As Long As We Have Each Other

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(Requested by serpent_queen3014. I hope you like it! I'm sorry this one is short but I wasn't really sure what else to add-G❤️)

Lili's POV
I am 10 weeks pregnant and Cole and I are both so happy. Recently my morning sickness hasn't been the best so I took of sick at work. We haven't told anyone else yet because we are waiting for a while. I was just sitting in bed when I felt this cramping in my lower stomach. This isn't good. I gasp and quickly get out of bed and run to the bathroom. I sit on the toilet and pull my pants down to see blood. My hand goes over my mouth as I let out a sob. I pick my phone up and call my doctor.
Do: 'hello Doctor Fleming speaking how may I help you?' She says sounding cheery. I let out a shack breath.
L: 'hi doctor, I'm 10 weeks pregnant and I think I might be having a miscarriage.' I say letting out another sob. I hear her sigh.
Do: 'okay, who am I speaking with?' She asks softly. I sigh.
L: 'sorry, it's Lili Reinhart.' I say taking a deep breath. She sighs.
Do: 'okay Miss Reinhart, what's happening to make you think your miscarrying?' She asks me. I sigh.
L: 'I have cramps in my lower stomach and I'm bleeding.' I say my voice shacking. She sighs.
Do: 'okay, yah, I'm so sorry Miss Reinhart but you have had a miscarriage.' She says sadly. I gasp and let out a sob. She sighs.
Do: 'let the father know and if the bleeding gets bad go to the ER but other than that I'll book you an appointment for tomorrow at 4 for a check up. I'm so sorry for your loss Miss Reinhart.' She says sadly. I nod.
L: 'okay.' I whisper. She sighs.
Do: 'take care Miss Reinhart.' She says before hanging up. I pull my pants back up and phone Cole. He picks up near automatically.
C: 'hey baby! How are you feeling?' He asks me happily. This was going to break him.
L: 'can you come home? I need you.' I say sobbing. I hear him grab his stuff.
C: 'what's wrong baby? I'm on my way. KJ tell Rob I'm going home.' I hear him shout to well, KJ. I sigh.
L: 'I'm so sorry.' I sob feeling guilty. He sighs.
C: 'no baby, why are you sorry? What's wrong?' He asks as he starts the car. I sigh.
L: "I'll tell you when you get home." I say between sobs. He sighs.
C: "okay baby, just breathe. Just a take a deep breath, you need to calm or you'll stress out yourself and the baby.' He says softly. Hearing that I sob harder. He talks to me all the way home and hangs up when he gets in the house. I hear him run into are room.
C: "Lili? Baby where are you?" He shouts confused. I sigh and slowly walk out of the bathroom, clutching my stomach. He frowns when he sees me.
C: "baby what's wrong?" He asks walking over to me. I just sob and sink to the floor. He runs over to me and picks me up, bringing me to are bed and placing me on his lap. I hide my face in his neck. He sighs and kisses my head.
C: "I can only help you if you tell me." He whispers lifting my head from his shoulder and looking me in the eye.
L: "I lost our baby, I had a miscarriage. I'm so sorry I know it's all my fault!" I say sobbing harder.
Cole's POV
I gasp. I was so shocked, I thought everything was okay. She sighs.
L: "I know you hate me, I'm sorry, I'm so so sorry." She says hiding her face in my neck. I shack my head and sigh.
C: "no baby, it's not your fault, it's not your fault, it's no ones fault." I whisper to her, rubbing her back. She goes to say something but instead gasps.
L: "I need to but a pad on. I'm still bleeding." She sobs standing up. I sigh.
C: "baby." I shack softly. She just shacks her head.
C: "baby look at me." I whisper grabbing her waist. She sighs and turn around facing me. Her chin trembles.
C: "I'm not mad, it's not your fault and I love you. I'm so so sorry." I whisper rubbing her cheek with my thumb. She nods and looks down. I put my finger under her chin lifting her face up.
C: "do you believe me?" I ask her. She nods.
