Chapter 9

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Since Levi and Eren confessed to each other they have spent the past 3 days being with each other at every chance they get wether it is a quick make-out session after practice , cuddling and obviously more in Levis and Erens rooms however they haven't gone all the way yet or even just sitting together at lunch which got a few stares from people around them especially Petra as she grimaced at the sight of them seeing Levis lip curl up into a smile as he watches Eren laugh.' why does he look at that brat like that? that should be me I've liked him for years now it isn't fair' she thought while eventually turning around to eat her food.' I need to think of a way to get them apart'.

It was now the evening and Eren couldn't see Levi tonight like usual due to him having business with Erwin till late , he had done all his cleaning duties so he decided he would go and visit his friends which he hasn't hung out with in a while making him feel kind of guilty. As he walked up to his best friends room he heard the faint chatter of people speaking and giggles , he slowly knocked on the door while opening it anyway as he sees Mikasa and Armin sat on the bed talking. " Hey guys." he said cheerfully. "Eren!" Armin shouts but it sounded like a squeal as he jumped on to his best friend that he hadn't spoke to much in a while and knocked them down on the floor. " Armin don't hurt him he might turn titan on you."Mikasa joked. Armin and Eren got up and moved to sit on the bed with Mikasa. " yeah uhm sorry I haven't hung out with you guys in a while I've just been kinda busy with uh something." Eren muttered scratching the back of his neck. " something. don't you mean someone hmmmm?" Armin said cheekily while poking Erens arm. " yeah we have noticed you spent a lot of your free time with the Captain. Armin even caught you two making out after practice when he came back after he left his jacket , what is going on between you guys are you dating!" Mikasa spoke raising her voice slightly at him while raising her brows at him as Armin awkwardly laughed cringing of the memory with Levis hands groping Erens ass as he sloppily made out next to his jacket." oh god really thats so embarrassing , Armin why didn't you tell me! but no we aren't dating .. yet. but we confessed to each other that we really like each other a couple of days ago and I feel like my feelings for him just increase every time I am with him which scares me a little knowing that he has so much control over my heart yet it excites me so Mikasa please don't hate me I know I never really told you I was gay I had a feeling that you slightly knew though but I always thought you wouldn't like me after." he says flustered and nervous but he can't help but smile at the thought of Levi.

At that moment of time they didn't realise Petra had been walking past the door until she heard Erens voice talking about Levi." hm so he really has fallen for him huh lets hope I hear something useful from this twerp."she mutters to herself as she puts her ear to the door the listen to their conversation.

" I couldn't ever hate you Eren I mean I don't really fully approve I don't like that shorty but if he makes you happy then thats fine I guess but if he hurts you I will break him." Mikasa said as she shrugged till Armin spoke." omg thats so sweet I think I can't really see the Captain liking anyone but I guess I don't know him as well as you do. Have you had sex yet? is he big?" Armin teases catching Mikasas attention not expecting Armin to say that. " uh uhm no we haven't fully done it yet but we have done other things I didn't really want to do it with someone if I wasn't in a relationship with them but i'm not sure if I am ready to come out yet as people might not except me and I don't want to be hated for it that terrifies me or Levi to get hate I especially don't want him to get hate or feel burdened by me but since we confessed I think I'm ready to do it with him but we haven't really spoke about it so I uh am going to try and do it with him tonight." Eren says mumbling the last part but they heard and so did Petra. ' hmm so the brat is afraid of people finding out he's gay, this is perfect . you have your fun with him tonight Eren but I will make sure he will be mine by tomorrow' she giggled little before leaving heading back to her room with a smirk on her face.

