Chapter 7: A Spot of Tea

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Professor McGonagall's office was a small room located just off the first-floor corridor. Before Jason could even knock at the door, Professor McGonagall called him in. She was sitting on a high backed chair in front of a large wooden desk. To the side stood two large reading chairs located on either side of a welcoming fire.

"Please take a seat, Mr. Fortescue," Professor McGonagall said with a smile, indicating one fo the reading chairs.

"Have I done something wrong?" Jason asked, hesitantly taking a seat.

"Oh no, not at all," she responded with a slight smile. "I just wanted to talk with you. How are your classes going? Are you adjusting well to the workload?"

"Classes are good, and I've been keeping up just fine."

"Do you have much spare time?" she asked.

"For what?" Jason asked curiously.

A broad grin came over Professor McGonagall's face. "Do you know much about the school's policy on first years playing quidditch? First-years aren't allowed to bring their brooms to school, but they are not forbidden to try out for their house's team. That being said, no first year has made a house team in over a century. I think you could change that."

"You're asking me to try out for the Gryffindor Quidditch team?"

"Yes, the staff, as well as many students, know about your history with Quidditch. You are on a top junior league team and have experience playing all positions. This year, there is an open chaser spot as well as the seeker position. I would invite you to try out for whichever position you prefer."

Jason thought it over. His studies didn't seem like they would take up too much of his time, but adding quidditch into that would make him busy pretty much all the time. That being said, he did want to play quidditch at Hogwarts and had always planned on trying out but being invited to do so made him hesitate for some reason.

Seeing the hesitance in Jason, Professor McGonagall added, "Gryffindor hasn't won the Quidditch Cup in many years. Our current team captain is attempting to put together the best team he can to win it this year, and he and I both agree that you would be a vital part of that team."

"Ok," Hearing Professor McGonagall's final plea helped Jason make up his mind. "I usually play as a chaser, so I'll try out for the open chaser spot.

Before taking his leave, Jason and Professor McGonagall talked logistics of Quidditch tryouts for some time. McGonagall explained that due to him being a first-year and the rule against first years bringing brooms to school he would have to try out using a school-provided broom. The school's brooms were not what Jason was used to, but he was confident that it wouldn't affect his performance. She also told him that if he made the Gryffindor team, he would be given special permission to bring his own broom to be used for practices and matches. By the time that Jason's meeting with Professor McGonagall was over, it was time for him to meet with Harry and Ron to walk to Hagrid's.

"How was your meeting?" Ron asked when Jason found him and Harry in the entrance hall. "Did you get in trouble?"

"Nope, not at all," Jason responded. "Instead, I was invited to try out for the Gryffindor Quidditch team."

"What?" Harry and Ron both asked in shock.

"I'll explain on the way, we don't want to be late."

The three boys made their way out of the castle and across the grounds. As they walked, Jason filled Harry and Ron in on the details of his meeting with Professor McGonagall, finishing his story as they arrived in front of Hagrid's house. Hagrid lived in a small wooden house on the edge of the forbidden forest.

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