Love Makes Us A Family

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(This idea was giving to me by one of my closest friends, taytay3318. Thank you so much for giving me the inspiration to write this! Your a lifesaver girl! If any of you, like myself our desperate for some bughead well taytay3318 is doing an amazing Bughead oneshots! Thank you so much for reading-G❤️)

Cole's POV
I had just arrived at the auditions for a new show called Riverdale. I had already done an audition for the character Jughead Jones and I was going in for a chemistry check with the woman who would be playing Betty Cooper who is Jughead's love interest. I go into the waiting area and from across the room I see a beautiful woman. She had gorgeous golden hair and breathtaking green eyes. She had a boy in her lap, he looked about 5. She looks up a me a shoots me a nervous smile before looking back at the kid. I smile back and look at the script double checking my lines. I hear their conversation.
?: "mummy who's he? He looks like they guy who played Cody!" He says happily. The woman sighs.
?: "he does sweetie." She says brushing his curls out of his face. His hair was quite like mine, dirty blonde, curly and thick. He jumps off his mother's lap and comes over to me, tapping my knee to get my attention. I smile.
C: "hey little guy! What can I do for you?" I ask him smiling. He tilts his head to the side.
?: "are you one of the people who play Cody on Disney?" He asks me frowning. I nod.
C: "I sure am." I say chuckling. His face lights up and he turns to him mum.
?: "it is him mummy! It's Cody!" He says happily. She giggles and nods. She had an amazing laugh and smile, it would light up a room. He looks at me.
?: "which twin are you?" He asks me squinting his eye, trying to figure out who I am. I chuckle.
C: "who do you think I am?" I ask him curiously. He sighs and pouts.
?: "Cole?" He asks me. I nod.
C: "correct, I'm Cole." I say chuckling. He laughs and claps.
?: "I did it mummy! It's Cole!" He says happily. His mum laughs.
?: "well done sweetie!" She says happily. He smiles and goes back over to her. She sighs.
?: "sorry he's just, he loves suite life and has always wanted to meet the person who plays Cody so it will make his day." She says smiling. I nod.
C: "it's no problem at all, normally any kid who comes up to me is shy so it's nice to actually speak to one who isn't hiding behind their parents." I say chuckling. She nods.
?: "yah, he's confident." She says giggling. I nod.
C: "are you here to audition?" I ask her. She nods.
?: "yah, well, I'm doing a chemistry test. I auditioned last week. I still don't even know if I've got it but I guess today is the big teller." She says shrugging. I nod.
C: "yah same, well obviously not for the same character." I say chuckling nervously. She nods.
?: "I presumed so." She says chuckling. I nod.
?: "who did you audition for?" She asks me. I sigh.
C: "Jughead Jones. Who did you go for?" I ask her smiling. She sighs.
?: "Ironically Betty Copper." She says giggling. I chuckle and look down. How was I going to do this without catching stronger feelings than I already have? I nod.
C: "do you know of anyone else? Like cast wise." I say chuckling. She nods.
?: "yah, I know a dude called KJ Apa is playing Archie. He's from New Zealand and is extremely ripped so that will be weird to see but apart from that I know it's rumoured that a girl called Camilla Mendes will be playing Veronica Lodge. Oh and Luke Perry is playing Archie's dad." She says smiling. I nod.
C: "never heard of any of them so that will be interesting." I say chuckling. She gasps.
?: "you've never heard of Luke Perry?!" She asks me shocked. I nod.
C: "nope. Should I have?" I ask her frowning. She shrugs.
?: "probably but you can do research." She says giggling. I nod.
C: "will do, ..." I say wanting to know her name. She smiles.
L: "Lili Reinhart." She says smiling. I nod.
C: "will do Lili. Is it with a y or and I?" I ask her frowning. She giggles.
L: "an I." She says nodding. I nod.
C: "good to know." I says sighing. She nods.
L: "random question but, has anyone ever spelt your name like C-O-A-L instead of C-O-L-E?" She asks me. I nod.
C: "far too many times, my professor in college called me that the whole way through collage." I say chuckling. She laughs.
