Chapter 6: I Smell Wisteria

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Zenitsu: How much further.....

Zenitsu has been complaining almost non-stop during the treck down the mountain.

Edward: Not too much further, I'd say maybe another 15 minutes.

Tanjiro: So what exactly is this place we're heading?

Edward: It's a Demon Slayer Corp. compound. It's a family that's lends aid too Demon Slayers who need it.

Inosuke, who has woken up by know, starts complaining, "I don't need anyone's help! I'm perfectly fine!"

Edward looks at Inosuke tiredly, "Inosuke, we need to make sure I didn't fracture anything in your neck or collar."

Inosuke: But I don't wear a shirt, I don't have a collar!

Zenitsu huffs in annoyance, "Your collar bone, idiot. Jeez, were you raised by boars?"

Inosuke: Yeah, so what!? Wanna fight?!

Inosuke goes to punch Zenitsu but gets stopped by Tanjiro.

Tanjiro: Hey! No fighting among Demon Slayers.

Inosuke huffs and Zenitsu sighs in relief.

Edward: Hey, we're all friends here. So, no need to fight. And besides, I know some of you have questions that need to be answered.

Zenitsu: Yeah, actually. How did you do that chop thing.

Edward points his finger up, "Training. I'll answer more questions soon, we have arrived."

The group arrive at a compound with a Wisteria Family crest on the door. The door opens to reveal a small old lady.

The old lady proceeds to show everyone to a place where they can change, eat, and sleep.

Inosuke is the first to pick a sleeping spot, "I'll take this one. First come, first served."

Tanjiro: That's fine, you can sleep anywhere you want. What about you Zenitsu.

Inosuke throws a pillow at Zenitsu in frustration but misses and hits Edward instead.

Edward: Ow, my nose!

Tanjiro looks at Edward, "Oh, I just remembered, can I ask you something?"

Edward holds his nose, "Sure, I'll answer more after the check up."

Tanjiro: When you showed up, you smelled of somewhat old blood. Did something happen?

Edward thinks back, "Oh yeah, Shinobu wanted to test if snake venom mixed with blood could be modified to be more potent. So I had Obanai let his snake bite me and then my blood with the venom was extracted."

Tanjiro: That's sounds dangerous. Are you okay?

Edward waves it off, "I'm fine. Walking into the wall at the Butterfly Estate hurt worse. I think I broke my nose."

Zenitsu looked dumbfounded, "So your saying that walking into a wall hurt more than getting bitten by a poisonous snake and then getting your blood extracted? WHAT!?"

Edward nods his head unbothered, "Yup."

Zenitsu shakes his head, "Oh boy..."

The room door slides open and in walks the old lady and a doctor.

Old lady: The doctor is ready.

Having had there check ups and being told that it was bad (-Edward), the four decided to get some rest.

Edward: You three are very reckless. Your lucky I showed up to save the day.

Inosuke: All the damn demons were already dead by the time your ass showed up.

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