L: "I'm just going to go put a pad on, I'll be back out in a second." She whispers. I nod and kiss her head. She comes out a minute later shacking and still sobbing. I pat the spot on the bed beside me and she comes over and sits beside me. I wrap my arms around her pulling her into my chest. She sighs.
L: "I know we only knew for 3 weeks and we didn't know anything about him or her but I miss it. It's stupid." She whispers in my shoulder. I shack my head.
C: "no it's not stupid. She or he was our little baby and even now we won't forget about it. Even though it was only with us for a short time it was still with us so you are going to miss it and that's okay, because it was our baby, it always will be, even if we never get the chance to hold him." I say softly. She frowns and looks up at me.
L: "you said he." She says softly. I nod.
C: "yah I did. I always had an idea it would be a boy." I say sighing. She nods and lays her head in my lap. I put my hand in her hair and twirl the golden piece in my fingers. I sigh.
C: "I'm so sorry you have to go through this." I whisper sadly. She nods.
L: "me too." She whispers back.
L: "we have to go to the doctors tomorrow, for a check up." She says looking up at me. I nod.
C: "okay, well I'll speak with Roberto later today and get some time off for you. Are you going to tell everyone?" I ask her. She shacks her head.
L: "I wanna tell our families and apart from that only Madchen, Skeet, Roberto, Cami, Mads and KJ." She says nodding. I nod.
C: "that's okay. We'll only tell who you feel comfortable telling." I says smiling. She nods and grabs my hand.
L: "I didn't think I'd lose him. I didn't think this would happen." She whispers, tears falling from her eyes. I sigh.
C: "I know baby, I didn't either." I say wiping her cheeks with my thumb.
C: "were you in pain or did you just bleed?" I ask him gently. She sighs.
L: "both and I still am." She whispers. I nod.
C: "do you want me to go and get you a hot water bottle?" I ask her. She nods. I lift her up and place her in the bed before going into the kitchen and heating up the water bottle. I bring it back up and lie beside her, placing it on her stomach. She cuddles into my chest and grabs her phone. She calls her mum and informs her about our loss, we do the same with my parents and both of ours mums cry, making Lili cry. I helped her through a panic attack and she fell asleep. I decided to phone Dylan and tell him so I go out onto the balcony. He picks up.
D: 'what's up brother?' He asks me happily. I sigh.
C: 'hey Dyl.' I say sighing. He chuckles.
D: 'god, who's died?' He asks jokingly.
C: 'Lili had a miscarriage.' I say sadly. He sighs.
D: 'oh god I'm so sorry. How is she?' He asks sadly. I sigh.
C: 'in pain, exhausted, sad. Everything.' I say sighing. He hums.
D: 'I didn't even know she was pregnant. Did you?' He asks. I clear my throat.
C: 'yah, we were waiting to tell you all at a later time so only the two of us knew but she was 10 weeks.' I say sighing. He suck in a breath.
D: 'god that's awful.' He says sadly. I nod.
C: 'sure as hell is.' I say shrugging.
D: 'how are you feeling?' He asks me. I sigh.
C: 'shocked, sad. Seeing her like that is awful.' I say honestly. He nods.
D: 'it must. I couldn't imagine going through that was Barbara.' He says shocked. I sigh.
C: 'I know we didn't really know him, you know, he wasn't even in human form yet but it just felt so good. Like we were ready and even though we weren't expecting it or trying it just felt so right. Like even though we didn't know him it really felt like we did.' I say honestly. He clears his throat.
D: 'how did you know the gender already?' He asks confused. I sigh.
C: 'we didn't, I've just had the gut feeling that it was a boy so I've been calling it a 'he'.' I say sighing. I hear his doorbell ring. He sighs.
D: 'Cole I have to go. Call me later.' He says before hanging up. I nod and go back into my house. I lie down on the couch and run my hand throw my hair. I just lie there and think. Honestly, I don't know if I'm aloud to feel sad about this. It was also my child but I wasn't carrying it and it wasn't growing in me. I lay there for what must have been an hour, just thinking about everything. I called Roberto and took of sick and then must have fallen asleep.
