Chapter 13

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"Eren , I need a word with you."

They was currently at the table as Mikasa glared at Levi and Armin fidgeted nervously at the awkward tension in the air while Eren didn't say nothing.' shit.. did he hear me? wait I don't care if he did he never even liked me anyway, so it doesn't matter if I move on' Eren suddenly stood up and turned around not looking at Levi while muttering a "come on."

They ended up walking into the bathroom together as Levi checked to see if anyone was in there so he could speak freely.Eren spoke first though,"Captain.What do you want?" he asked in a monotone voice. Levi was annoyed at Erens coldness but he knew deep down he deserved it but at this moment he didn't care. "I see you have moved on quickly, what happened to you loving me hm?"he spoke obviously annoyed. Eren just stared back at him , not believing he had the nerve to say that to him.

* slap* " wow Levi ,I can't believe you just said that.. I thought you couldn't be any more hurtful than you was but you just seem to be getting worse." Eren spoke coldly. Levi felt the harsh stinging from Erens slap on his face but for some reason his heart hurt more , he wasn't sure why he pulled Eren aside or why he was acting so horrible to him when he stopped things even though he knew it wasn't his fault but he just couldn't stand to see Eren with anyone else, ' so this is what Eren felt when he saw me and Petra.. i'm so sorry Eren .' Levi was silent for a while making Erens anger turn into nerves , he did just slap his Captain, Levi would have already beaten the crap out of the person usually but he didn't move he just sighed." look just stay away from that guy Eren." he commanded him." but why you don't have any right to tell me that anymore , it stopped when you used me for sex and left me for that bitch Petra!" he snapped. Levi felt that pang in his heart again at Erens words" Eren i.." he stopped himself and just pushed past Eren and walked out leaving an angry and confused Eren alone in the bathroom.

' The hell was his problem why did it matter If I was speaking to Floch or not he has Petra anyway. Wait was he jealous? no he probably just didn't like the fact I moved on quick. well trying to move on but no matter what he said to me , seeing his face still gives me butterflies.' Eren groaned and left the bathroom." this is going to be harder than I thought."

The next day Eren had done his usual routine and headed out to patrol for titans. " Hey Eren." a voice said as he turned around to greet the person. " oh hey Floch how have you been?" he asked." I have been good thanks a bit nervous to do this with Levi as my Captain though, everyone says he is strict." he laughed nervously."oh uh yeah he can be a bit full on at times he doesn't take things lightly and probably will punish you if you mess up, but he isn't all bad I can tell he doesn't actually hate us i just think he cares a lot and doesn't want us to get hurt.."he says scratching his head realising he rambled on." wow you seem to know him really well Eren." Floch said smiling not catching on. " N-no not really haha just what I picked up I guess. erm lets go practice anyway I want to see how good you are with your ODM gear."he spoke quickly trying to change the subject."sure Eren" he smiled but Eren hated how it didn't make him feel how Levis smile did.

During the training Eren and Floch stuck together as they swung through the trees. Eren was surprised at how good Floch actually was with the gear. The Levi squad ended up stopping on a big tree branch as Eren ended up tripping over a bump on the branch and knocked Floch down with him. Levi glared from a distance as they laughed together and how Eren was now laid on top of Floch as his arms grabbed Erens waist as he looked up at him. Levi could almost feel steam coming out of his ears as he looked at them." Eren get up and stop messing around we need to look out for titans and Floch wipe that drool thats coming out of your mouth." he said angrily as he rolled his eyes at floch that actually tried to wipe the ' drool' from his mouth making people laugh while Eren just glared at Levi until Petra walked up to him and hugged his waist so Eren looked away missing Levis disgust for her and push her away. Later on when they got back it was dinner time so they was sat at their tables with Eren , Mikasa , Armin , Floch and Historia all on one talking about random things." I see what people mean when they say Levi was relentless he definitely was not happy with me and Eren earlier haha." Floch spoke as they all laughed while Eren mumbled to himself " he doesn't have a reason to act like that though" but Floch heard but chose to ignore it in that moment." yeah it was funny he really did come at you with the drool comment." Armin said giggling. As they continued chatting they ended up having two glasses of some alcoholic substance that Eren wasn't sure was but drank it anyway. He was not drunk not even close but he could feel himself start to relax and gain in confidence.He felt Floch move closer to him and put a hand on Erens thigh as he continued to talk to Historia acting as if he wasn't doing anything. Eren tensed up as he felt it, he hadn't been touched since Levi and he felt slight uneasiness creep up on him but shook it off and carried on talking. " hey Eren" Floch whispered in his ear so no one else heard but it sent shivers up his spine, it had been a while since he touched him self and he was starting to feel frustrated. " yes Floch?" he replied." can we go to your room to have a few more drinks?" he asked innocently but Eren could see the lust in his eyes. He took a quick glimpse at Levi who was on the table as Petra ended up sitting on his lap. His heart stung so he decided there was no better chance to try and move on." yes i'd like that" he whispered back in his ear as he saw Flochs cheeks turn red and cough to cover it up.' cute' he thought.

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