in an instant. He can't know. They'll kill him if I tell him the truth. They hurt everyone I care about if I don't cooperate. They sent the humans after Avangeline to kill her, and they'll kill him as well. I have to lie. It's the only way to protect him.

"You're right, Niklaus. I left because I didn't love you anymore. You were a monster and I had to escape." With that I quickly hung up the phone. He will not believe me for one second. What did I just do?

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