Chapter 15: Vs. Slytherin

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 The game started out at a very fast pace. As soon as the match started, Angelina Johnson, one of the other Gryffindor chasers, received the Quaffle and took off towards the Slytherin goal posts. Katie Bell, the other chaser, flew a few feet to Angelina's left and Jason kept position a little bit behind them both. One of the Slytherin beaters launched a bludger straight for Angelina's broom, but she rolled out of the way, tossing the quaffle to Katie in the process.

As they approached the goalposts, a Slytherin chaser approached Katie trying to bump into her and take the Quaffle, but she threw it back to Angelina before they got too close.

The Quaffle was inches from Angelina's hand when a blur shot down from above and snatched the quaffle away. Marcus Flint had stolen it and was on his way towards the Gryffindor side.

Before anyone else could react, Jason pulled up on his broom, changing directions to follow Flint and rolling in the process to be right side up. A Bludger went straight for Jason, but he paid it no mind, as Fred Weasley intercepted, sending it back towards one of the Slytherin chasers. Flint was fast, but Jason was faster, and when he was just about in range to get the quaffle back, Flint threw the quaffle, but Wood anticipated the shot and knocked the Quaffle away.

Jason caught the Quaffle and spun back towards the Slytherin side of the pitch. He dived as Flint tried to reclaim the ball, pulling up just before he hit the ground. As he rose towards the goalposts, Jason tossed the Quaffle to Katie, but before she could catch it a Bludger took her in the back of the head, knocking her off her broom.

In the void, Jason could barely hear the chorus of boos that rose up from the stands as a Slytherin chaser retrieved the Quaffle. Jason could just make out Lee Jordan, the announcer, saying it was Adrian Pucey.

Adrian rushed towards the goalposts but was blocked by a Bludger that George Weasly sent his way. Jason saw Angelina going for the Quaffle and took a position off to her left. The field ahead of them was clear, but they continued to shuffle their positions and toss the ball back and forth to keep the pursuing Slytherin's off their backs.

Angelina has possession of the Quaffle as they approached the leftmost goalpost. She went for a throw and the Slytherin keeper, Bletchey dived to intercept, but it was a fake-out. Angelina passed the Quaffle to Jason. To Jason, the only things that existed were the Quaffle, the goal post, and himself. With the focus of the void, Jason threw the ball.

"GRYFFINDOR SCORE!" Jason could hear faintly in the distance as he watched the Quaffle soar through the unguarded goal. Jason looped back towards the Gryffindor side, and then spun and waited for Madam Hooch to return the Quaffle to play.

As he waited he quickly scanned the field. Fred and George were keeping the Bludgers under control as the Slytherin beaters attempted to launch them into Gryffindor team members. Angelina and Katie had taken up positions in line with Jason, with one in the middle of the field and on the far side so that the chasers could react to an approach from anywhere on the field. This was one of Wood's favorite defensive formations. Wood himself was in front of the goalposts, watching the Slytherin chasers like a hawk as he drifted between the three goals. Finally, Harry was floating high above all the action, he was supposed to be watching for any hint of the Golden Snitch, but instead, he was pulling off some loop-the-loops, probably to let off the excitement of the first points of the game.

Things are looking good, Jason thought to himself as his attention returned to the field where Pucey had received the Quaffle from Madam Hooch and was beginning his approach.

Fred and George both sent a Bludger straight for Pucey, but he dodged them both. The Weasley twins followed their Bludgers themselves, trying to bump into Pucey, but he dived below them. He was making his approach on the far side of the field from Jason, where Katie was positioned, she went to block his approach but he pulled off a barrel roll and evaded her. Angelina and Katie began to chase Pucey, as Jason went to place himself between Pucey and Flint who was keeping position off to Pucey's side.

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