Chapter 7: Spiders... Why Spiders...

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Edward: That's one big mountain.

Inosuke: Well, mountains are big, dumbass.

The group has finally arrived at Mount Natagumo, all seem to be unbothered.... except one.

Zenitsu: Wait, we have to stop here.

Tanjiro, Edward and Inosuke turn to Zenitsu.

Tanjiro: What's wrong, Zenitsu?

Zenitsu starts freaking out, "I'm nervous okay! The mountain is giving me really spooky vibes!"

Edward: Really dude.

Zenitsu: You can't tell me that your not getting creeped out by the mountain.

Inosuke: I'm never scared! I'll take any demon head-on.

Edward: Yeah, can't say I'm creeped out either.

Tanjiro: Come on Zenitsu, we have a mission.

The group continues trying to get Zenitsu to head to mountain when Tanjiro smells something.

He quickly turns around.

Zenitsu: Tanjiro? Is something wrong?

Edward: What do you smell?

Tanjiro: I don't know....

He runs more down the trail to investigate, the rest follow after him.

At the ridge of the forest is a Demon Slayer Corp. member on the ground seemingly injured.

Corp. Member: Help me... please... help...

Tanjiro rushes over, quickly followed by Inosuke, Edward and Zenitsu.

Tanjiro: Are you okay? What happened?

Edward: Wait, Tanjiro, stop!

Edward quickly stops Tanjiro. As he does, the Corp. Member is pulled back into the forest by something they didn't see, except Edward.

Edward: Strings. Be careful, we don't know what we're dealing with.

Inosuke doesn't waste any time, "I'll head in first. I want to kill some demons!"

Zenitsu: Why is he such a show off.

Tanjiro: Inosuke?

Edward: Those serrated blades of yours might be helpful here Inosuke, keep an eye out.

Inosuke: Don't tell me what to do!

Edward turns to Tanjiro, "Is Nezuko gonna be okay?"

Tanjiro: Yup, safe and sound.

Edward turns back to the forest, "Alright, stay close and we'll be fine."

Inosuke takes off into the forest with Edward and Tanjiro behind him. Zenitsu is too scared to move at the moment so he stays behind.


Edward: Damn these spider webs.

Inosuke: There everywhere! Ahhh!

Inosuke frantically swings his arms to hopefully clear out some of the endless spider webs around.

Tanjiro: Does anyone see anything?

Edward: No but I do hear something.

Tanjiro: What do you hear?

Edward listens closer, "A... rattling sound?"

Without a second thought, Edward is yanked into the sky like nothing.

Edward: I didn't agree to foreplay!!!

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