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As soon as those words left Erens mouth he was flung to the top of the bed as Levi towered over him , he could see Erens slight nervousness showing as he looked up at him." don't worry i'll go slow."he murmured. Levi didn't waste a second before pulling him into a heated kiss." mmh" Eren mumbled as he felt Levis lips crash onto his. Erens hands slid around Levis neck trying to bring Levi as close as he possibly can desperate to feel his warmth pressed against him.He swiped his tongue against Erens lip as they started to part sliding his tongue into his mouth brushing it against the inside as the other boys tongue brushed against his elegantly as Levi sucked on it. Levis hands then begin to roam under Erens shirt up his back slowly caressing him and bring them down to teasingly slip his finger into the waist band of his boxers pulling the elastic with a slap making Eren gasp.Levi smirked at his reaction and pulled Erens shirt over his head.' fuck why do I want him to spank me? it's your first time Eren don't get to horny' he thought to himself as he felt Levi latch onto his neck and press open mouth kisses down to his sweet spot where he sucked and licked leaving a hickey marking Eren as his in his own way. He then kissed a trail down the boys neck to his nipples as he sucked and licked on them swapping between the two as his hand slid slowly towards Erens hard on just circling around it then squeezing his thigh making Erens back arch at the pain and pleasure."ngh Levi stop teasing." he whined."Tch fine but you looked so cute frustrated." he said teasingly as he pressed kiss to Erens belly button before removing Erens pants and his own clothes leaving them both in their boxers.He bent down seeing the wet patch already formed as he licked a clean swipe over it." mmh so wet for me Eren." he whispers as he slowly pulled down the remaining part of Erens clothes leaving him fully exposed letting Levi take him in." fuck your so beautiful." he groans as he plants kisses down Erens thigh till he suddenly grabs his cock giving it a small squeeze." Mhm Levi." he moans at the sudden contact. 

He felt a warmth suddenly take over his cock as he jolts up seeing Levi with half of it down his throat. Eren nearly came looking at the sight." L-levi you d-ont mhm have to do t-that" he stutters trying to hold back a moan as Levi pushes his head further down." I want to" Levi mumbles against him as he swipes his tongue across the tip feeling it twitch in his mouth. He could taste the sweet pre-cum that was coming out of Eren so he sucked harder wanting to savour the taste as Eren rakes his hands through his hair making the older male groan against him sending vibrations up it making the younger boys breathing erratic. Levi knew he was close so he pulled away making Eren whimper missing the warmth . " You're not allowed to come yet there's still so much more to go," he whispered pressing a chaste kiss to his lips before walking over to his draw and pulling out lube and a condom and walking back over to Eren who looked at him with half lidded eyes as he saw Levi squirt some lube on his fingers and bringing one to Erens entrance." this may hurt but I promise it will get better," he says assuring him before Eren feels a digit slowly enter him." Ahh" he gasped not use to the feeling , it didn't hurt but it definitely wasn't comfortable." Shh its okay it will feel better soon," he whispered gently making Eren relax as he slowly started pushing his finger in and out till Eren was comfortable to add another. The second one was still uncomfortable but it wasn't as bad as the first. Soon Levi was thrusting his fingers in and out of Eren scissoring him wider then adding another finger. Strangled moans were falling from Erens mouth at the new sensation, he wanted more." you like that Eren?" he whispered " mhm fuck I need you Levi." he moaned as his lidded eyes stared at Levis lust filled ones.

