Chapter 5: Hello New People

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Edward: So this is the place, huh.

Edward is currently outside of the building where the demon is supposedly hiding.

Edward: Welp, time to survey the surroundings.

He starts walking around the front but stops when he's standing right in front of a dead body.

Edward leans down to check the body, "Hmm, seems as tho they suffered a severe amount of blunt force as the killing blow. Must of fallen from that balcony."

Edward looks from the top story balcony to the front entry way.

Edward: Well, whatever. Time to slay.

He enters through the front with no concern whatsoever.

Edward enters a room on his right and suddenly hears a drum. When he turns back around, he finds himself in a completely different room altogether.

Edward: This will be confusing.

As he makes his way from room to room, every now and then he would hear voices and then appear somewhere else.

Edward: I despise this with every fiber of my being...... and I have a lot of being.

Taking a turn, Edward finds himself in a hall with a shirtless person wearing a boar mask.

Edward: That isn't very efficient.

The boar masked person turns towards Edward, "And who the hell are you supposed to be?"

Edward sticks his hand out, "I'm Edward, pleased to meet you."

Boar mask doesn't take Edward's hand, "I'm Inosuke Hashibira, don't you forget that White."

Edward: White?

Inosuke points out, "Yeah! You wear a ridiculous amount of white!"

Edward: First, no need to yell. Second, White is a cool color.

Inosuke: No it isn't!

Edward: Yes it is!

Inosuke: No it isn't!

Edward waves his hands In front of himself, "Whatever, now isn't the time to argue. Have you seen any demons here?"

Inosuke points behind him, "Yeah, I killed one unlike you."

Edward: I just got here, you can't blame me.

The two are interrupted by the sound of thunder. Edward turns to Inosuke...

Edward: Go outside and scout the area for any escaping demons trying to escape in the shade of the treeline.

Inosuke: Don't tell me what to do!

Although he argued, Inosuke still did what he was told.

Edward: He is a very strange one. Now, time to investigate.

Edward makes his way to where he heard the sound. To his surprise, he finds a very yellow person clinging to a young boy while thanking him for saving him.

Edward gains the attention of the two, "Hey!"

They turn toward Edward, "Go and find your way outside. Whatever is making the rooms change seems to have calmed down so you should be able to find your way out without any trouble."

The two nod and go to leave but before they do, the youngest turns to Edward.

???: Can you find my siblings? There still somewhere inside!

Edward nods, "I'll do what I can."

Edward leaves and continues to search the building. After a bit of searching, Edward finds a very tired Tanjiro.

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