Chapter 11

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The next day , Eren woke up feeling a throbbing pain in his backside and an empty bed. Panicked he jumped out of bed scared that Levi may had regretted last night and left him till he saw a note on the bedside table with a glass of orange and two pain relief tablets next to it.

* Morning Eren. I had to go train cadets, I'm sorry I wasn't there when you woke up. Take the tablets , I don't want you to be aching during practice later on. I will see you then, 

Levi. *

Eren felt relief wash over him as he smiled at Levis sweet gesture and took the tablets before he got changed wearing one of Levis shirts and headed toward the mess hall for breakfast feeling happy about last nights events.' I can't believe I did it with Levi!?last night was so amazing I can't wait to see him lat-' Eren was forced out of his thoughts as Petra barged past him hitting his shoulder as she went past." watch it idiot."she spoke coldly. " w-what you're the one who barged past me?" Eren replied confused at why she was so angry. " who do you think you are to answer back? Don't get cocky just because you had a little fun with Levi trust me soon as he gets what he wants he will get bored of you and leave ... or maybe he already has," she said smirking and then walking away leaving Eren confused as to how she knows about him and Levi.' how does she know that? had Levi told her, why would he tell her though he doesn't even like Petra.. well I didn't think he did what if it wasn't as serious as I thought and thats why he could tell her!?' he sighed 'no Levi said he likes me I believe him it doesn't matter if she knows anyway.' he smiled remembering how sweet Levi had been and how he would have to be a good actor for it to be a lie. 

He was now sat with Mikasa and Armin ,Jean and Marco were a couple seats away from him Eren had to listen to Jean brag about himself till he finally told him to shut up. Mikasa and Armin had just finished talking about their night when Armin suddenly remembered. " wait Eren did you end up doing it last night?" he asked looking at Eren who was gulping down his porridge then spat it out at the sudden question, he knew he was going to tell them but he didn't expect it to come up now. " gross Eren." Mikasa grumbled as Jean looked over and started laughing at Eren. " uh sorry you caught me off guard." he mumbled " well did you or did you not I want to know now aswell." Mikasa asked as they both scooched closer to Eren waiting for the answer. " uh- yes we did do it.." he mumbled so only they could hear. " omg yes Eren i'm so happy for you!" Armin whisper screamed shaking Erens arm. " so does that mean you are together now?" Mikasa asked." uh no we aren't. I forgot to tell him I am ready to come out and be with him.." Eren said smiling at how Armin was being. " what why? I thought you said you was going over there to tell him ?" Armin said while gulping down his food. " I got kinda distracted when Levi came out in his boxers I couldn't think of anything else and this morning he had already left for training before I could speak to him you see.." Eren whined at the realisation of him and Levi still not actually being official. " I will tell him I am ready tonight though and that I have also realised that I -uhm .. love him." he announced not stopping the smile beaming from his face. " Eren you love him? wow , it still is crazy to think the Captain actually has feelings though." Armin said shocked as Mikasa just looked at him with wide eyes and smiled at how happy Eren looked ." well I still don't like him but I am happy for you Eren." Mikasa confirmed as Eren hugged them both and they finished their meal with small conversations passed between them.

It was now early evening and Levi was stood in front of everyone giving orders with an emotionless face which seemed to be getting less serious as the days go on mostly because of Eren. He had ordered the cadets to build up their stamina and do 20 laps and if anyone fails to complete he would punish them. As Eren was running he couldn't stop looking at how good Levi looked in his training uniform on. He has a tight white top on that had slightly gone see through due to the sweat from Levis previous training and black pants. Erens eyes were about to burst out of his sockets at the sight, he knew he had to concentrate though he didn't want to let Levi down and he knew he Levi would punish him if he did, although the sound of that made Erens pants a little tighter at the thought.' ugh I don't get hard now its not the time or place' he thought as he sped up his pace and over took Jean while he looked at Levi again who was already looking at him and smirked  turning Erens stomach into butterflies. After his 16th lap he was tired now but kept pushing through, he went to look at Levi again to notice he was walking off with Petra. 'hm maybe its about work stuff' he thought feeling slightly irked that they will be alone together after what Petra said today. 

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