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(*this is fake* *no hate to anyone*)
Cole's POV
I am so excited as on Friday I'm going to propose to Lili. We have been dating for 5 years now and I know she is my forever. I have told Cami, Mads, Vanessa and KJ as they are all mine and Lili's best friends. I'm a little nervous but I pretty sure she'll say yes as we love each other. The girls all know she'll say yes and have been helping set it up.
Lili's POV
Cole and I have been dating for 5 years and for 3 of them I have been cheating on Cole with his best friend KJ. I  loved Cole for the first couple of years but i fell in love with KJ. I fell sorta guilty but not really as I'm in love with KJ and I'm pregnant with his baby. I'm breaking  up with Cole so me and KJ can be public with our relationship. I'm planning to tell Cole on Friday at our date he has planned.
Cole's POV
I asked Lili on a date for this Friday and she said yes. I'm going to do it at the beach at sunset as it's very romantic. I told her to dress nice as I have Cami and KJ there as they will be taking photos and videoing it.
Lili has been acting strange around me like really happy but it's probably because we haven't had a proper romantic date is so long. I'm so excited to have a future with her and grow old with her.
Lili's POV
I'm round at KJ's house and I'm telling him my plan. I walk up and knock on the door.
L: "hey baby boy!" I said excited
KJ: "hey hot stuff!" He says sexy. I lean in to kiss him and he kisses back roughly.
L: "I'm tell Cole today!" I say waiting to see his reaction
KJ: "thank the lord! I can't wait!" He shouted in excitement
The rest of the time we made out and talked. I left his house and got ready to break up with Cole. I drove to the beach to see this

I walk over C: "hey gorgeous!" He says smiling

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I walk over
C: "hey gorgeous!" He says smiling. I smile back but it slowly fell when I remembered what I was doing.
L: "hi Cole!" I say fake smiling.
C: "okay" he whispers before getting down on one knee
L: "Cole" I whisper
C: " Lili since the first time I saw you I have been in love with you. Your smile brightens up my day and the room. You are the pretties and hottest girl I have ever seen. You are kind and caring and would not hurt a fly. 5 years has been a long time and I'm hopelessly in love with you. Even Dylan agreed on that. I remember the first time I met your family it was amazing. Your family accepted me for me and have treated me like a son. They give me a taster of what a good, strong family is like. They have given me permission to do this. Including Addy." He says the last bit laughing. This is when I start to cry as I know I'm going to break his heart to a million pieces. I also question if I'm doing the right thing? He carries on
C: "so Lili Reinhart will you make me the happiest person alive and marry me? He questioned looking nervous and happy. I look at him sad then he looks confused.
L: " No i can't marry you!" I blurt out. He stands up crying
C: "what? Why?" He asked tears rolling down his face.
L: "emm well Cole first just so you know I'm really sorry. Second 3 years ago I was drunk and kissed KJ. After the we started dating behind your back. Cole I don't love you. I loved you at the beginning of the relationship but now  I love KJ and I'm pregnant with his baby." I said with a smile.
Cole's POV
I fall to the ground balling after what she just said. I got up and ran to my car throwing the ring at her. Once I get in I compose myself to phone lili's family. Amy answered
A: "hey Cole so how did it go!?" She questioned excited
C: "hey em I'm not going to answer that question but all I want you to promise is to love Lili and not ignore her. She although hasn't done the best thing or made the best decision but will still need her family! So please Amy for me don't forget her!?" I pleaded down the phone in tears
C: "I'll send you a video that explains what happened."
C: "but can you promise me 2 things Amy!?"
A: "Cole of course I can but what happened your scaring me!" She said in panic down the phone.
C: "everyone's safe not happy but safe. And just promise me that you'll still love Lili and give Addy one last hug for me? Oh and never hesitate to call me if you need okay? I ask at the thought of never seeing them again.
A: "oh Cole of course I will but are you okay?" she asked swallowing the lump in her throat as she thought the worst.
C: "If I say yes you won't believe me so no I'm not but I gotta go to Dylan's house now so I'll send you the video now?" I question her
A: "yes okay well be safe and take care son" she says whispering the last word.
C: "you too bye Amy." I say crying
A: "bye Cole" she says before hanging up the phone and sending her the video  just before breaking into sobs but since we were in LA I drove to Dylan's apartment and knocked on the door. Barbra opened it but when she saw me she yelled for my brother. Once Dylan saw me he instantly hugged me knowing it wasn't good. I sobbed into his shoulder as we both sunk to the floor. I had cried all my tears and had an anxiety attack so I fell asleep on my brothers shoulder. Dyl was now crying as my sobs rung in his ear.  I woke up later on still on Dylan's shoulder.
D: "Cole brother can you tell me what's wrong?" He asked me.
C: "I'll just show you." I saw grabbing my phone and texting Cami to send the video
C: hi can you send me the video
Ca: yes but where r u? R u ok? *sends video*
C: with Dylan and you know the answer to that.
