Chapter 9: Rehabilitation

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Edward makes his way to back to headquarters as he was summoned. Upon his arrival, he only sees Rengoku.

Edward: Hello again, Rengoku.

Rengoku: Hello again to you too, Edward. I do hope we didn't cause to much trouble the other day?

Edward waves it off, "No worries, you did nothing wrong. Um, may I ask if I'm supposed to be meeting here with only you?"

Rengoku nods, "Yes, I was left to inform you that you and I will be having a mission together."

Edward: 12 Kizuki or no?

Rengoku: Possibly, but no matter for it is our job to act.

Edward: Alright then. But if you get hurt, I'm going to give you the hardest gut punch of your live.

Rengoku laughs nervously, "Ha, no doubt about it."

Edward ponders for a moment, "Well, when exactly is this mission?"

Rengoku: It will be in the coming month. We would go now but I have another mission of most importance. Plus, Master thought it would be best for you to be in recovery from your last mission.

Edward gets confused by this, "But why? I wasn't injured in anyway."

Rengoku shrugs, "That is a mystery to me aswell."

Edward: Hmm, well anyway, do you happen to know where Shinobu is?

Rengoku: I believe she should be at her estate.

Edward nods and gets ready to leave, "Alright well, I'll be off. Good luck with your mission."

Rengoku nods and leaves with Edward doing the same. Edward makes his way to the Butterfly Estate. Upon arrival, he announces his presence again.

Edward: Somebody call a Hashira?

When no one answered, Edward became curious.

Edward: Hello? Is anyone here?

No one answered again, so Edward decided to investigate. He started wandering through the place.

As he was searching, he heard a scream and immediately knew it was Zenitsu. Thinking a demon was here, Edward rushed to where the screaming was from and had his hand on his sword.

Edward: What's going on!? Is everyone....o..k?

He sees Zenitsu cowering away from Aoi, who is trying to give him medicine. What confused Edward the most was that Zenitsu had baby limbs.

Aoi turns to Edward and greets him.

Aoi: Hello Edward, sorry I wasn't able to greet you but this one is having trouble taking his medicine.

She points to Zenitsu who is shaking in fear.

Edward sweat drops, "Heh, yeah, I've learned he can be like that."

Aoi finally gets Zenitsu to take his medicine. She goes over to Tanjiro and gives him his medicine.

Aoi: Here Tanjiro, this medicine is for you.

Tanjiro: Thank you very much.

He takes his medicine without complaint.

Zenitsu: Hey! His medicine went down much easier than mine! I call favouritism! Favouritism!

Tanjiro: Zenitsu, quiet down, this is a hospital ward.

Edward takes notice of another person entering the room.

???: You all seem lively.

Tanjiro turns to the voice, "Murata!"

Edward: Who?

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