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~No Ones P.O.V.~

It was a normal day at the Kamado household with everyone doing their chores. Tanjiro was talking with Nezuko and their mother, the younger ones were messing around and playing. All was well.

Tanjiro walked outside and saw a figure making his way towards his home. Being the kind soul he is, he made his way to the figure to make sure they were okay.

Tanjiro approached the man who seemed to be confused as to where he was.

Tanjiro: Excuse me, sir, are you okay?

???: 'Sir'? Now you're making me feel old.*smiles* I'm doing fine, I just seem to be lost.

Tanjiro smiles, "Well, if you need, you can stay with us until you find your way."

The man smiles back at Tanjiro, "You are too kind for your own good, you know that?"

Tanjiro blushes slightly in embarrassment at the man's complement.

Tanjiro: Heh....well, may I get your name? My name is Tanjiro Kamado.

???: My name's Edward Thorn. Nice to meet ya.

The now known Edward extends his hand to Tanjiro and they shake.

Tanjiro: Here, follow me, I would like to introduce you to my family.

Edward: There's more of you?

Tanjiro chuckles, "Yes, there's quite a few of us."

Edward: Hopefully they're as nice as you.

Tanjiro: Oh, don't worry, you will love them.

Edward makes his way down to Tanjiro's home with Tanjiro accompanying him.

Tanjiro leads Edward into his home and leads him to Nezuko.

Tanjiro: Nezuko! Nezuko, this is Edward. He'll be staying with us for a few days.

Nezuko smiles at Edward and greets him.

Nezuko: It's nice meeting you, Edward.

Edward: It's nice meeting you too, Nezuko.

Edward leaves the room with Tanjiro, "I would keep an eye on her if I were you. She's gonna have a lot of boys chasing after her soon."

Tanjiro laughs, "The last boyfriend she had, she knocked out because he was being perverted."

Edward shutters, "Okay then."

Tanjiro continues to show Edward around and introduces him to his other siblings and mother.


Tanjiro: And this will be your room for the time being.

Edward looks around the room, "I can't thank you enough for letting me stay for a few nights."

Tanjiro waves his hand in dismissal, "Oh please, it's the least I could do. I'll always help someone in need."

Edward: Ya know, you could be a real hero someday.

Tanjiro scratches the back of his head, "Thanks, but I should let you get some rest. You must be tired?"

Edward: Yeah, that's one big mountain. Anyways, goodnight Tanjiro.

Tanjiro: Goodnight, Edward.

Tanjiro closes the sliding door to Edward's room.

Edward sets his stuff down and readies for bed.

Edward: And thus, a new adventure begins.

Edward rolls over and goes to sleep.


As Edward said, a new adventure begins. Edward will be joining Tanjiro on his journey in the world of Demon Slayer. Stay tuned for "Chapter 1: A Demons Struggle"

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