They Found Him!? Part 2

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It didn't take the two lovers more than 10 seconds of looking in each others eyes to both burst out in tears.
L: "Can I come and give you a cuddle baby?" She asked between sobs.
C: "Yes please" she slowly walked over to her beaten up boyfriend and held his in her chest while he sobbed and clung onto Lili for dear life.
(Time jump 1 year later)
Cole's POV
It's been a year since I was found. Some might say I'm better but really I'm not. I'm up every night with some sort of flashback and still jump every time some one touches me apart for Lili. I don't go outside on my own and I'm afraid of the person getting out of jail. He was sentenced to life in prison but I still am afraid. Lili is my rock this past year. Every time I have a nightmare I end up in Lili's arm's. Ever time I'm to scared to leave the house Lili always stays with me. She is an angle on earth. She's my angle.

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