You'r Good Enough, Your More Than Good Enough

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(Requested by ImkRddie. I hope you like it!-G❤️)

Cole's POV
KJ has been messing around with me all day, punching me and just teasing me. It didn't hurt I just wasn't in the mood. He had crept behind me many times to just scare me or hit me I'm a joking form. But once again I just wasn't in the mood, I was tired and stressed, causing me to be jumpy and my anxiety to be higher than ever. I was standing in my trailer waiting for my emails to come in when I felt someone standing behind me. I raise my hand and turn around, accidentally hitting the person. It wasn't KJ, it was Lili. I knocked her to the ground.
Lili's POV
I was going to Cole's trailer to see him because I hadn't seen him all day and I knew he was very stressed and anxious. I walked up behind him but just as I went to hug his back he turned around with his hand up, hitting my face and knocking me on the floor, as I fell I twisted my ankle and cut my arm on the corner of one of the stools. Cole's eyes go wide and I gasp as I feel the pain rush through my body. After a second I sit up and put my hand to my ankle.
C: "Oh my god!" He mumbles blinking repeatedly. Just as I was about to say something Cami comes in.
Ca: "Lili? What are you doing in the floor?" She asks confused. I sigh.
L: "Cole knocked me over." I say as I wince feeling the cut in my arm. She gasps and drops to the floor beside me. Cole just looks between us before running out of the trailer. I sigh.
L: "f*ck." I huff sighing. Cami frowns.
Ca: "what wrongs? What happened? Your bleeding!" She says holding pressure on my hand. I sigh.
L: "I went to hug him but he turned around and accidentally slapping me and knocking me over. He seemed really jumpy." I say sighing. She looks at my ankle.
Ca: "yah KJ has been scaring him all day and hitting him. It's stupid, he probably just thought it was KJ. Cole wouldn't hurt a fly on purpose so he wouldn't even once think about hurting you." She says sighing. I nod.
L: "yah I know. Can you go to first aid and get someone, I've hurt my ankle and this cut will need cleaned." I ask her. She nods.
Ca: "I'll be right back." She says shooting me a smile before running out. I sigh and grab my phone calling Cole but he doesn't pick up. I sigh and lift myself onto the couches. I huff and look at the cut on my hand. It wasn't deep, it was just a cut and was bleeding. I sit there for a minute before cami and one of the first aid ladies come in,
FAL: "Lili? What happened?" She asks sitting beside me. I sigh.
L: "I just slipped and fell, I've hurt my ankle and cut my hand." I say smiling softly. She nods. Cami looks at me frowning, knowing I wasn't telling the truth, I just shack my head. She nods. The lady looks at me and sighs.
FAL: "okay well you haven't broke it and I don't think it's a sprain so I think you've just hurt it. Ice it and if it's sore still by the end of the week go to the ER. As for the cut we'll get you bandaged up and home. Take the rest of the week off and rest it, no unnecessary movements." She says cleaning my cut. I nod. I hobble to Roberto's office. He frowns.
R: "Lili? What happened?!" He asks worried. I sigh.
L: "I slipped and fell in Cole's trailer and hurt my ankle so I need some time off, till like next week and then we'll go from there." I say nodding. He nods.
R: "yah, well your boyfriend took tomorrow off too so at least he can babysit." He says chuckling. I nod and smile but really I was freaking out on the inside. I knew Cole was beating himself up about this but I hold nothing against him. It wasn't and isn't his fault. I finish up with Roberto before Cami drives me home. When I get there I see Cole pacing in the balcony shacking his hands, a method he does to calm himself through a panic attack. I sigh and set my bag down. I go out.
C: "don't come any closer!" He says seriously without looking at me. I sigh.
L: "baby I'm fine." I say gently. He shacks his head.
C: "no! Don't come any closer! I'm a monster! Go before you get more hurt and you aren't okay! I hurt you, me. I did it. I'm a monster!" He says before closing the balcony door. I sigh and sit on the couch. 15 minutes he comes back in but doesn't look at me and he stays far away from me. I sigh.
L: "baby could you grab me some ice or frozen peas please?" I ask him softly. He nods and brings me over some frozen peas, setting it beside me but not coming to close to me. I sigh.
L: "I'm not mad, it's okay, I know you didn't mean to hurt me. Your not going to hurt me." I say looking at him, hoping he would forgive himself. He shacks his head before walking out and into our bedroom. I sigh and lie my head back on the sofa. I end up falling asleep. When I wake up I see a blanket thrown over me and a note on the coffee table. I smile when I see Cole's handwriting and pick it up. It read:
I'm so so sorry about hurting you today. I didn't mean to and I'm sorry. I was anxious and stressed. KJ has been scaring me and hitting me, causing me to be on edge and jumpy so when I felt your presence I assumed it was KJ so raised my hand to stop him from hitting me but actually accidentally slapping you and knocking you down. I know that is no excuse. I'm so sorry I hurt you and I wasn't there to help you and I know I'm a terrible boyfriend but I fear if I touch you again I'll just hurt you. I hope you can forgive me and your okay. I texted Cami and she said it was just a twist so you should be good in a couple of days which is good. I'm so sorry. I love you.
C xx
I sigh and sit up. I place the letter back on the coffee table and stand up slowly. I walk to our bedroom to see Cole sitting in our bed, his eyes darting around the room, hopelessly trying to find something to focus on. I sigh and step into the room, gaining Cole's attention. He immediately looks down at his hands, not wanting to make any eye contact with me. I sigh.
L: "can you look at me please?" I ask him smiling slightly. He shacks his head. I huff.
L: "I'm not mad at you. I know you didn't mean to hurt me, for gods sake you don't even kill flies when there about you put them back outside so I know you would never purposely hurt me. I'm okay, the ice has helped a lot. I forgive you and you need to forgive yourself. I know your not going to hurt me." I say honestly. He sighs.
