Chapter 17: Christmas Break

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Jason really enjoyed himself over Christmas break. The students that stayed at Hogwarts didn't have any responsibilities and were able to spend their time doing whatever they wanted. There weren't many people who stayed during the break, Harry and the Weasleys were the only Gryffindor's beside himself who stayed. Quinn tried to stay for winter break, not wanting to face his parents after what happened with Malfoy, but they made him go home. Frederick also went home, but Harper stayed. Ever since the night with Malfoy's gang, Jason had been spending time with Frederick, Quinn, and Harper, and all of them were getting along very well.

Jason's days over the break were mostly spent hanging out with Harry, Ron, and Harper. Ron had been teaching Harry wizards chess so the four of them spent most of their time playing it. Harry had never played chess before, nevermind wizard chess so he had difficulty playing. Harry tended to get distracted by his pieces, which he borrowed from Seamus, as they kept yelling advice to him. Harry lost every match he played. Harper and Jason were pretty well matched and were about even in wins against each other. Surprisingly, Ron was a master of wizard chess. None of them had beaten Ron in a match, although both Harper and Jason had each gotten close, Ron always pulled out the win. He also spent as much time as he could in the library researching Nicholas Flamel. Harry, Ron, and he had all promised Hermione that they would continue to search over the break, but Harry and Ron never managed to find their way to the library.

"You should really be paying attention," Harper said from across the table. Jason and he were currently sitting in the great-hall playing wizard chess while Jason responded to letters. He had just finished writing a letter to Grandpa Richard and was starting on one to Ginny. She had written him one when he was in the hospital wing after his run-in with the troll on Halloween and since he replied they had been exchanging letters.

"I don't need to pay attention to beat you," Jason grinned as he pushed the letter to the side. "I could beat you with my eyes closed."

"I'd love to see that happen, especially because I just took you, Queen," Harper shot back.

"All I need to win is a pawn," Jason teased.

"Oh, so would you be willing to put money on that?"

"Not money but maybe we can figure something out."

"How about you tell me what you've been looking for in the library."

"That's gonna be a no go," Jason laughed. Harper had been trying to figure out what Jason had been doing since they started hanging out. "Not my secret to share. You'll have to come up with something else."

Harper smirked and looked down at the letter Jason was writing. "How about you let me peak at that letter you're writing."

"Hmm, and what do I get if I win?"

"My undying admiration."

"Guess we're not making any bets." Jason laughed.

Jason woke up early in the morning. The first thing he noticed was the heavy leather-bound tomb on his lap. He had fallen asleep while reading a copy of Notable Wizards Through the Ages that he had borrowed from the library the night before to look for mentions of Nicholas Flamel. He closed the book and pulled back the curtains around his bed before placing the book on his nightstand and getting out of bed. He was so groggy that he hadn't noticed the pile at the foot of his bed or the similar piles at Ron and Harry's beds.

"Merry Christmas," said Ron sleepily as both he and Harry started to stir out of their beds.

"Merry Christmas," Jason and Harry both replied.

"Will you look at this?" Harry said looking at the pile of presents at the foot of his bed. "I've got some presents!"

"What did you expect, turnips?" Ron teased as he started looking through his own pile.

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