Chapter 8: Quidditch Tryouts

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Draco Malfoy and his gang had quickly built up a reputation as bullies. They could be found at any given time outside of class either picking on students or roaming the halls like predators on the hunt for their prey. Over the next few days following the incident with Freddrick, Jason had seen them picking on many of the other first-years, and even a few of second years too. If any student dared to stand up to them, they were quick to resort to violence, normally with Crabe, Goyle, and Silas holding down the victim while Malfoy beat them up.

Of all the students Malfoy's gang picked on, Freddrick seemed to be getting it the worst. He could be found daily being beaten up or doing humiliating tasks for Malfoy's gang. Slowly the other first years, including his fellow Ravenclaws, started to avoid him as not to draw the attention of Malfoy and the others. Jason tried to reach out to Freddrick on several occasions, but he would always just laugh it off when Jason approached him and even started to actively avoid Jason. Jason lacked experience with this type of situation and couldn't think of a way to help Freddrick, especially when he seemed to not want any help.

The Gryffindor's didn't interact with Slytherins much except during their potions class. Jason tried to observe Malfoy during those lessons but still couldn't find something to use against Malfoy to get him to leave Freddrick alone. When a notice went up in the Gryffindor common room that flying lessons would be held on Thursday with the Slytherins, Jason decided that this was a great chance to find some dirt on Malfoy. Jason also decided to ask Harry and Ron what they think about Malfoy to see if they could give him any ideas.

"I can't stand them," said Ron immediately when Jason asked on the way to breakfast. "They're bloody nuisances. Harry and I have been hoping for a reason to fight them." Harry nodded his agreement.

"I don't think that's the answer," Jason told them. "I mean you guys have seen the size of Crabe and Goyle, even if you could take Malfoy and Silas I doubt you could take those two."

"Why the sudden interest in them?" Harry asked.

"No reason," Jason had decided that he should keep the actual reason quiet for now, especially because Freddrick didn't seem to want to deal with it at the moment. "Just figured they're people to look out for."

"Hmm, but I'd say you don't have time to worry about them. Don't you have Quidditch tryouts today?" Ron replied.

"Yup, I'm going straight from them to flying lessons today," Jason said as they arrived in the great hall for breakfast.

The three of them sat down next to Neville who was listening to Hermione list off tips for flying that she read in Quidditch Through the Ages. Neville, Hermione, Dean, and Harry were the most nervous about flying lessons, as they were the only ones who had never flown before. In contrast, Malfoy could be heard at the Slytherin table boasting about his skills in quidditch and telling a story about how he had escaped a group of muggles in a helicopter on his broom just the day before coming to Hogwarts. His boasting was interrupted by the arrival of the mail.

Jason had been writing letters back and forth with Grandpa Richard, but he didn't get anything today. The most interesting package was for Neville, who received a remembrall from his Grandmother. As Neville looked over his Remembrall, Malfoy and his gang approached and snatched it from him. Harry and Ron leapt to their feet, ready to fight, but just then Professor McGonagall approached. She quickly settled the matter, as Malfoy dropped Nevillel's remembrall on the table.

"You'd better get going," Professor McGonagall told Jason. "Don't want to be late for tryouts." Realizing the time, Jason quickly scarfed down the rest of his breakfast and headed for the Quidditch Pitch.

It was a beautiful day outside, with clear skies perfect for flying. The Hogwarts Quidditch Pitch was a large, oval stadium surrounded by stands, with twelve towers sticking out from them. On either side of the Quidditch Pitch stood the standard three goalposts.

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