L: "oh! I never went to college so I didn't get that lovely college professor experience." She says smiling. I nod.
C: "yah well, I wouldn't have either if it wasn't for severe social anxiety." I say shrugging. She frowns. I sigh.
C: "I couldn't cope with being in the spot light so it was either keep trapping myself with media and make my already bad metal health worse or go to college and get help. So I chose college and help. I got a lot of intense therapy and got better I guess." I say smiling. She nods.
L: "god, your so open about it. I have anxiety so I know what it's like but I could never be so open about it." She says shacking her head.
C: "yah well, there's only one other person who knows what it was really like and that's my therapist. I put him through torture." I say chuckling. She laughs.
L: "I done the same to mine, not on purpose but I just did." She says between laugh. I nod. We chat for a while longer and I learn her sons name is Nathan and he's 5. I was talking to him about what filming suit life was like before someone walked into the room. It was the show runner. He smiles.
R: "hey! Cole and Lili we are ready for your chemistry test. Lili you can bring Nathan in, there's a chair in the corner he can sit in." He says smiling. Lili nods and grabs her bag. I also nod and stand up, holding the door for Lili before following them out. When we get in the room Lili gets Nathan set up in the corner but sighs.
L: "cr*p! My phones got no charge! Did you bring a toy or book sweetie?" She asks him sighing. He shacks his head.
N: "no, I didn't. I'm sorry mummy." He says nervously. Lili nods. I sigh.
C: "I have Netflix, YouTube and kids games on my phone. He can take it." I say shrugging. She sighs.
L: "are you sure?" She asks me. I nod and unlock my phone passing it to him. I put on the show he wanted to watch and Lili passes him his headphones. Lili sighs.
L: "thank you so much, your a life saver." She says sighing. I nod.
C: "no problem. I also have a portable charger if you wanna charge your phone." I say shrugging. She nods and takes it to charge her phone. Roberto frowns.
R: "I didn't know Cole was Nathan's dad." He says frowning. I shack my head.
C: "no I'm not." I say shacking my head. Lili frowns.
L: "he's not his dad, we aren't together? What made you think that?" She asks him confused. He nods.
R: "oh sorry I just assumed. They look alike and are like really natural together and well the same for you too. Are you sure you two aren't?" He asks us. I shack my head.
C: "no, I'm pretty sure the first time I met them was about 30 minutes ago." I say nodding. He nods.
R: "oh okay, well obviously, you two are playing possible lovers on the show. This will be the teller if you get the part or not but I think even if this doesn't work you still have a pretty good shot. So, you've got the scene. Cole you can go when ever your ready." He says smiling. I nod and begin. Within 10 minutes we were done and it all seemed to go well. Roberto nods.
R: "thank you both, that went extremely well and you two have done well, a lot of chemistry. You will know by tonight what the results are and if so then we'll see you at the first cast dinner." He says smiling. We nod and thank them before Lili gets Nathan and we leave. I sigh.
C: "god, cast dinner screams two more therapy sessions." I say chuckling. Lili sighs and nods. She passes me my phone.
L: "thank you so much, your a life saver." She says honestly. I just shrug.
C: "I have friends with children, you get called Uncle Cole about 10 times and then you just go with it, I'm not biologically but that doesn't really matter." I say chuckling. She nods.
C: "do you want to go for dinner? Like not in a romantic way but like we could be working closely and I don't know much about you. If not that's totally fine." I say shrugging nervously. She sighs.
L: "I'd love too but I don't have a baby sitter for Nathan." She says sighing. I nod.
C: "he can come! I was inviting the both of you." I say smiling. She nods and looks down to Nathan.
L: "what do you think? Will we go for dinner with Cole?" She asks him. He nods happily. Lili giggles.
L: "okay then, where will we go?" She asks curiously. I shrug.
C: "do either or you have any allergies? I found a great place just down the street actually. It has a kids menu with vegan and vegetarian options." I say shrugging. She nods.
L: "good to know, neither of us are either of them but it's good to know." She says giggling. I nod.
C: "well, it's literally at the bottom of this street so I'll meet you there." I say smiling. She nods.
