Chapter 6 ~ Sophie

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"I should be asking you that!" Sophie shouted, racing over to hug Grady. "You're safe"

"Yes, I am." Grady whispered.

"Where's mom?" Sophie asked.

"Right here!" Edaline said.

Sophie ran over to hug her mom, "I love you, what happened?"

"Love you too! Let Mr. Forkle explain," Edailine told her.

Sophie turned to Mr.Forkle. "So what happened? How are they here?"

"Lady Gisela came over to havenfield and she was holding two drugged people. She was trying to make us give Keefe to her. We recognized them and so we captured Lady Gisela and Elwin took care of your parents." Mr. Forkle explained.

"Oh" Sophie said. Sophie glanced at her friends and they all just shrugged. "What?"

Keefe just stared at the ground. He was probably mad at his mom. 

Keefe it's not your fault. Sophie transmitted. 

Thanks for caring, Foster. But sure. 

It's not your fault. 

No, it is my fault.

No, it is not. Keefe, guilt is not a good thing. Please, it isn't your fault. 

Okay, okay Foster. 

"Now let's talk about how you went to the forbidden cities, alone!" Grady said, glaring at Keefe.

"You should have let us know!" Edaline told her.

Sophie shrugged, "All of you didn't even care so I just went off on my own."

"Sorry about that." Sophie told her freinds. 

"It's okay" Biana told her sadly. 

"Well, you should have told us still." Grady growled. "You went off alone to save that boy from the forbidden cities."

"Wait, how do you know where he was." Sophie asked.

Grady looked guilty.

 "He saw me before I left." Keefe told her. 

"You could have told me." Sophie snapped.

"I know" Grady looked sorry. 

"Ok, ok Foster. We know you care about me but calm down. I'm not that important, am I?" Keefe joked. 

Sophie blushed. 

"Why don't you take a quick nap." Edaline suggested. 

Sophie sighed, "I am tired, guess I'll take a nap."

"Yes, that's a great idea. You should know that you are grounded for the next 2 weeks. No going anywhere." Grady told her.

"Come on Grady, lay her off." Edaline told him, dragging him inside and giving Sophie a sappy look.

Ugh, parents. Why were parents like that? Sophie walked into her room and found a note sitting on her desk. She picked it up and read it.

Hey there, moonlark. We need to chat and don't worry I am not coming with the Neverseen. Meet me under the panakes tree at 11:00 P.M alone. Don't be late. Again come alone. ~ Ruy

Sophie stared at the note. Why did Ruy want to meet with her? Would they kidnap her? Should she tell anyone? Should she go? Sophie tucked the note in her boot pocket and took a quick nap. Suddenly she woke up.

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