Chapter 16

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Only a short time later Aria heard the noise of a helicopter. She got up suddenly and looked anxiously at the sky. A couple of helicopters lit up on the horizon. WICKED found the right arm.

"Shit!" she shouted rushed.

"WICKED has found us! Everyone to take up arms and get ready to shoot!" Aria yelled through the camp. The first bombs fell. Tents caught fire. She ran away with Aris by the hand, Vince, Harriet, Adam and Jonas behind them. Aria ran in front. There were screams and the soldiers were lowered from the helicopter. They shot them with their electric batons. Jonas was hit and fell trembling to the ground.

"NO!" she yelled. Mary ran to him and was about to help him up when another soldier threatened her with his rifle. She raised her arms defensively.

"Mary," Aria yelled and wanted to run to her, but Vince pulled Aria behind him. "Go, go, go!" He urged the group. He got on a car and shot the soldiers. Harriet got ammo and Aria picked up her pistol and helped Vince shoot the soldiers.

"How can we help?" Aria heard Minho scream as he ran over to them with his two friends, Newt and Frypan.

"We need cover!" Harriet yelled at them.

Aria was quick to respond and tossed a rifle or a pistol to them. Then she continued to focus on shooting the soldiers. There were too many. They would never win. She hid behind the car and shot. Every shot the girl took didn't miss its mark. She shot every soldier who came too close to her friends and family. There were screams. More and more soldiers came and shot at them. "Harriet! Go and hide with the others!" she shouted.

"Never!" Harriet yelled back and fired. Aria sighed and shot another soldier who was about to shoot Frypan. Frypan gave her a brief look of thanks and then turned back to his rifle. The girl was afraid of losing her family. To lose the people who were close to her heart. She was afraid of losing Aris again.

She concentrated and shot when one of the soldiers threw an electric bomb on the car. That was the end. The bomb went off and lightning bolts dropped her to the ground. She hit her head hard on the floor. Blood flowed from her wound. She hit her head on one of the barrels that gave the group shelter. Harriet lay beside her, twitching. The flashes of light hurt. Aria winced, whimpering, when a soldier roughly lifted her up and pushed her forward. They dragged them to the others. The soldier who pulled her threw her on the ground. Whimpering, the girl came up with her head on the floor and hissed as she fell directly on her wound.

"Are you okay, darling?" Asked Mary, kneeling next to her. The girl nodded and knelt up. Vince knelt next to her. Aria bowed her head. She didn't want to lose anyone anymore.

"How many did we get?" Janson asked, looking at one of his men.

"All of them," he replied, "more or less."

"Why more or less?" she heard Janson ask and the girl could only shake her head at his stupid behavior. Couldn't he think for himself?

"They lost a few.", The man replied again. She snorted. A soldier immediately struck her in the back with his foot and she fell to the ground, panting. "Aria!" She heard Mary's worried gasp. Aria wanted to turn around and defend herself, but the soldier put his foot on her back and so she couldn't move. Aria desperately tried to get him off her, but failed. Miserably.

The girl lay with her cheek on the floor and could see the worried looks from Harriet and Sonya. Aria struggled and tried to get the man off her. Who just pressed his foot harder on her back. Her breath became harder and harder. She heard a jackknife open and the soldier leaned over her. "A shame to disfigure yourself, but if you don't want to hear you have to feel.", He said contemptuously and came closer and closer with the knife.

Her eyes widened and she tried to fight back, but by then he had already put the knife on her ear. The girl gasped and her eyes widened. Slowly, so that she could feel the pain, he ground the knife down her cheekbones. She breathed in painfully. Blood oozed from the wound. But not a tear left her eye and not a scream left her throat. She wouldn't let herself get down.

"Was she naughty?" she heard Janson ask. The soldier didn't answer and took his foot off her back. Aria inhaled noisily. But then she was pulled up by her braid and looked directly into Janson's face. "What did we learn from that, little one?" He asked provocatively.

"WICKED to be abhorred!" she hissed, spitting in his face. Some people gasped for air behind her. But she looked Janson in the eye. He continued to pull her up by her braid and leaned down to Aria.

"You will regret that, little one!" He whispered in her ear. She just snorted contemptuously. He let go of her braid and wanted to push her onto the floor. But she had already expected it and thus balanced her body weight so that she didn't fall to the ground. He looked at her in surprise, but then painfully. She had her fist rammed into his stomach. Janson gasped in pain.

"Don't call me little, bastard," she hissed, pushing him to the floor. Aria was grabbed from behind by a soldier and dragged into a row. So that she knelt next to Harriet.

"You scared me a lot, Aria." Aria heard her whisper. she laughed out loud.

"I'm fine," Aria whispered. She felt the blood drip down her cheek.

"Where's Thomas?" she heard Janson ask when he had recovered from her fist. He looked at Aria grimly, which she only replied.

"I'm here," came a voice behind her. She shook her head in disbelief. Why wasn't he hiding?

"Idiot," she whispered softly.

"You're right about that," Harriet smiled reassuringly at her friend. Thomas was dragged through the line by a soldier.

"Thomas," said Janson and put a hand on his shoulder, but the next moment he hit him hard in the stomach, so that Thomas gasped.

"That wasn't even a real blow," Aria whispered to Harriet. Harriet just grinned at her slightly.

"Bring him to the others," ordered Janson and Thomas was put off next to Minho.

"Why didn't you run away?" Aria heard Minho ask.

"I'm tired of running.", Replied Thomas. Aria rolled her eyes.

Her whole life has been running.


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