Ca: glad your safe. I'm always here if you need to talk.
C: thanks. After talking with Cami I show Dylan and Barbra the video. After handing them my phone I walk to the bathroom as I can't listen or see their reactions. Once I walk in I see Dylan's razor. I grab it and cut slices in my arm.   I try not make to much noise but I wimpier at the pain. I start to cry more and more until I  pass out.
Dylan's POV
After the video I was crying and barb was balling. Once we had calmed down I went to check on Cole in the bathroom. I shout for him and get no answer. This is not good. I run and grab the spare key to unlock the bathroom door. I open it to see Cole on the floor with blood all over him.
D: "Cole! Cole wake up!" I shout over and over again. I never thought Lili would do something like that.
D: "Barbra Call an ambulance tell them to be quick!!" I shout crying. She phoned the ambulance and they rushed him to hospital. Once we got there he was took in to get checked. Me and Barbra were in the waiting room waiting to see him when the one person I never want to see again walked in.
Lili's POV
After saying my speech I smiled thinking about my baby but it dropped realising what I had just done. As he run off I remember all the happy times we have had together. Proper dates, romantic gestures, photo shoots, pep talks, movie nights, late nights talking and everything else. Now I realised what I had just done. I was snapped out of my thoughts by Cami slapping me across the face
Ca: "you are a stupid bitch! He loves you and well KJ he doesn't! You have just thrown away all of your friends! What will you family think? Ohh perfect Lili isn't so perfect! Rot in hell all 3 of you!" She shouts storming after Cole but it's too late he's long gone. KJ walks over to me and hugs me but I pull back. He looks at me confused
KJ: "you okay baby?" He asked looking at me with heart eyes whilst I wonder if I just did the right thing.
L: "no no no no!" I say sinking down to the floor knowing what Cole will do.
KJ: "lils baby shhh it all okay! We can be happy!" He says to me
L: "No don't call me that! And it's not I have just lost all my friends and family. Cole will hurt himself. The girls will hate me. Roberto will fire me. The media will find out. I'll get hate and my acting future will be over." I cry sobbing. KJ sits down beside me and hugs me. I cry for a good 30 until I'm interrupted by my phone ringing mom. I sniff before answering.
L: "hey mom!"
A: "what have you just done!?" She says crying but still calm
L: "what do you mean mom?" I question not wanting her to know what I did.
A: "breaking Cole's heart. That's not you Lili huh where the Lili that crushed on him through the TV and told me that when you saw him with Addy you knew you were going to have his children?" She questioned sniffling.
L: "how do you know?" I questioned worried in case they were here.
A: "Cole phoned me!" She sighed. I mumbled "of course he did" but she heard me.
A: "yes he did and I'm glad cause you wouldn't have. He also told me to never hesitate to call him if we needed help. To give Addy one last hug and this one shocked me the most but he said to not stop loving you am dot not ignore you as you needed your family. That man told me that just after you broke his heart infact wrecked his world." She said crying. I was also now crying realising I had made the worst mistake of my life.
L: "what have I just done?" I ask regretting everything.
A: "well you've probably just killed a man Lili." I cry more at her words as I know they are true.
A: "well Lili I'm going to break the news to your dad and sisters as they are sitting here wondering what in hell is going on." I sigh
L: "okay bye Mom I'm sorry, i love you." I say hopefully
A: "I know, I love you too. Have fun with your new boyfriend." She says the last big sarcastically before hanging up. I tip my head back knowing that I have just disappointed my whole family and that I have just let the man that really cared and still does go. KJ and I go back to his house and I walk straight into the spare bedroom. 30 minutes had past whether was a knock on the door.
L: "come in" I say sadly
kJ: "hey baby how are you?'' he says smiling. i just look at him. I was about to speak when i get a sharp pain in my stomach causing me to whelp in pain. He looks at me and i start to scream as the pain gets worse. KJ picks me up and rushes me to the car. We drive to the hospital and are there within five minutes. We go in and in the waiting room i see the 2 people i really didn't want to see. Thankfully they didn't see me as i quickly got taken back to a room. i was told the pains where just the baby telling me i was under to much stress so i have to be on bed rest on 1 week. I walk out to see Dylan and Barbra still sitting there so i thought i could get out with them seeing me but it was to late. Dylan was getting up of his seat Barbra was getting up after him. He walked over to me and boy was he wrong
D: "what the hell are you two doing here he?" he said pointing to me and KJ   L: "we are here because i was having pain because the babies under to much stress. Why are you here?" i asked
D: "well my brothers girlfriend of 5 years just broke up with him as he was proposing because she was cheating on him and pregnant with his best friends baby. So he come to me because im his twin, i watched the video, ill dm it to you it's gut wrenching and well he tried to kill himself because of YOU Lili. You are the reason he is in here. You are the reason that he could be dead!" he yelled. That thought that i will be the cause of pain and possible death all because of me. I was so selfish and didn't think of Cole's feelings. My baby will have a cheater for a mother and  killer. My family are ashamed of me but still talk to me at least but that's only because the kindest man made them promise. Thinking that i have just left him kills me. How am i supposed to tell a 4 year old Addy that i'm pregnant with a mans child that she has never met and will never see one of her favourite people again.  I do love him, I don't love Kj but it's too late now i might never see him again
D: "are you going to say something or are you going to just stand there looking at the floor feeling sorry for yourself because you've just figured out that you DO love him and not this piece of shit beside you?" he says looking at KJ. Just as i was about to say something a doctor came out.