L: "where are you parked?" She asks. I sigh.
C: "oh I Ubered here, I'm just gonna walk. I'm waiting until I see if I get the job before getting a car." I say shrugging. She frowns.
L: "why are you walking? I'll give you a lift! It's the least I can do!" She says sighing. I shack my head.
C: "no it's good. I'll walk. I don't want to invade your personal space." I say shrugging. She frowns.
L: "stop being a jerk! I'm giving you a lift." She says seriously. I frown.
C: "oh so I'm a jerk?" I ask her sarcastically. She nods.
L: "just get in the car Cole." She says seriously. I nod.
C: "your weirdly intimidating." I say frowning. She just smiles and shrugs causing me to chuckle. Nathan laughs.
N: "she is! I never make mummy angry because when she's angry it's scary, very scary." He says shacking his head. I chuckle.
C: "yah, she does seem like an intimidating angry person. Can she yell?" I ask him. Lili smacks my arm. He nods.
N: "oh yah. She made me cry once because she yelled." He says nodding. I nod.
C: "yah, she does seem to be a yelled." I say smiling. He nods. Lili looks at me and rolls her eyes.
L: "your both already teaming up on me?" She asks us getting into her car. I nod.
C: "yah well, maybe teaming up isn't the right work but we definitely are both agreeing with each other. I grew up with parents that yelled. I got yelled at at lest 5 times a day, I'm used to it. Perks of being a child actor." I say chuckling. She smiles. We drive to the restaurant. It was quiet most of the way but it wasn't awkward, it was comfortable. When we drive up I help Nathen out of the car and we go in. The waiter smiles.
W: "Cole Sprouse?! Hi! Hello! Can I get you a table for 3?" He asks nervously. I chuckle.
C: "yes please." I say smiling. He nods and leads us to a table at the back of the restaurant. He gives us menus and Nathan a colouring page. Lili sighs.
L: "is that like your life all the time? People being weird around you and fanning?" She asks me frowning. I nod.
C: "pretty much, it's not as bad currently because I'm not doing anything but I still get spoken too about twice every time I'm outside. I'm used to it, welcome to the spotlight." I say shrugging. She giggles.
L: "yah, well, I don't know if I'm looking forward to that possibility or fearing it." She says sighing. I sigh.
C: "it really depends on your fans, if their nice then it shouldn't be bad. Obviously your going to have haters, everyone does but hopefully if you get the job you'll be liked. Once again though it's up to the audience." I say shrugging. She nods.
L: "did you get a lot of hate?" She asks me softly. I nod.
C: "oh yah, I still do. It could be a thing from simple bullying to death threats." I say shrugging. She looks at me shocked.
L: "death threats?!" She asks me shocked. I nod.
C: "yah, I won't go into detail but some of them were really bad. I had multiple sleepless nights over them. It was terrifying. It still is." I say gulping. She nods.
L: "yah like, were the about you?" She asks confused. I shack my head.
C: "not all of them. Most included me but some were about what they would do to my parents and Dylan whilst I was watching or what they would do to me or my family. It was terrible and that fact that I couldn't tell anyone about them at the time was worse. My family knew what was happening but didn't know how many or how bad they were. It was a tuff couple of years but thankfully they've sizzled down a little." I say shrugging. She smiles sadly and nods. We pick are foods and chat while we were waiting. I sigh.
C: "was Nathan in like a pre-k before you moved here or will he just go straight into kindergarten?" I ask her. She sighs.
L: "yah, he was in pre-k and if I get this job I'll try to get him  in to a kindergarten and a day care for when I'm working later. I know a couple of people who can a babysit over night and stuff so I won't be too stuck it's just getting it all sorted and trusting them. It's just a confusing situation and with it only being me it's just. It's hard." She says sighing. I nod.
C: "yah, I can't imagine it." I say shocked. She nods.
L: "it's hard when he asks where his daddy is, he knows it shouldn't just be his mum but we get along. His dad and I broke up a week before I found out I was pregnant. He didn't want anything to do with either of us when he found out. I was 16, I was so scared but I'm glad I done it. I'd be lost with out him." She says smiling and running a hand through his hair. He looks up at her and smile before looking back at his colouring. I nod.
