Chapter 12

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"Minho! Stop and give me my doll again." the little girl yelled at him.

"Get it for yourself.", He grinned thoughtfully.

"You're mean." she pouted, but then ran after him laughing.

Minho was her best friend. Even if he didn't like her dolls, he always said he thought they were creepy, they were best friends. They went through thick and thin together. Her mommy always said she should play with girls of her age, not with boys. But Minho was much better than the girls at her age. They were only interested in their dolls. With Minho it was much more fun to play with with him.

"I'll have you in a moment," the girl giggled as he walked just a few meters away from her. He was fast, but she was faster.

"Only you think so.", Minho giggled and looked back at her, while he overlooked a stone that was lying on the floor and he tripped over it. The girl widened my eyes in shock when he fell. Worried she ran to him, he was sitting on the floor and holding his leg in pain.

"Are you okay?" she asked worried.

"My leg hurts," he moaned.

"My mommy always says blowing helps," she smiled. He held out his injured leg and looked at his best friend waiting. She took a deep breath and blew on his wound. Her head was getting redder and redder and dizzy. Minho giggled. "Better. Come on, let's go home.", He laughed and stood up. He took his hand in hers and ran home with her laughing.


"Minho? Where are you?" the little girl called when she came to see him as usual. But this time he didn't come storming down the stairs. The door of the house had been broken open and she suspected something bad.

Was Minho okay?

She carefully stepped over the broken front door that was on the floor. The whole house was devastated. Vases had been knocked over and the pictures lay broken on the floor. "Minho?" the girl asked quietly into the house.

She stepped slowly into the kitchen. Her heart contracted painfully. Minho's father was lying there on the floor. Covered in blood. His rib cage stopped rising and falling. A large gunshot wound protruded from his chest. The girl covered her eyes in shock. She didn't want to see that. Tears flowed down when she heard a soft sob. It came from the living room. The little girl looked up from the dead body and slowly walked into the living room. There she was. Minho's mother. A knife stuck it in her stomach and she breathed in gusts. Her face grimaced in pain. The girl ran towards her.

"Lucy? Can you hear me?" she asked worried. More and more blood streamed from her wound and soaked her shirt. The girl did not know, what she should do.

"Aria.", She stuttered and looked into her eyes full of pain. The girls vision blurred. Tears ran down her cheeks.

"What happened?" she asked fearfully, but also curiously.

"They took him with them. They took my little angel with them.", the woman sobbed.

"Aria. Promise me you'll tell him Mommy loves him. I love him so much, my little darling," she said, reminiscing. She sobbed and cried out in pain.

"YOU TAKEN MY SON FROM ME!" She collapsed sobbing.

The girl sat next to her in shock and watched the life drain from her. Exhausted, she closed her eyes and fell asleep.



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