C: "no, I will not forgive myself. I done an awful thing and you should rightfully dump me. Cami must think I'm an absolute a*s of a man and so must you! I knocked you over and then ran! I f*cking ran instead of helping you! Just like an a*shole would. Like what the hell is your family going to think?! How can I marry you now? Your dad will f*cking hate me, as he should! I am no way good enough for you. No way. I should go. And can you please sit down? You'll do you ankle more damage." He says standing up. I sigh and sit in the bed causing him to back up so he was tight against the wall. I sigh.
L: "your not an a*whole. I'm not dumping you, I never will. Cami knows you wouldn't hurt a fly, in fact she said it herself. You ran because you was scared but you only ran when Cami was there and maybe running wasn't the best option but it's okay. I'm okay. As for my dad, he'll never know and that's really sweet but I don't think you accidentally hurting me will make my dad hate you, in fact your very hard to hate. So now your going to get your cute little face onto this bed and cuddle me!" I say seriously. He shacks his head.
C: "nope, not happening I'll just hurt you." He says before walking out of the room. I huff and lie down on the bed. What could I do to make him know it's okay and he's enough? I just lay there and watch a movie not wanting to upset Cole more or hurt my food more. As dinner time comes around I wasn't sure what to do so as I was lying there thinking when I hear a knock on the door. Cole comes through with a bag of Taco Bell and a bottle of Mountain Dew.
C: "I got you this. I'm not sure if you even want it but you can reheat it tomorrow if you don't." He says setting it in the bed before leaving again. I knew by his voice he has had an anxiety attack which made my heart break. I nod. I smile softly. He had got my favourite, including my favourite ice cream. I giggle and eat my food, wondering when I'll get my boyfriend back.
Cole's POV
I'd never felt like this before, guilty, pity and embarrassed all at once. I couldn't go near Lili because I knew I had really hurt her and I didn't want to hurt her more. I had got her food and it was close to bed time so I went into our room to get ready. I got changed in our bathroom before sighing.
C: "I'm just going to the spare room, I don't want to hurt you." I say softly. As I walk out Lili calls me.
L: "Cole." Lili says sternly. I frown, she never calls me Cole, and turn around, avoiding eye contact. She sighs.
L: "look at me." She sums seriously. I sigh and look her in the eyes, her once stern expression goes soft.
L: "your not sleeping in the spare room, your sleeping in our bed, beside me. You don't have to touch me but just sleep beside me. I won't sleep knowing your not there." She says softly. I sigh and nod slightly. I go over to the bed and get in it, turning my back to Lili and taking up the least amount of space possible. Lili sighs and grabs my shoulder, trying to turn me over just she just wasn't strong enough.
L: "god I'm weak." She mumbles.
L: "turn around Cole." She says softly. I sigh.
C: "stop calling me Cole, I don't like it when you call me Cole." I mumble sighing. She smiles.
L: "okay then, turn around baby." She says giggling. Her laugh made my heart jump causing me to turn around. I sigh.
C: "what?" I ask not looking at her. She sighs and pushes my head up with her finger, causing me to melt at her touch. She smiles.
L: "you look exhausted." She whispers giggling. I sigh and roll my eyes.
L: "look at me." She whispers for the 3rd time. I sigh and look her dead in her emerald green eyes. She smiles.
L: "you do look really tired." She whispers laughing. I sigh.
C: "okay, can you stop telling me how tired I look and actually say what you want to say so I can turn around and drown in my gilt?" I ask her. She nods.
L: "yes sorry, wait no! Just I want you to forgive yourself! You need to! I'm fine, I don't care. It's already caused your 2 panic attacks today and you were alone!" She says sadly.
C: "it was one and a half." I mumble shrugging. She frowns.
L: "how do you have half a panic attack?" She asks confused. I sigh.
C: "like I didn't go into a full panic but I went into the beginning stages before having a cigarette to calm myself." I say shrugging. She nods.
L: "yah, that's a strange way to calm yourselves anyway! That's beside the point. The point is I need you to forgive yourself!" She says seriously. I shack my head.
C: "nah it will take me a good year to forgive myself. For now I'm just gonna sleep. Goodnight." I say shooting her a small smile. She sighs and puts her hand on my cheek, smashing her lips onto mine. It takes me a minute to kiss her back but I do eventually. She smiles against my lips and runs her hands through my hair. After a couple of seconds we pull away. Lili smiles.
L: "would that make you forgive yourself?" She asks smiling. I shack my head.
C: "no, not just yet." I say smirking. She rolls her eyes smirking and kisses me again.  I smile and cup her cheek. After a while she pulls away.
L: "is that better?" She asks. I shrug.
C: "maybe like a teeny tiny bit." I say smiling. She shacks her head and lies against my chest. I sigh.
C: "you might wanna be careful? I don't want to hurt you. Mentally or physically." I whisper. She sighs and kisses my cheek.
L: "you won't, now cuddle me. I've missed you all day." She whispers turning over, grabbing my hand and throwing it over her waist. I smile and push a strand over her hair behind her ear.
C: "I'm so sorry and I love you so much." I say kissing her cheek before laying my head on the pillow behind her. She sighs.
L: "it's okay and I love you too, so much." She whispers grabbing my hand. I smile and close my eyes falling into a deep sleep.
Lili's POV
I hadn't fallen asleep yet so I turn around to face Cole. He was fast asleep, his expression soft and a small smile spread on his lips. I giggle softly and brush the fallen curl out of his face. I sit up a little so I was face to face with him. I smile and kiss his head. He moves about a little, placing his head on my chest. I smile and resting my head on his head.
L: "Your good enough, your more than good enough." I whisper before drifting off into a deep sleep.

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