C: "I know I couldn't do it so if anything I'd call it inspiring. Well, maybe not inspiring, no it's inspiring." I say chuckling. She giggles and nods. We talk for the whole time, even through eating. We were just about to leave but my phone rang. I sigh. It was Roberto.
C: "sorry, I just gotta take this." I say stepping away for a second. I nervously answer it.
C: 'hello?' I say nervously.
R: 'Cole! Hey! I just wanted to let you know you got the role of Jughead!Congratulations!' He says happily. I gasp.
C: 'what? Really?' I ask him shocked. He chuckles.
R: 'yes! I'll see you on Friday at the cast dinner! Congratulations once again!' He says happily. I nod.
C: 'thank you so much! I'll see you there!' I say happily. He chuckles before hanging up. I sigh. I was shocked. I got the job! I wonder if Lili will get Betty Cooper. I sigh and pocket my phone before going back out. Lili smiles.
L: "everything okay?" She asks me. I nod.
C: "yes! I, I got the role of Jughead. That was Roberto. I got it." I say chuckling. She gasps.
L: "congratulations!" She says happily. I nod.
C: "thank you." I say smiling. She nods. I pay for our meals before I help Lili to her car. I was getting an Uber home. We had just got to her car and he phone started ringing. She sighs.
L: "could you keep an eye on him for 2 seconds? I need to get this." She asks me smiling. I nod.
C: "sure, I'll get him settled in the car." I say smiling. She nods and steps to the side.
C: "right little guy, in you get!" I say opening the car door for him. He passes me the colouring picture before climbing up into their car. I help him buckle up. He sighs.
N: "will I ever see you again?" He asks me softly. I sigh.
C: "if your mummy gets the job she did the audition for then yes we will but if not I don't think so." I say shrugging. He nods sadly and reaches his arms up to hug me. I chuckle and hug him back. He wraps his little arms around my neck.
N: "I want to see you again." He whispers against my shoulder. I rub his back.
C: "I know, maybe some other day we'll bump into each other again." I whisper back. He nods. I pull away from the hug and brush the curl out of his forehead. I chuckle.
C: "my curls to that too! They get in my eyes all the time!" I say chuckling. He nods.
N: "mummy would always do that to me when I was younger before I would sleep." He says smiling. I nod.
C: "my mum used to do that too me too." I say smiling sadly. He frowns.
N: "do you not see your mummy anymore?" He asks me. I sigh.
C: "I don't see my biological mummy but I see my step-mum. She's like my mummy but she just didn't grow me in her tummy." I say smiling. He nods.
N: "oh okay. Why?" He asks me. I sigh.
C: "well, one day she just didn't want to see me and my brother anymore so she stopped talking or seeing us." I say sadly. He sighs.
N: "Do you miss your mummy?" He asks me frowning. I nod.
C: "sometimes but my step-mum is really nice to me so she's just like my mum." I say smiling. He nods.
N: "do you have a daddy?" He asks me. I nod.
C: "yah." I say nodding. He frowns.
N: "why don't I have a daddy?" He asks me sighing. I sigh.
C: "well, sometimes when babies are born they only have one parent, just like I had my dad and you have your mum and sometimes our mums or dads get with other people like my daddy did and they might become your mum or dad. It's confusing now but when you grow bigger you'll understand. Not everyone needs two parents and I know your mummy loves you so much and will do anything for you." I say smiling. He smiles and nods.
N: "I love my mummy." He says smiling. I nod.
C: "I can tell you love her very much." I say smiling. He nods. Lili come back over.
L: "sorry that was just my parents. They wanted to know how today went on. Thank you for watching him." She says smiling. I nod.
C: "of course, well I better get going my Uber is here so that's my call. Hopefully I'll see you two around." I say smiling. Ethan waves.
N: "bye Cole!" He says smiling. I smile.
C: "bye little guy." I says chuckling. Lili sighs.
L: "well, congratulations again and hopefully I see you on Friday." She says smiling.
