Chapter 2: The Town of Mystic Falls

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Ava POV:

 I was driving my way to the lovely town of Mystic Falls.
        I heard from a close source of mine that Damon Salvatore and the doppelganger was there. A descendant of mine.
        The girl whom I aim to kill. She's the last descendant of mine. Isobel had no child with her widowed husband and she turned into a vampire. So I do not have to worry about her having anymore children. As for Elena Gilbert... well she's full human and I can't have her making anymore babies, now can I?
        I hate the fact that Qetsiyah had set the doppelganger spell.
        I killed Amara for obvious reasons. And now every 500 years, a descendant of mine appears and looks exactly like her just to punish me.
                           Just Great!
        Although, I do give an exception to Katerina. She was the only one of the doppelgangers that I've met through my Vamp Life that I actually adored and did not help trying to sacrifice her. She is hardcore, selfish, does anything to save her self, does not backstab her true friends (Only her tools), and she is a stone cold Bitch. The way I like my friends. Katerina is the best girl friend I've ever had. Katherine completely understands me. When I told her my story from about 2,000 years ago, she simply just stated:
                      "Wow! Your sister was quite a bitch. You had every right to kill her."
        Since then we have gotten closer. I couldn't choose a better friend.

I am on my way to see the one and only Damon Salvatore. Best-Overprotective-Hardcore Party Animal- Killing Spree-Guy Friend that ever lived. He was the one you could call up after a bad break up and make you forget about the guy instantly. Well........ Almost all the way.
                There's not a day that goes bye that I don't think about him. His sandy-blonde hair. His ocean blue orbs that makes you just want to melt in his arms. His fair complextion. The way his plump lips turn up into an evil smirk after you feed on a petty human being. The way his lips send fireworks through my body when they touch my skin.
        As I was lost in thought about HIM, a deer came out of nowhere and stood in the middle of the street. I swerved my car almost hitting a tree but got back on the road.
                                  "DAMN DEER!!"
        I shouted at no one particular.
        If my automobile had not taken so much compulsion to get it, than I would have ran over that deer.
                Yes, I know.
                I'm a monster.

I turned into the driveway of the Salvatore Boarding House.
        WOW! It looked huge!
        I stopped in front of the steps leading to the big bulky wooden front doors. I set my black 67' Chevy Impala in park, and stepped out of the car.
        I walked around to the back and pressed the button on my keys to open the cargo . The hood lifted opening quietly and swiftly.
        I picked up my two doufle bags from the cargo and quietly lowered the hood so it wouldn't make a sound.
        I want to surprise Damon.
        I through the doufle bags over my shoulder and stepped up the door steps in my very fashionable heels.
                As soon as I reached the door I knocked on it heavily.
                         "I'm coming. I'm coming. No need to knock so loudly." said an all to familiar husky voice.
                I smirked as I watched the door open.
                         "What do you-- Ava?"
                          "Hey, Sexy. Happy to see me?" I smirked. Damon's smile grew wide and he pulled me into a hug.
                            "Still sarcastic as ever." He says.
                            "Yep." I say popping the 'p' then pulled out of the hug.
                            "How long has it been? What? 10 years?"                                     

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