Chapter 14

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" I am in love with you Eren."

Eren is dumbfounded at Levis words, never would he have thought Levi would love him back after everything that has happened.' he actually loves me? but why did he say all those things before if he loves me. I need to know why.' Eren turned around to face Floch who still had his grip on Erens arm." Floch can you leave us please? I will come find you in the morning I think there are some things we need to sort out.." Eren said giving a reassuring smile at him. Floch just gave a warm smile before giving an " okay" to them and walking out even though he wanted Eren to come with him. Eren turned back around to face Levi ad then sat down on the bed and patted the space next to him for Levi to sit down. " I am not sure if this is some jok-"  "what? do you think I am joking? I have never told someone I loved them before you are my first Eren and hopefully my last." Levi said quickly trying to get his point across. " Just let me explain what happened then you can decide wether you can forgive me or not." he spoke grabbing Erens hands subconsciously in the process. " okay i'll let you talk." Eren said firmly.

 " Thank god, well it started the second time we did things together when I was a dick and kicked you out.. when you left, Petra saw you leave and came in trying to seduce me but I pushed her away of course." Eren just rolled his eyes at that comment thinking about how she was straddled on him." She ended up getting an idea of what happened since you left my room so early and threatened that she won't be as nice or some crap next time but obviously I didn't believe her. Then after we confessed and spent more time together I think she realised we didn't listen and ended up hearing your conversation with your friends about how you didn't want people to know you was gay and apparently something about how you was ready to do it with me." Levi said coughing the last part as Erens face went bright red.  "So the day after we had sex the crazy bitch spoke to me during practice and threatened she would tell everyone that you were gay if we didn't stop things and if I didn't get with her, I knew about how much you didn't want that getting out when you spoke to me about it before so I didn't have a choice I had to end it with you and she said it would be easier if I said I had used you for sex which was not true at all! but then you told me you loved me and it hurt me even more as I felt like someone finally loved me but I couldn't have them.. I'm sorry Eren I ended up hurting you more than I should have and I will always regret that but the reason I came to my senses was because Hange talked some sense into me, i'm not sure if this is selfish or not but I figured that even if it did get out I would still be there with you and supporting you If you wanted me too of course." he said looking down unsure of how Eren is going to react.

"what.. so this whole time it was because of that wow. i'm so stupid." Eren said laughing in disbelief. " wait what no you aren't I hurt you Eren." Levi rambled " no I should have told you I was ready sooner Levi ,I stopped being bothered about people knowing the night we had sex, clearly Petra didn't hear the rest of my conversation as I ended up telling them I was ready. I was going to tell you that night but I got kinda distracted..ugh all this wouldn't have happened if you didn't seduce me that night in your boxers."Eren said as they both laughed at the comment. " so this whole time I was worried about nothing.. how stupid. Come here." Levi said astonished as he pulled Eren into a tight hug. They both had missed each others warmth these past few days ,it was killing them. " wait." Eren said pulling back as Levi looked at him confused. " did you and Petra end up doing it with each other.." he mumbled feeling sick at the thought of Levi touching her. " What gross no, I don't think I could even get it up for anyone other than you Eren anyway." he replied feeling slightly embarrassed and disgusted. " Then why was Petra straddling you when I walked into your room" he mumbled feeling unsure of wether to believe Levi. " oh you are talking about then , I was ill with a fever and I passed out waiting for Hange to come back then when I woke up she had straddled me and took my shirt off and you just happened to walk in on the worst time. I swear nothing happened she just was trying to take advantage of the situation I guess." he spoke firmly trying to assure Eren that, that was all that happened. Eren ended up sighing in relief and jumping on Levi pulling him into a tight hug again as they laid on the bed. " so does that mean you have forgiven me?" Levi asked worried of the answer. " yes it wasn't your fault , you really did hurt me more than it would have if it got out but I understand you reasons behind it, there isn't anyone else I would rather be with than you Levi." Eren spoke giving him a squeeze of assurance. " Thank you there isn't anyone else i'd rather be with either. But you are ending whatever disgusting thing I walked in on earlier with that brat I can't believe you nearly kissed him! imagine if I didn't walk in i'd have to have bleached your lips, you are not allowed to be within 2 feet of him from now" Levi rambled angrily." i'm sorry I believed you and Petra were doing stuff together so I tried to move on but it really wasn't working but Floch is still my friend you can't do that." Eren pouted " oh so shall I just hang out with Petra some more then?" Levi teased as Eren frowned. " okay fine I won't go near him but you need to let me explain to it tomorrow." Eren said sternly as he playfully hit Levis chest. " Tch fine. but i'm going to be there watching to make sure he doesn't touch you."Levi grumbled as Eren just giggled in response. There was a short silence in the air till Eren spoke up. 

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