Chapter 3: Selection and First Mission

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It's the morning of Final Selection and Tanjiro is getting ready. Edward meets up with the boy.

Edward: You ready?

Tanjiro: As ready as I'll ever be.

Edward chuckles, "Don't worry, after Selection, I'll tell you a few stories about my time before I met you."

Tanjiro: They must be some amazing stories, but I think it would be better if you told them once Nezuko wakes up.

Edward: You are way too humble.

Edward and Tanjiro make their way out side to Sakonji who is waiting to say his goodbyes for the time being.

Sakonji: From here on out, its up to you Tanjiro. No need to worry about your sister, I'll keep her safe while your away.

Tanjiro: Thanks..... for everything.

Edward: Alright, we best be off if we want to make it before tomorrow.

Sakonji: Heh, as impatient as ever. Safe travels you two.

Tanjiro and Edward walk off and wave.

Tanjiro turns around and yells to Sakonji, "Say thanks to Sabito and Makomo for me!"

Sakonji and Edward both perk up at this.

Sakonji/Edward: But how!? How did Tanjiro come in contact with the dead?

Edward continues to ponder as he walks with Tanjiro.


Edward: So Tanjiro, since we still have time, do you have any questions you want to ask to clear anything up?

Tanjiro thinks for a second, "Just one at the moment. How did you meet Mr. Urokodaki?"

Edward: Hmmm. I'd say I met him during one of my travels when he was still a member of the Demon Slayer Corp.

Tanjiro: Really? What was he like?

Edward: He was brash but known to be cool headed when the time was needed. Very skilled with a sword too.

Tanjiro: Wow, he sounded amazing.

Edward decides to show off a bit, "Well, he wasn't better than yours truly."

Tanjiro sweatdrops, "Confident much."

While listening to Edward, Tanjiro notices something.

Tanjiro: Wisteria?

Edward looks around too, "Seems we've arrived."

Tanjiro: Huh?

Up ahead of the two is a open area with a bunch of people gathered, seemingly waiting for Final Selection to start.

Creepy Children: Good evening. Tonight, you've come to enter the Demon Slayer Corps. Final Selection. Here on the mountain, there are several demons who were captured alive by Demon Slayer swordsman.

Edward: *whispers* You can sike yourself up, I'm going to look around.

Edward walks off.

During his look around, Edward notices a familiar face.

Edward: Genya?

The now known Genya turns towards the voice to see Edward.

Genya: Huh!? Edward? Where the hell have you been, its been years.

Genya is seemingly cheered up by Edwards presence.

Edward scratches his head, "Well you know me, I've always been one to travel without notice."

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