Chapter 29: End of Term

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 Jason and Hermione hadn't been sitting outside of the hospital wing for long before they heard footsteps echoing down the corridor. Jason and Hermione both stood up from where they sat when a figure rounded the corner. It was Professor Dumbledore, and cradled in his arms he held an unconscious Harry.

"Is he alright?" Hermione yelled out as soon as she laid eyes on Harry.

"He'll be just fine, Mrs. Granger," Dumbledore said in a calm voice. "After a few days of bed rest, he should be fine."

"Professor -" Jason opened his mouth to speak.

"Rest assured, Mr. Fortescue, I will explain everything in time," Dumbledore interrupted, "but first we must make sure that Mr. Potter is taken care of. Would one of you mind getting the door for me?"

Jason opened the door and then he and Hermione both stepped out of the way as Dumbledore carried Harry into the hospital wing, leaving Jason to close the door behind him.

After about half an hour had passed, Dumbledore exited the hospital wing and asked Jason and Hermione to follow him. Professor Dumbledore led them through the corridors of the school and to the main staircases. When they finally came to a stop they were standing on the seventh floor in front of a doorway blocked by a gargoyle statue. Dumbeldore said a few words to the statue, and the gargoyle moved out of the way, revealing a spiral staircase. At the top of the staircase, Dumbledore opened the door and ushered Jason and Hermione into his office.

Dumbledore's office was fascinating. It was a large and beautiful circular room, full of funny little noises. A collection of curious silver instruments sat atop spindle-legged tables, whirring and emitting little puffs of smoke. The walls were covered with portraits of old headmasters and headmistresses, all of which sat sleeping in their frames. There was a large claw-footed desk towards the back of the room.

"Please take a seat," Dumbledore told them, gesturing towards the front of the desk and causing two chairs to appear in front of it. Jason and Hermione moved slowly across the room and each took a seat. Jason could hear Dumbeldore moving around behind them before he moved to take his seat behind the desk, placing three cups of tea on the desk.

"Help yourselves," he smiled at them. "It's my favorite tea blend, I originally got it as a gift from the Minister of Magic, and ever since then I've always kept some on hand."

"Thank you," they both said, picking up a cup. Hermione took a sip, but Jason didn't drink yet.

"Umm ... Professor, what happened? On the third floor I mean," Jason asked. "Also, how did you get here so fast? I hadn't sent an owl to you more than twenty minutes before you showed up. Also, is the Stone safe? And who was trying to steal it?"

"All great questions," Dumbledore said patiently, "I will answer each in turn. First, I didn't receive your owl. I had barely arrived in London when I realized it wasn't where I should be tonight. I arrived just in time to help Harry. As for the Stone, it was unfortunately destroyed."

"But Professor," Hermione spoke up, "doesn't that mean that Nicolas Flamel and his wife will die, won't they?"

Dumbeldore smiled gently at Hermione and Jason.

"To ones as young as yourselves, I'm sure it seems incredible, but to Nicolas and Perenelle, it really is like going to bed after a very, very long day. After all, to the well-organized mind, death is but the next great adventure."

The three of them sat in silence for some time, with Jason and Hermione taking in what Dumbledore had just said as they sipped their tea.

"Wait a minute," Jason said, "you didn't say who it was that was trying to steal the Stone. We know they were trying to steal it for Vol - well, for Voldemort, but who was it? I know it wasn't Professor Snape, so who?"

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