DO: "Cole Sprouse" he questioned as he looks around the room D: "Yes!" he says hopefully DO: "he's asleep but stable, we stitched his wounds and have to keep him over night as he lost too much blood. He passed out because of blood loss and light headed ness as he seems to have been crying. From what he's told me he has broken heart syndrome so keep everything sharp away from him and don't let him see the person who nearly killed him. Finally don't leave him alone make sure he is surrounded by positive people and people he can open up too. If you would like to follow me ill show you to his room"  he says smiling. I hear Dylan and Barbra let out a sigh of relief. I smile and nod knowing ill never be aloud to see him again.  Dylan follows the doctor to see his brother. KJ was quiet the whole time and i don't know why i guess stress? im not to sure but i'll be asking him when we get home.
Dylan's POV                                                                                                                      I walk into his hospital room and see him sitting there just staring. When he looks at me i smile but he just says
C: "she's here isn't she. She's with him?" he asked looking sad. I couldn't say anything so i just nodded. He sighed looking at the floor before starting, C: "can you go out there and if she is still there tell her to come in here on her own please!" he said looking straight into my eyes. D: "Cole that isn't a good idea the doctor said-" i was saying but he stopped me                                                  
C: "i don't really care what the doc says Dyl just get her in here i need to speak my thoughts!" he said loudly. D: "i swear to god of you over do it kid i will knock you in the head cause i want my baby brother with me for a lot longer." i say quietly walking out he door. He laughed and shouted                                                                                      C: "i love you too and there only a 15 minute difference!" he says laughing. I see Lili and KJ walking out so i run over a grab her shoulder. She turns around and looks shocked.                        
D: "i really don't know why and i'm going to kill you if you touch him but he wants to speak to you alone." i say sighing she smiles. L: "Okay i won't touch him. What room is he in?" she says looking at me. D: "42 right down the hall on the right." she nodded before going into his room.     
Cole's POV
I only asked to see Lili as well i want to see him and i have some questions. When she walked in a sighed seeing my happy past 5 years flash past me with the blink of an eye. I mush have been staring as she said L: "you good?" she questioned laughing C: "i was before today but at least i'm no longer living a lie like i was for 5 years when i thought i was happy but nope that was all a lie but well at least i still have all my friends to support me as for you the girls physically hate you sorry to say" i says shrugging my shoulders sitting up in my bed.
L: "yes i'm not shocked on that one ill possible be fired same with KJ." she sighs. i shack my head no C: "Well i'm not working with the two of you and not Bughead. So ill most likely quit, too many memories on set too and i have to stay with Dylan he won't let me out of his sight." i laugh she sighs.
L: "okay Cole what is it you want me for because it kills me to see you" she spits out i laugh.
C: "right yes so hard for you, anyway i have a couple of questions for you. 1 why didn't you tell me like what 3 years ago? 2 how did you fall in love with him? 3 do you still love me cause i can read Dylan and he knows you don't love him but you love me? 4 if i give you the chance to break your little love sick fling with that ass and come back to me with his baby and all would you?" i sigh
L: "1 i don't know 2 i also don't know 3 I don't love KJ i do love you and 4 yes i would." she says looking at the floor.
C: "well tough luck cause as much as i love you and it kills me to watch you walk out that door i will never let you back in. As my late grandmother always said "Once a cheater always a cheater". but sure no ones perfect. Well i'll say this now cause i most likely will never see you again so have a good life and enjoy motherhood. Oh and watch your back cause i remember the last day on set KJ was looking at some girl from back homes posts and they weren't family so i'm warning you now it's not fun having arguing parents. I love you Lili goodbye." i say tears rolling down my face.
L: "I love you too Cole goodbye." she says tearing up before walking out the
3rd Persons POV
That was the last time the two lovers saw each other. Cole quit his acting job and carried on photography. He stayed with Dylan and Barbra for 1 year and then got his own flat in LA. He never fell in love again but didn't mind. As for Lili she gave birth to a baby boy and stayed in Ohio after Riverdale. The cast barely talked to the two. Cole's theory was right KJ did leave Lili and their child for a girl in his home town. She brought up her child on her own with family support. Amy and Addy sometimes talk with Cole every so often just to check in with him. Addy misses him but knows that she'll only see him over facetime. Lili had multiple boyfriends but none of them stuck. She knew Cole was her soulmate and regrets her choices everyday.

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