C: "fingers crossed." I say chuckling. She nods. I smile and grab my coat that was sitting on the ground.
C: "bye Lil's." I say smiling before running off to my impatient Uber driver.
Lili's POV
I get into the car.
L: "you okay sweetie?" I ask Nathan looking back at him. He nods.
N: "yah. Will I see Cole again?" He asks me sadly. I sigh.
L: "I don't know. You will on Friday if I get this job but if not we'll have to go back to Cleveland." I say sighing. He nods.
N: "Cole's mummy isn't his really mummy. She's his step-mum. He doesn't see his mummy who grew him in his tummy anymore and he misses her but he has his step-mummy and she's like his real mummy. He also said that not everyone needs two parents and that sometimes our mummy's and daddies meet new people and they become our mummy's or daddies like Cole's dad did. Will you ever get with someone new?" He asks me frowning. I shrug.
L: "I'm not sure. If I find someone who I like, you like and he likes us then I might. It depends. Would you like me to be with someone?" I ask him starting to drive. He shrugs.
N: "if it was someone like Cole maybe but I don't know, I'd need to meet them." He says shrugging. I nod and focus on driving. Just as I was pull up to my house my phone started ringing. It was Roberto. I sigh and pick it up.
L: 'hello!' I say happily. He sighs.
R: 'hey Lili! I just wanted to let you know you got the part of Betty Copper!' He says happily. I squeal. I was so happy.
L: 'omg! Thank you so much!' I say happily. He chuckles.
R: "no problem! I'll see you on Friday!' He says happily. I nod.
L: 'thank you, I'll see you there!' I say happily. He chuckles before hanging up I smile and look back at Nathan.
L: "I got the job!" I say happily. He gasps.
N: "yay! Well done mummy!" He says happily. I smile.
L: "thank you sweetie." I say smiling. He nods.
N: "does that mean I get to see Cole again?" He asks me softly. I nod.
L: "yah, we'll see him on Friday and when ever you are at set with me." I say smiling. He nods happily.
N: "I like Cole." He says smiling. I nod.
L: "I like him too, right let's get you in home and into bed!" I say smiling. He sighs and rolls his eyes causing me to giggle. I give him a bath and I was sitting with him whilst he was in bed. I was brushing his curls that fell in front of his eyes out of his face. He smiles.
N: "Cole's mum used to do this for him too when his curls got in his face." He whispers softly. I smile.
L: "did she?" I ask him. He nods.
N: "yah, he misses him mummy. They don't talk or see each other anymore because she didn't want to anymore. She just stopped one day." He says sadly. I frown.
L: "that's sad." I say sighing. He nods.
N: "it is, he's sad. I know he is." He says sighing. I sigh and kiss his head.
N: "maybe I could draw him a picture to make him less sad? Or make him a cup cake?" He asks shrugging. I smile.
L: "I'm sure he'd love if you drew him a picture." I say smiling. He nods.
N: "I'll draw him a picture tomorrow. I can give it to him on Friday." He says happily. I nod.
L: "okay. Now close your eyes. You need to get some sleep if you want to make Cole a card tomorrow." I say smiling. He nods and closes his eyes.
N: "I love you mummy." He whispers. I smile.
L: "I love you too sweetie." I whisper back, kissing his head. Within minutes he's fast asleep. I smile and gently close over his bedroom door. I go into the rest of the house and unpack. I'm renting this place but I didn't unpack because I wasn't sure if i'd even get the job but now I know I had to get a start. Whilst I was unpacking my clothes I got a notification on my phone from .
Cole Sprouse has requested to follow you
I smile and accept it. I follow him back and scroll down his page. There was photos of him and photos he took on it. He was ana amazing photographer. He looked amazing too. I roll my eyes at myself and throw my phone down. I finish unpacking and speak with my family before going to bed. The next day the first thing Nathan does is start drawing Cole's his picture. He wanted to make it perfect. He was so excited for Friday. It made my heart happy.
We were getting ready for going to dinner and Nathan was so excited. He smiles at himself in the mirror after I had got him dressed. This is what he was wearing:

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