Chapter 14: Aftermath

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Two weeks after the incident with the troll, Jason woke up in the hospital wing. Within minutes of being awake, Madam Pomfrey, the school matron, was at his side. After giving him a quick checkup, she told him to rest and when he opened his eye next Professor Dumbledor was at his side. Dumbledor told him that after his encounter with the troll, Jason was knocked unconscious. When Professor Dumbledore arrived to deal with the troll he found Silas dragging Jason out of the dungeons. Professor Dumbledor told Jason that Silas was ok and had been one of a few daily visitors Jason had.

On a more disturbing note, Professor Dumbledor told Jason that after he scared off the troll it made its way out of the dungeons and ended up attacking Hermione, but Harry and Ron saved her before anything bad could happen. "No one blames you for driving the Troll from the dungeon," Professor Dumbledore said as he left the hospital wing. "Your actions saved the lives of not only yourself but also young Mr. Silas. In fact, I see it fit to reward you with ten house points for your bravery and for standing up to protect a fellow student."

Madam Pomfrey kept him for a few more days, but she wouldn't allow any visitors during that time so when she finally gave him the all-clear to leave the hospital wing he was excited to be able to see other people again.

It wasn't until after dinner when Jason finally made his way back to the Gryffindor Commonroom, and he was utterly shocked to see that Harry, Ron, and Hermione were all waiting up for him. He was even more shocked to see the three of them getting along. After a quick telling of the events of his battle with the troll in the dungeons, Hermione told Jason about what happened with their encounter with the troll.

"You lied to the professors?" Jason asked in shock when she finished talking. "What's next? Is Ron gonna start doing his homework?"

"Hey!" Ron exclaimed as Harry laughed.

"No, I don't think anything could make that happen," Hermione laughed, she took on a more serious tone. "I couldn't just let them get in trouble. Not after they saved my life."

"Speaking of homework," Harry said, turning to Hermoine. "You should give it to him now. Better to just get it over with."

Hermione picked up a large stack of papers that had been on the floor next to the chair she was sitting in. "This is all the work you've missed since Halloween," she passed the stack to him. "I'd recommend you start with the potions assignments, Professor Snape heard you were being released today and said that he's expecting it done by Friday night. Today's Wednesday, so that gives you only two days to do it. The rest of the professors said you could turn their work in by next Sunday."

The joy that Jason had started to feel since being released from the Hospital Wing started to fade.

"Don't worry, we'll all help you with it," Hermione said when she saw how upset Jason looked. "Also here's one more thing," she pulled out a much smaller pile. "Your owl has been delivering your mail to us. You got daily letters from your grandfather."

"Mum and Ginny both wrote you letters too," Ron added.

"But that's not everything," Harry spoke up. "Our first quidditch match against Slytherin is this Saturday. Even if the professors are giving you until next Sunday to finish your assignments, you won't be able to play if you don't finish them before the match."

"Great," Jason sighed. "Would Wood even let me play anyway? I've missed the last two and a half weeks' worth of practices."

"I don't know," Harry replied. "I think he would. He kept talking about how he hoped you would be released before the match. Right now Alicia is supposed to be taking you place in the match, but if you're able to play Wood might let you have your spot back."

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