Chapter 8

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Sorry this chapter is so long 🖐🏼

It has been a few days since they both realised their feelings for each other in Levis office , since then they haven't been able to have a single moment together or barley speak to each other due to an increase in titan attacks. Their moment was interrupted in the office when Hanji burst in telling them they  were desperately needed with their ODM gear on immediately , so they left without a second thought.

 The Levi squad rode out killing titans and signalling with smoke when there was an abnormal titan in the area , nothing seemed too bad and the titans weren't hard to kill. Levi went back to his serious demeanour to concentrate on the task at hand but that didn't stop him from stealing glances at Eren whenever he could , of course Eren noticed this and sent a playful wink back making Levi role his eyes. Things were going smoothly , they cleared out most titans and no one seemed to be injured so Levi was about to give the signal to head back when they felt the ground start shaking and a Hurd of abnormal titans appear in the distance running right towards them with another squad behind them slashing their necks and signalling for the other group to go back but Levi and the rest new that they weren't going to be able to make it alone however Levi did not want to risk any of his squad by flying into that death trap so he lifted his ODM gear up to signal to go back when Eren charged forward towards the Hurd of titans.

Erens pov:

The Hurd appeared out of no where there was so many of them and they seemed to be intelligent and fast too, the other squad signalled for us to go back but I knew they were not able to survive that and I couldn't let anyone else die. I looked over to Levi to see what he was thinking but his face was emotionless but I knew he wouldn't want to risk the lives of our squad so I took matters into my own hands so when Levi was about to make the call to go back I did what my instincts told me to do , I went forward and charged towards the titans on my horse until I was close enough to each onto them with my gear and slice their necks in half.

Not Erens pov.

Levis heart stopped for a moment when he saw Eren charge past him towards the Hurd .' how dare he disobey me just to get himself killed' Levi thought realisation kicking in that he needs to go help Eren.

" EREN" Mikasa shouted at him but he didn't listen Eren was determined to try and save these people as he saw one of them about to get thrown into the titans mouth. He pelted his gear towards them but as he was about to slice the titans hand Levi beat him to it slicing the titans neck sending the titan to the ground loosening the grip around the other cadet." what the fuck do you think you are doing Jaegar!" Levis voice boomed towards him as he continuous to slice another titans neck. " I am not letting these people die Captain i will kill all these titans!"Eren shouted as he flew past and slashed three titans necks, he goes to look at Levi to boast when he feels titan grab onto his legs squeezing them till they crack. He knew to save himself he could just turn into a titan and kill them but he knew if he did that there was a risk it would hurt the others and especially Levi in the process and he couldn't risk that. Levi noticed Eren get grabbed his heart was in his throat he was about to fly over till he heard screams coming from the other side. The other two remaining cadets one being another squad leader were screaming for help as they was about to get eaten with their bodies dangling over the hideous titans mouth. Levi had a choice to make to save two people who have their own families and can be a help towards humanity or save Eren the boy he had feelings for and who could be humanity's saviour. He knew he already made up his decision in the beginning but when Eren screamed for him to go help the others and leave him Levi just felt pure anger and confusion.' why would he want to die like this , no I won't let him die like this I can't' Levi charged right towards the titan that was crushing Eren feeling pure rage burn through him as he harshly sliced the hand off that was holding Eren and then slicing the nape happily watching it fall to the ground, meanwhile Erens legs where broke so he couldn't position himself to try and swing to a tree. Levi panicked watching Eren fall knowing he couldn't get there in time until Mikasa swept pass grabbing Eren on the way and landing him on a horse with her.He felt relief rush through his body as he looked back to notice the rest of the squad had gone back like he signalled.

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