Chapter 2: Tanjiro's Training

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Tanjiro: How can we keep Nezuko away from the sun?

Tanjiro and Edward are currently trying to find some way to conceal Nezuko from sunlight so she won't burn to a crisp.

Edward: I dunno, maybe if we find some box or a-

Out of the corner of his eye, Edward spots a basket sitting out of use on the ground by a small house.

Edward: -basket..... how did I do that?

Tanjiro: Wait here, I'll go see if they'll let us have it.

Tanjiro walks up to a few farmers and sees if he can take the basket off their hands. While that's happening, Edward takes in the scenery.

Edward: *Sigh* How could anyone want to destroy this world. Such a shame.

Tanjiro comes up behind Edward, "I got the basket!"

Edward jumps in surprise, "AH!.... Don't do that!

Tanjiro chuckles, "Heh, I'm sorry. Didn't mean to scare you."

Edward: Yeah, yeah, whatever. Come on, Nezuko's waiting on us.


Tanjiro: Nezuko! We're back!

Tanjiro sets down the now fixed basket and looks to where Nezuko is supposed to be hiding. Though, Tanjiro didn't see her.

Tanjiro: She's gone....

Nezuko: .... hmmm....

Nezuko pops her head up, revealing she had dug a hole to hide even more from the sunlight.

Edward: Nope, she's right there.

Tanjiro: I noticed.....

Edward kneels down and looks towards Nezuko, "We're gonna come in, alright?"

Nezuko:.... hmm....

Tanjiro and Edward crawl towards Nezuko and set the basket down in front of her.

Tanjiro: Nezuko, can you fit in here?

Nezuko crawls out of the hole and goes head first into the basket.... she doesn't fit.

Tanjiro: Hmmm, maybe she can get smaller instead of bigger.

Tanjiro: Try getting smaller Nezuko. Smaller, Nezuko, smaller.

Edward: How can she get sma-

Nezuko flips the basket up and shrinks to the perfect size to fit into the basket.

Tanjiro: There you go, good job, Nezuko.

Tanjiro pats Nezuko's head and looks towards Edward, "Alright, I think we're ready to.... go.

Edward is looking at Nezuko like she is a lost kitten that needs protection.

Edward: You are so adorable! I must protect you with my life.

Tanjiro: Uh, Edward? Are you okay?

Edward: Huh....oh...OH, yeah, yeah, I'm fine. Let's go!


???: Mount Sagiri? Well, you'd have to cross those mountains there but it is getting late, are you sure you want to head there with all that luggage?

Edward: We're fine, thank you for your worry, but we will be alright.

Edward and Tanjiro continue on their way.

???: People have been going missing lately! Try not to lose your way!

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