Lili's POV
I woke up and turn over expecting to see Cole lying beside me but the bed was cold and empty. I frown and suddenly remember what happened. I sit up and rub my hand across my stomach. I sigh and go out to the living room to see Cole asleep on the couch. I frown.
Was he mad at me so he slept on the couch? I frown and grab a drink before sitting at the bottom of the couch. Minutes later Cole wakes up with a groan.  He goes to stretch out but when his feet touch my thigh he stops and look at me.
C: "hey baby, how are you feeling?" He asks me smiling. I just shrug. He sits up. I rest my head on his lap.
L: "sad." I say in response. He nods.
C: "I told Dylan when you were sleeping and I got you another week off and I got a week you. I didn't tell Rob why I just said we were sick." He says kissing my head. I nod and close my eyes.
L: "can you give me a head message?" I ask him. He nods and puts his hands in my hair. Within minutes I was completely relaxed.
L: "why were you asleep on the couch?" I ask him letting out a breath of relaxation. He sigh.
C: "well I come out here to call the people and must have fallen asleep." He says shrugging. I nod and we just sit in silence, feeling completely relaxed. Over the next few weeks we break the news to everyone. The were all so sad for us and were so supportive. I was chatting with Madchen and it was 3 weeks from we found out. She sighs.
M: "how are you?" She asks me referring to the miscarriage. I smile.
L: "I'm good. Some days I wish it was still with us but I know when we are meant to have a baby we will, wether it's soon or in a couple of years." I say smiling. She nods.
M: "how's Cole? I know a lot of people just think it effects the mum but the dads a big part of it too." She says sighing. I gulp.
L: "I haven't asked him, in fact I don't think I even did." I say shocked. She just shrugs.
M: "it's part of him and just as much his baby as it was yours. Men are always over looked when it comes to miscarriages yet they shouldn't be. If it wasn't for them you wouldn't have been pregnant in the first place." She says shrugging. I nod and look down.
L: "god, I'm a terrible girlfriend. He asks me about 4 times a day now and I haven't asked him once." I say sighing. She just shrugs. We talk for a while longer before I go to Cole and I's trailer. I see Cole sitting on the couch on his laptop. He smiles.
C: "hey baby, how are you?" He asks me smiling. I smile.
L: "I'm good. How are you?" I ask him sitting down. He frowns.
C: "I'm fine. Why are you asking?" He asks me. I sigh.
L: "I've been a terrible girlfriend." I say sighing. He frowns and shuts his laptop.
C: "well you clearly aren't my girlfriend because my girlfriend is the best girlfriend." He says smiling. I sigh.
L: "no baby I haven't. I haven't once asked you how you were after the miscarriage, nobody has so how is that fair? I've been awful!" I shack sadly. He sighs.
C: "I'm fine! There's no need for me to be asked if I'm okay because you lost the baby, not me. I'm fine and your an amazing girlfriend." He says seriously. I sigh.
L: "but it does effect you! If it wasn't for you I wouldn't have got pregnant so we wouldn't have went through the loss." I say softly. He nods.
C: "exactly, it's my fault you even went through that pain so I'm not burdening you with old feelings. We are okay now that's all that matters." He says smiling. I sigh.
L: "what were these old feelings?" I ask him. He sighs.
C: "sadness, guilt, anxiety. Anything that isn't to do with happiness." He says honestly. I sigh and walk over to him moving his laptop and straddling his lap.
L: "why didn't you tell me?" I ask him cupping his cheeks. He just shrugged.
C: "I didn't want to burden you and I still don't." He says smiling. I roll my eyes.
L: "your not a burden! You'll never be! So never keep your feelings locked in." I say seriously. He nods. I hold up my pinky. He laughs and locks our pinkies. I smile.
L: "I love you." I say looking into his eyes. He smiles.
C: "I love your too." He whispers kissing me. I knew we would get through anything As Long As We Have Each Other.

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