Chapter 10: The Demon Train

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Inosuke: What is that beast!?

The 5 slayers have just arrived at the train station, ready to board the Mugen Train.

Inosuke and Tanjiro though don't have much a idea about what a train is.

Zenitsu: It's a train.

Edward turns to Zenitsu, "They don't know what a train is. They grew up in the mountains, never seen a train in their lives."

Zenitsu looks on at Tanjiro and Inosuke with a dumbfounded look while nodding his head with understanding.

Edward calls over the others to inform everyone.

Edward: Alright, listen. I have had this happen many times, so I'm making sure you don't do it. Did you get your ticket?

Tanjiro: Yes, I even got Inosuke to stop trying to eat his.

Inosuke: I thought it was a banana!

Edward sweatdrops at Inosuke, "Alright well, we should probably get on the train now- "

He is interrupted by 2 station officers running at the group. Probably because of the very noticeable katanas on their hips.

Zenitsu wastes no time and grabs Tanjiro and Inosuke before running down the platform. Edward follows quickly behind.


It is now dark, the group has finally lost the officers chasing them.

Edward: Okay, forgot about the "No Katanas" thing.

Zenitsu: Ya think?

Tanjiro: I guess we're gonna have to hide our katanas for now.

Inosuke interrupts the conversation by showing off his poorly hidden katanas that will probably still stay unnoticed.

Edward: Sure, yeah. That works.

After the other 3 hide their katanas, the train starts leaving the station.

Everyone quickly hops onto the train except Zenitsu who gets helped up by Tanjiro and Inosuke.

Edward: Before we head in, Rengoku can be quite.... eccentric.

The make their way inside the first train car. Inosuke goes up to every window trying to look outside. Zenitsu grabs Inosuke and drags him to the next car.

Upon entering the car, all you can hear is a repeated phrase. As the group gets closer, they seen the firey haired Flame Hashira, Kyojuro Rengoku enjoying LOTS of food.

Rengoku: Tasty! Tasty! Tasty!

Edward is the first to make his way to Rengoku.

Edward: Kyojuro! How are yo-

Rengoku turns to Edward, "Tasty!"


Rengoku: So these are the students you keep rambling on about.

Edward: First: Not my students. Second: Yes.

The Hashira are sat next to eachother, Tanjiro and Nezuko in front with Zenitsu and Inosuke across.

Tanjiro: Mr. Rengoku, can I ask you something.

Rengoku: Of course.

Tanjiro: Do you know of the Hinokami Kagura Dance?

Rengoku: Not at all.

Tanjiro is visibly shocked at this. Edward is curious.

Tanjiro: But-... I thought-...

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