Chapter 1: A Demon's Struggle

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It was a beautiful and snowy winter morning. Edward was still sleeping in his room of the Kamado household.

Outside, Tanjiro was getting ready to go sell charcoal in the nearby mountain village.

Edward: Ugh.... I hate mornings..... and Mondays but mainly mornings.

Edward gets up from the floor with a tired groan. He exits his room and walks around, somehow making it to Nezuko's room.

Edward: Ugh.... Morning Nezuko, how'd you sleep?

Nezuko looks up at Edward, "Oh! Good morning Edward, I slept fine, how about you?"

Edward: I slept like a rock that was just thrown across the continent.... what's that you got there.

Edward points at Nezuko's ripped kimono that she was sowing.

Nezuko: I ripped my favorite kimono earlier while helping Rokuta sleep. He hasn't been able to sleep well since our father died.

Edward's expression softens, "I'm sorry to hear about your loss."

Nezuko waves off Edward's statement, "It's okay, he had been sick for a while, and it was only a matter of time."

Edward: Still, losing a parent is tough. A friend of mine lost someone close to them, and they weren't themselves for a while. But everything gets better with time."

Nezuko: Thank you for that, Edward. I appreciate it.

Edward: Please, call me Ed. And it's the least I could do. You need any help?

Nezuko: If it wouldn't be too much of a bother.

Edward: Say no more.

~Timeskip To Late At Night~

Tanjiro was out late, and Kie was getting worried, which didn't go unnoticed by Edward.

Edward: Ya know, Mrs. Kamado, if you want, I could go down the mountain a little ways to see if I can find Tanjiro.

Kie: Oh, I'm sorry, dear. You don't have to.

Edward: No, no, I insist. I'll find him and bring him back as soon as possible.

Kie: Thank you, dear.

Edward makes his way to his room, grabs his sword, and makes his way down the mountain.

Edward: I can't help but feel like I'm forgetting something...... eh, must be nothing.


Edward: Tanjiro must be nearby, or I'm getting rusty with my senses.

Edward has made his way down most of the mountain and has a feeling he's close to Tanjiro.

A little in the distance, Edward sees a home that has its lights on. He decides to check and see if they've seen Tanjiro.

Edward:*Knock knock* Hello! Anyone home?

???: Quick! Get inside!

The unknown man grabs Edward and takes him inside before quickly closing and locking the door.

???: Go into the next room, Tanjiro's in there.

Edward: O...Kay? How in the world did he know?

Edward makes his way to the next room and finds Tanjiro sitting there.

Edward: There you are.

Tanjiro: Edward? What are you doing here?

Edward: I came to find you. Your mother is worried sick.

Tanjiro tries to say sorry, but Edward keeps waving it off, saying, "Next time, let someone know you won't make it home that night, capiche?"

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