 Levi ended up pulling down his boxers and ripped the condom till Eren grabbed his hand shaking his head." I want to feel you inside of me." he said a little shy but sure of his words. This sent Levi over the edge his cock had been painfully throbbing at the sight of Eren moaning and calling out his name earlier he couldn't take it anymore. " I'm going to make you feel so good Eren." he growled squirting more lube on his cock as he placed it at Erens entrance." Levi, oh.. please." Eren groaned wanting Levi inside of him already. The sound of Eren begging was music to his ears. He slowly started pushing the tip in till he was halfway in. Eren gasped at the size of Levi opening him up. He could feel Eren tense around him." You need to relax Eren." he said soothingly as he stroked circles on Erens hips comforting him till he felt Eren relax a bit more. He pushed further till he was fully in. Eren hissed at the pain tears falling down his face as Levi bent over and kissed them away." hey it's okay I won't move till you're ready."he smiled looking down at the boy. Erens heart fluttered at how caring Levi was being a new feeling erupted in his chest but he wasn't sure what it was but it made him feel euphoric."ngh Levi you can move now." he said through a whimper as Levi nodded and slowly pulled out before thrusting back in again." Ahh." Erens head flew back and his back arched as Levi continued to thrust at an average pace not wanting to hurt Eren. Eren needed more though his pain had subsided to pleasure and he was dying for the pace to speed up." f-aster please" he moaned looking up at him. Levi smiled." don't complain when you can't walk tomorrow."he said but before Eren could reply Levi had already forcefully rammed into him."mhm yes Levi" Eren moaned as his eyes rolled back and his mouth parted , his mind going blank as he could only concentrate on Levis dick ramming inside of him." Your so fucking tight Eren ugh" he groaned grabbing Erens legs and throwing them over his shoulders letting him self enter deeper. Eren gasped at the new position till he felt Levi ram inside of him as he hit his prostate making him scream.' Shit Levi AH fuck there feels so good." Eren could see stars at this point as Levi constantly thrusted into that spot. Heavy panting and body slapping together filled the room as the two males edged closer to their climax." mh Levi I'm close." he moaned." shit yeah me too , let's come together."Levi grunted as he pulled Eren into a passionate kiss, he picked up the pace thrusting harder and faster as he gripped onto Erens neglected cock and rapidly jerked him off." ahh mmmh Fuuuck i'm- I'm gonna come , come inside me Levi." Eren panted." Fuck me too .come for me Eren" He groaned slamming in harder once again against Erens prostate sending him over the edge '' ahhhhhhh" Eren tightened around him shooting white ribbon across his stomach as Levi rode out his orgasm shooting his load straight in Eren" nghhh fuck."

Once he was done he slowly pulled out of Eren and collapsed down next to him. Eren felt kind of empty without Levi inside of him but pushed the thought away. " fuck that was good , was it okay for you Eren?" Levi asked worried he might have gone too hard on the boy." okay? it was bloody amazing Levi." Eren said breathlessly as he leant over and placed a kiss on Levis lips." i'm glad." he said smiling back at the boy then looking down at the mess on them both." Let's go get a shower together hm?" Levi asked as Eren nodded sitting up to go walk to the bathroom when his legs gave way making him collapse on the floor. " ow fuck." Eren groaned trying to stand up but failing. " shit Eren you okay?" Levi asked hurrying over and picking up the boy in his hands as Eren wrapped his legs around him." I don't think I can walk .." he said grunting earning a chuckle from Levi." Sorry I did think I went to hard but I couldn't stop.." He said trailing off." it's fine it was good I just think we may need a bath." Eren laughed as Levi placed him down to go run the bath.

15 mins later.

Eren was in the bath his back pressed against Levis chest as arms were wrapped around him rubbing circles on him as he sits between his legs ,there is a comfortable silence between them both as they are sat in their thoughts.They just feel pure bliss after the passionate moment they shared with each other and Eren is so happy he lost it to Levi. Eren realises he feels the same sense of euphoria around Levi as he did earlier.' I wonder why I am feeling like this.. is this what love feels like?' Eren chocked at his own thought making Levi question if he was okay before going back to relaxing.' why did I think that? do I love Levi? I mean I always feel happy around him and I never really want to leave his side I want to be with him forever.. oh no I think I love Levi' Erens heart sped up in his chest at the thought he started to get really nervous and fidget.

" Are you okay Eren are you hurting?" Levi asked turning Eren towards him. Soon as Erens eyes met Levis he knew he loved him and that this man was the only one for him." yeah I'm fine just a bit achy " he giggled as Levi smiled down at the boy with pure adoration in his eyes." hm good as the water is going to get cold soon so lets start washing ourselves."He replied grabbing the sponge and soaping it up." but Leviii i'm too achy to wash myself." Eren whining secretly hoping Levi would wash him. " thats why i'm going to wash you doofus." he said while pressing a kiss to Erens nose before pouring water over Erens head making him look like a drowned rat.Levi burst out into laughing at the sight of a drenched Eren pouting at him." That was mean Yano, i'll just have to get you back." he teased as he splashed water at Levi. This went on for a while till Levi actually scrubbed Eren and himself clean. He also helped Eren get changed into one go his shirts and get into bed as he was still struggling to walk. 

Levi hopped into bed with him not long after and Eren immediately snuggled into his arms and looked up at Levi who was already looking down at him." You make me really happy Y'know." Eren blurted out then blushed at what he said." uh sorry that just came out."he said shyly as Levi pulled him into a gentle kiss." you make me really happy too Eren. I haven't felt like this in a long time, so thank you." he spoke smiling genuinely at him. " your welcome." Eren responded before snuggling into his chest more as Levi pulled him closer and kissed his forehead before uttering a " goodnight Eren."till he fell sound asleep. " goodnight Levi.."

"I love you." he whispered gently before closing his eyes and falling into a deep sleep.

Sorry that most of this was smut it just got to 2000 words and I didn't want to make it too long:)

thanks for 200 reads though😆

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