Chapter 10: Confrontation

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Professor McGonagall led them back to the castle without a word. She swept along in front of them without saying a word. They climbed the front stairs into the entrance hall and went up the marble staircase inside. Professor McGonagall was walking so fast that Jason and Harry had to jog to keep up. Jason was nervous seeing Professor McGonagall's mood, but he was sure everything would be alright once they had the chance to explain what happened to her. On the other hand, Harry was visibly panicked, every step he took was shaky, looking like he was gonna fall over.

Eventually, Professor McGonagall stopped outside of the charms classroom. What are we doing here? Jason thought. She opened the door and poked her head inside.

"Excuse me, Professor Flitwick, could I borrow Wood for a moment?"

Looks like we had the same idea.

Professor Flitwick nodded his approval, and Oliver Wood stood up from his seat, joining them in the corridor. With a confused look on his face Wood nodded a greeting to Jason before staring curiously at Harry.

"Follow me, you three," said Professor McGonagall, as she marched up the corridor.

"What's this about?" Wood whispered to Jason as they walked.

"You'll find out soon," Jason replied with a grin.

"In here," Professor McGonagall interrupted them as she ushered the three of them into an empty classroom.

Once they all entered the room Professor McGonagall slammed the door shut behind them and turned to face the boys.

"Potter, this is Oliver Wood. Wood, I think Fortescue would agree with me when I say, I've found you a seeker."

The curiosity of Wood's face was replaced with pure delight.

"Are you serious, Professor?"

"Absolutely," said Professor McGonagall crisply. "You saw it too, right Fortescue?"

"He was a natural," Jason responded. "He had great broom control and was as fast as they come, and this was only his first time one a broom. Right, Harry?"

Harry nodded silently. He clearly had no clue what was going on, but he realized that he wasn't in trouble, so he looked relieved.

"He caught that thing in his hand after a fifty-foot dive," Professor McGonagall told Wood. "Not a scratch on him. I doubt even Charlie Weasley could have pulled it off."

"Ever seen a game of Quidditch, Potter?" Wood asked excitedly to Harry's confusion.

"Wood's captain of the Gryffindor team," Jason explained.

At this point Wood began to circle Harry, checking him up and down. "He's got a nice build for a seeker, but he'll need a decent broom, Professor - maybe a Cleansweep Seven."

"I think a Nimbus Two thousand would probably work best for him," Jason commented.

"He'll need to train hard," Professor McGonagall said, peering over her glasses at Harry. "Or else I may change my mind about punishing him."

Then she suddenly smiled.

"Your father would have been proud," she told Harry. "He was an excellent Quidditch player himself."

"That's amazing!" Ron shouted, dropping his forkful of meat pie.

Jason, Harry, and Ron were all having dinner in the great hall. After their conversation with Professor McGonagall, Jason, Harry, and Wood had spent some time talking logistics and giving Harry an in-depth explanation of quidditch. With the Gryffindor team's lineup finished, Wood scheduled their first practice for next week and went off to inform the other team members, leaving Jason and Harry to meet up with Ron.

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