" you shouldn't care about what people think Eren whether they approve or not doesn't matter its about you and Levi , you will always have me and Mikasa supporting you by your side and Levi no matter what the outcome is as I don't think he would pursue you if he wasn't ready for people to know he's gay as its Levi he isn't stupid , I don't want to pressure you it is up to you but just know we will be here." Armin spoke sweetly as he rubbed Erens back smiling as Mikasa nodded agreeing with what he said. Eren paused for a moment before breaking out into tears. Mikasa and Armin quickly looked at each other in shock before hugging Eren. " we are sorry Eren we didn't mean to push you."Mikasa uttered soothingly still hugging Eren. Eren pulled away slightly smiling with tears still coming down his face." y-you didn't upset me guys, you made me feel happy i'm grateful to know I have friends like you with me." he cried again pulling them into another hug shocking them till he smiled and gave in. They sat like that for a while till Eren pulled away. " I am going to tell Levi that I am ready to come out , thanks guys for making me feel better." he spoke in a determined voice as he muttered goodbye to them and headed to wait in Levis office. He knew Levi was going to be busy but he didn't care he wanted, no he needed to see him tonight.

Levi came back from his long meeting with Erwin and the others , he opened his door to see a sleeping Eren passed out on the bed hugging his pillow with a bit of drool coming out his mouth. With anyone else Levi would have found the drool disgusting but he found it surprisingly cute on Eren. " Tch I told this brat to not come here today." Levi muttered while taking off his coat and hanging it up and walked over to Eren and gave him a sweet kiss on the forehead before trying to get him awake." hey Eren " he said gently while poking him but the boy didn't move." Erennn wake up" he said a bit louder nudging him but the boy only stirred before going back into a deep sleep.Levi was getting impatient now. " Oi brat wake up." he said louder shacking Eren awake." mmmm" Eren said slowly waking up to be met with Levis grey eyes." oh Levi hey ,oops did I fall asleep." Eren said yawning while looking at the time it was 11:21pm. " yeah you did why are you here?" Levi questioned , he didn't mind the boy here but he wasn't sure why he was here, considering he new Levi was going to be back later than usual. Levi disappeared into the bathroom while saying this to Eren while he brushed his teeth and changed out of his clothes. " oh I wanted to see you I had something to tell you." Eren spoke staring at the bathroom door ready for Levi to come out so he can tell him he is ready to come out to everyone , but as Levi comes out he doesn't come out wearing his normal clothes or sweatpants he his completely naked with nothing but a pair of white boxers to cover himself which didn't seem to be doing much justice as Eren could see his thing clearly through the fabric making him gulp. His mind goes blank forgetting what he was originally going to tell Levi as his mind wonders to the conversation he had with his friends about sex with Levi and he told them he was ready his eyes wondered back to Levi now staring at his abs his mind repeating the words that he wants him and that he's ready. Levi walks towards the bed to sit next to Eren knowing Eren was staring at him but not caring he liked the attention from the boy.

" Er-"

" IwanttodoitwithyouLevi." Eren blurted out really quick looking at Levi while he just looked confused at what the boy just said." what? repeat what you just said but slower." Eren took a deep breath in and stared at Levi with a serious face. " I want to do it with you , I am ready." Levi raised a brow at this and half smiled just thinking the boy was talking nonsense. " no you don't don't rush your self." he stated slowly crawling to his side of the bed about to go under the covers when Eren pounced on his straddling him with his hands on Levis chest staring down at the slightly shocked Levi looking up at him. " I am serious Levi , I really am ready and I want to do it." Eren said sternly." b-but obviously only if you want to I don't want to pressure you anything." Eren murmured looking to the side embarrassed until Levi grabs his face to look at him. " of course I want to do it Eren. god I've wanted to for a while but I never wanted to push you till you was ready , are you really sure about this?" Levi spoke looking at Eren intently waiting for his answer.

Eren completely forgot what he want meant to tell Levi earlier his mind was filled with lust he just wanted the older boy to ravish him until he can't walk." Yes. i'm sure Levi ... I want you." Eren said passionately staring deeply into Levis eyes not knowing those three words sent Levi over the edge...

Hiiii hope you're all okay:)

Smut⚠️ will be included in the next chapter if you find it uncomfortable you can skip.

see you in the next one.

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