Chapter 6

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Smut warning⚠️

Erens pov:

I grabbed Levi and started to kiss him passionately. He immediately kissed me back lowering his hands to my backside and giving it a squeeze causing me to moan against his lips.I slowly started grinding against him as the kiss got more heated desperately needing more friction. He moved a hand from my backside to under my shirt slowly sliding it up caressing the area near my nipples but never actually touching them teasing me.I started to get agitated by the teasing needing him to touch me so I kissed him harder pulling on his hair and grinding my hips harder earning a low growl from his mouth against my lips sending vibrations through my body. He got the hint as he lifted my shirt off my head as started pressing open mouth kisses down my neck sucking down over the hickeys he left last time while twirling my nipples in his hands. I tugged on his shirt signalling I want it off, he pulled it off revealing a sexy set of abs ,I trace them with my fingers while Levi goes back to sucking on my neck earning a whimper from me.

"ngh" a sound came out making me gasp and cover my mouth. Levi looked up making eye contact with me a blush spreading across my cheeks and smirked." Don't cover your mouth Eren I want to hear those pretty little moans of yours." he says seductively while lowering his head down in line with my nipple , never breaking eye contact and swipes his tongue across it gently. " ah Levi" I moaned arching my back I was really hard now and so was he. He moved away and pulled me into another kiss , he slipped his tongue in exploring my mouth as his hands traveled down to my pants , but I stopped his hands.

" I want to pleasure you , you didn't get to cum last time" I mumbled looking down feeling embarrassed.Levi lifted my chin up to look at him and chuckled" you're so cute like this"my face flushed from the compliment." we can pleasure each other then at the same time then." he said while unbuttoning my pants and took my member out making me shiver. I watched him undo his pants as his dick sprang out hitting his stomach, my eyes widened at how big it was, he then pulled me closer to him and grabbed my dick making me yelp in surprise as I then slowly grabbed his having to use both hands to cover the size. I moved my thumb to swipe over the tip and then slid my hands down it causing a low grunt to be heard from him. He started moving his hand up and down mine forcing a loud moan out of me" ahh shit." I started to increasing the pace of my movements as did he , I started feeling it twitch until he grabbed my hand off his and pulled both our dicks together and rubbing them both together with his hands. " ugh mm Levi" I panted resting my head from the amount of pleasure I was feeling right now. " shit Eren you feel so good"he grunted speeding up the past even more. " mmh Levi I- I'm close" I say as I can feel a pressure building up in my stomach." yeah me to, lets cum together" he grunted as we went into another long kiss. He continued the fast pace and then rubbed his thumb over our tips and I came sending white lines over our stomachs , Levi came straight watching me. " fuck that felt good." I whispered into his neck feeling drowsy from the intense amount of pleasure, my eyes slowly start to close and I fall asleep on his lap.

Not Erens pov anymore:

" Brat cmon we need to clean ourselves up," he whispered stroking Erens back. " Eren" he said a bit louder this time then looked at him hearing faint snores coming from the boy." Tch unbelievable leaving me to deal with this mess." he grunted picking Eren up and taking him to the bed and laying him down looking at the mess on his stomach and pants." ugh I can't leave him like that." Levi then pulled Erens pants down leaving him in his boxers and grabbed a wet cloth from the bath room and wiped him down. He grabbed one of his T-shirts and put it on Eren which was hard as he kept moving in his sleep. 10 mins later Levi came back after a shower in sweatpants and no shirt. He decided he was going to let the boy sleep there for the night seen as Eren was in a deep sleep and Levi was way too tired to carry him to his room. He climbed in on the other side of the bed facing the other way his back facing Eren and drifted off into a deep sleep.

The next morning Eren woke up , eyes slowly opening adjusting to the light in the room which he just realised was not his. " w-what where am i?"He went to sit up but then noticed the pair of strong arms wrapped around his torso , a shirt that wasn't his and a figured pressed up against his back, slowly lasts last nights events of him and Levi together came back to him but then it goes blank ' I must have passed out' he thought as a warm feeling filled his chest with the thought of Levi and him cuddling . He sat up trying to escape out of Levis grip on him with out waking him up but failed when the Captains eyes fluttered open and looked right into Erens. " uh M-morning Captain" Eren stuttered nervous as he felt Levi may be annoyed at him for some reason. Levi sat up and walked out of bed stretching a bit and looked at the time ignoring the fact he was spooning Eren and the sudden awkwardness in the air. " shit we need to get ready we need to be in the Hall in 25 minutes." Levi said starting to rummage for his clothes. " uh Levi I don't have any clothes here." Eren said nervously. " Just take some of mine and go quick it will look weird if anyone sees us leave here together. " yes sir." he sputtered out grabbing some clothes and getting changed but before he left he wanted to ask the captain something." uh Levi uhm are you going to tell anyone about this? because like no one knows I'm gay except Armin and Mikasa may kill me if she finds out I'm doing stuff with you and if this gets out people may bully me especially Jean, I don't even know what we are"he rambled on " Tch its fine brat I'm not going to tell anyone it isn't as if I have anything important to tell them about anyway so get out and go to shitty Mikasa your face is annoying me" he spat. Erens face sank at his harsh words. Levi didn't mean for it to come out that mean he just wanted to stop Erens worrying and he got angry when he heard Mikasas name for some reason he knew she was way too protective over him in more than a sister way, the thought just made him mad and he wasn't sure why so he just snapped but the look on the boys face made his chest sting but before he could apologise Eren had already muttered an angry " fine" and left slamming the door.

Eren stormed out of Levis room and headed towards the main hall not thinking about the fact that someone might have seen him leave Levis office that early in the morning , so he was too angry to notice Petra walking towards Levis office to confess to him before everyone eats, she heard the slam and looked up noticing Eren leave his room.' hmm why is that brat leaving my mans room so early' She knocked on Levis door a bit harshly than she should have. The door swing open " Tch brat now-" he was cut off as he saw Petra instead of the young boy. For some reason he wished Eren did come back and he had this strange feeling in his chest now whenever he thought of him. ' heyyy Levi" she said trying to be sexy." I thought I told you not to call me that Petra, now what do you want I need to get to the hall" he muttered not In the mood to talk to anyone right now. " I just wanted get something off my chest that I've felt for a while , I've liked you for a long time now Levi and I think we'd be good together don't you think and I have a feeling you feel the same way?" she purred close to his ear. He felt disgusted that she even got this close to him he did not like her like that at all. " uh no Petra I don't feel the same way , we don't have time for relationships at times like these anyway ." Petra scowled at him then returned to her ' sweet' smile seconds later. she walked closer to him " well what was little Eren doing leaving your room early this morning huh? what happened to not having time for relationships hm.' she pestered smirking evilly ,Levi looked shocked for a sec.' shit he was meant to go out carefully stupid brat' he looked up at her " Me and Eren aren't in a relationship don't be ridiculous , he was just coming here to finish some early paperwork" he lied. Petra didn't believe it though. " well Levi I know your lying but i'll let you off this once if I see you with that brat again for anything other than work then I might not be as nice , I know you do secretly like me Levi." she spoke smiling while he just glared at her not taking her threats seriously. ' whatever get out your presence is annoying as fuck." he said gritting his teeth. She left not saying anything and shutting the door as he fell back on his chair and sighed. "ugh how dare he talk to me like that , I will get him back for spending time with that titan idiot." she mumbled walking into the hall to sit down and glare at Eren.

Another chapter finished , I hope this story isn't too cringe😛

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