Chapter 12

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It had been a week since things had ended between them. Eren didn't leave his room for the first few days and told everyone he was too sick to leave until Mikasa and Armin turned up to see him, he couldn't keep it in anymore and broke down while telling them what happened.Armin had to restrain Mikasa from going over to Levi and beating the crap out of him.Levi had seemed like he wasn't bothered by the whole thing as he continued to go to practice finish paperwork and meetings as Petra found every chance she got to cling to him as he tried to avoid her by keeping busy when really he was drinking himself to sleep when he was alone. Hanji would have to come in and force him to tidy his room and shower before he left. She was the only person he had told about Eren and Hanji hated seeing him like this she kept trying to get Levi to sort things out with Eren but he would dismiss her every time. Mikasa and Armin finally got Eren out of his room to go to training but he still didn't talk to anyone or stay behind he just would head back to his room after. Mikasa couldn't stand seeing like Eren like this anymore she decided she wanted to have a word with Levi when she knocked on his office door she got no response but she didn't care she walked in anyway to see Levi passed out asleep on his bed mumbling Erens name as there was a bottle of half drunk vodka on his desk. She had never seen him like this before she almost felt bad for him ' maybe Levi is actually hurting but why if he is the one who said that to Eren? something is off.' she thought as she left and headed towards Erens room. 

" hey Eren I know you don't really want to talk about it but did anything weird happen with Levi on the day he cut things off with you?" she asked looking at Eren who was just hiding under the cover till he peeked his head out." erm no I don't think so? although Petra was being rude to me that day for some reason." he mumbled. " what do you mean Eren what did she say as we have all noticed she had been clinging onto Levis arm this past week , its kind of gross really." she replied. Erens heart hurt at the thought of Petra being with Levi and not him but he shook it off. " well she somehow knew about Levi and I and she then told me he would get bored of me after he got what he wanted and leave.. she obviously was right seen as he l-left me that day" he stuttered still feeling hurt about the subject." hm do you not think that is suspicious though Eren the fact she said that on the same day he ended it?" Mikasa voiced sitting down on the bed. " well I hadn't really thought about that but you are right I did see them two leave in the middle of practice.. he also was smiling at me before until after he spoke with Petra the he became cold and ended it. wait do you think she had something to do with it?" Eren spoke sitting up right quickly with a slight feeling of hope in his heart at the thought of Levi not actually wanting to end things. " well I can't say but I did just go to Levis office and he doesn't seem like he is doing well so she could be apart of this Eren." she said firmly." b-but then it could just be a coincidence I mean I did have sex with him the night before so he could have actually just got what he wanted.." he trailed off gloomy again." well I think you should try and talk to him again Eren and try and find out if he really meant it there is only one way to find out but.. I wouldn't get my hopes up if I was you he can still just be a manwhore." she stated.Eren jumped up and started getting changed to go talk to Levi he needed to know the truth fully and he wasn't going to let him slide away this easily.

Eren had rushed out the door and ran towards Levis office. He was still hurt and scared that he really did mean nothing to Levi but the hope grew the closer and closer he got. He swung open the door not caring about who could be in there " Levi I need to talk to you"he stated ,but he wished he never came as the sight he saw was worse than what Levi had said to him. Levi was laid on the bed shirtless as Petra straddled his legs with her arms around his neck.Their heads snapped looking towards the door as Levis heart stopped seeing the boy he hadn't dared to look at all week look at him in this position with Petra on top of him. Eren felt the tears build up in his eyes but refused to let them out. This was so much more painful than before as now he knew that he really did mean nothing to Levi , Petra was right and he hated that." oh..I was hoping it would have all been some lie that maybe something had happened and maybe you did actually like me back but I can clearly see I was wrong.. i'll return your shirt another time when you aren't, busy." he muttered trying to sound as emotionless as he could but his voice was betraying him. He felt sick at the sight he wished he had never played that game of truth of dare he should have just sat out as then Maybe things wouldn't be like this. Without another word he left closing the door hearing a faint " Eren" behind but not caring enough to go back. He wanted to cry but nothing would come out he just felt empty now. As he walked back into his room he saw Mikasa sat on his bed and then she  jumped up to talk to him." oh your back quick was he not there?"she spoke trying to decipher Erens emotionless face. " yeah he was there.. just not alone he was with Petra she was on top of him." he said coldly. " what are you serious he was passed out not long ago.. I didn't think they were serious i'm sorry Eren I shouldn't have told you to go."she uttered pulling him into a hug. " well at least I know how he really does feel now so I should stop being hung over on him and try to move on I guess."he said hugging her back he was thankful that he has Mikasa and Armin at times like this. " I heard there was someone moving to our squad his name is Floch I think ,maybe he is cute and can help you get over him" Mikasa replied shrugging( I don't ship Eren x Floch it is just for storyline purposes sorry if you don't like) " hm maybe he will but we don't even know if he will be interested or not but I hope he is nice and not another horseface " he groaned " hmph yeah I hope he isn't either." she mumbled " i'm going to go now anyway Eren I shall see you in the hall for breakfast you are coming this time , u need to greet the new person anyway, yes?" she said but it was more of an order. " yes Mikasa i will see you tomorrow" he groaned flinging himself on his bed as she walked out the door, he hated it when she started to act like a mum but she had always been like it.

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