My Baby

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Cole's POV
Today I have to go and have surgery to remove my wisdom teeth. I wasn't nervous for the actual thing I was nervous about what I would be like after it. Lili was nervous for it all but I knew I'd be okay, she was just overthinking. We were on the drive over and Lili was nervously tapping her foot on the floor. I sigh and gentle put my hand on her thigh but it was closer to her knee. She smiles.
C: "you don't need to be nervous baby. I'll be fine. It's not a life changing surgery, I'm just getting 4 teeth removed." I say chuckling. She sighs. 
L: "I know, I'm just nervous. I don't know why." She says putting her hand on top of mine. I smile and bring her hand up, placing a kiss on it. She giggles.
L: "your not even nervous and your the one going through the surgery." She says sighing. I chuckle.
C: "oh I am nervous but not for the surgery, for how I'll act after it. I know I'll professionally make a fool of myself." I say rolling my eyes. She giggles.
L: "I wonder will you cry or laugh?" She asks curiously. I sigh.
C: "well, you'll find out soon." I say shacking my head. She smiles and kisses my hand. I smile and focus on driving. When we get to my private dentist we go in and book in. We had to wait 5 minutes before we were called in. She explained the whole situation and what I'd be able to do after it.
D: "I know your probably starving because you haven't been aloud to eat but when you get out after about an hour you can eat but it will just be yogurts, soup, ice cream, jelly, scrambled eggs, potatoes, soft foods that don't need chewing. You might experience swelling after a couple of days but we will give your ice packs and stuff for that. No hot drinks for a while and we will prescribe you pain killers and pills against infections and stuff." She says sighing. I nod. Lili sighs.
L: "do we need to pick them up or can we get them here?" She asks nervously.
D: "sadly we can't give you them here so you'll have to pick them up." She says smiling. Lili nods. The dental nurses come in and attach me to a bunch of machines, checking my heart rate and blood pressure. Lili could be with them when they give me the Anastasia but not when it was happening. She grabs my hand.
L: "you feeling okay?" She asks me. I nod.
C: "yah, Im good. Are you?" I ask her smiling. She sighs.
L: "I'm fine, I'm just nervous." She whisper. I smile and rub my thumb across her hand.
C: "I'll be fine, there's no need to worry. I'll be back with you before you know it." I say softly. She nods. I smile. They inject me with the Anastasia and I'm out within minutes.
Lili's POV
I had just left Cole and I was going to pick up his prescription so we had it for later. After about 45 minutes from me leaving him the dentist comes back out. She smiles.
D: "he's all good. We got all 4 of the teeth out safely. He's still asleep but you can go in and see him. Well keep him until the bleeding calms down a little because he is bleeding a lot. We had to put in two stitches for each tooth but they will dissolve themselves and fall out within about 4 days. We give him the first dose of his medication so he can get more in 4 hours. That's it really. No quick movements and he's best to stay in bed till tomorrow." She says smiling. I nod and shack her hand.
L: "thank you so much." I say smiling. She nods.
D: "no problem! There will be nurses about to keep an eye on him and I'll be in before he can go." She says before walking off. I nod and walk to Cole's room. He was laying on the chair, asleep, well, drugged enough to sleep. I smile and take a hold of his hand, waiting excitedly to see how he would react. About 10 minutes later he slowly opens his eyes, adjusting to the lights and looks over to me. I smile.
L: "hey baby." I say softly. He smiles sheepishly.
C: "your very pretty." He mumbles, hard to make out. I smile and brush his unruly curls out of his eyes.
L: "thank you. How are you feeling?" I ask him. He sighs.
C: "do I have cheeks? I can't feel them? Did they take my cheeks?!" He asks we shocked. I giggle
L: "no baby you've still go your cheeks." I say giggling. He nods and pokes his cheeks, causing him to laugh.
C: "I can't feel them." He says laughing. I giggle. 
L: "be carful love, don't hurt yourself." I say taking ahold of his two hands. He frowns.
C: "are you my girlfriend because if not please don't touch me." He says disgusted. I laugh.
L: "well lucky for you, I am your girlfriend." I say giggling. He nods slowly.
C: "yah. I suppose you do look like my girlfriend." He says tilting his head to the side. One of the nurses comes in and unhooks him from the machines. He had just took out the gauzes and Cole gasps.
C: "is that my tongue?!" He asks me frantically. The nurse chuckles. I smile.
L: "no, it's just the gauze." I say smiling. He sighs.
C: "phew! I thought it was my tongue. I was worried I couldn't kiss my girlfriend anymore." He says relieved. I gasp. The nurse laughs.
L: "Cole!" I say shocked. He looks at me innocently. I roll my eyes. He smirks and looks away. The Nurse sighs.
N: "this has been the best I have seen. Most men cry or b*tch but this is great." He says chuckling. Cole chuckles.
C: "b*tch. That's a fun word, b*tch. B*tch." He says chuckling. I sigh. The nurse sighs.
N: "shouldn't have said that." He mumbles pulling his gloves off. I smile and stroke Cole's head.
L: "maybe take a rest form talking okay? Give yourself a break." I say softly. He frowns.
C: "that's a little bit rude. Hey, what do you think? She's rude for asking me to shut up?" He asks the nurse. I giggle.
N: "well, I agree with her. It will help your cuts." He says sighing. Cole shacks his head.
C: "so rude." He mumbles crossing his arms. I giggle.
L: "Im sorry." I say to the nurse. He shacks his head.
N: "oh no don't be. I've worked here for years with many celebrities and he has been the funniest one yet. I've been called worse. He's so amusing." He says chuckling. I nod.
L: "yah well, I think he'll be embarrassed tomorrow." I say sighing. He nods. Cole huffs.
C: "did you know when my brother went to the hospital once because he got glass stuck in his foot he told the doctors he loved me." He says smiling. I sigh.
L: "well, do you love him?" I ask him curiously. He nods.
C: "yah, well sometimes. He can be a b*tch but he's okay. I think I inspire him, I know he wants to be me." He says shrugging. I giggle.
L: "and who do you want to be?" I ask him. He huffs.
C: "well, president, a woman for a day, Pikachu. Oh and Mario." He says happily. I giggle.
L: "you want to be Mario?" I ask him. He nods.
C: "yah I'd love to be able to drive like a maniac and not get hurt. Oh and I'd love to be a dog too, I wanna know why they way their tails so much, I always get hit by them." He says shacking his head. He sighs.
C: "can I go home? I have some emails to answer and like, 2 episodes of anime to watch." He says huffing. The nurse sighs.
N: "not just yet but you'll have plenty time to watch it." He says smiling. Cole just shacks his head.
C: "do I have to go to work tomorrow? Is Roberto making Jughead get his teeth out too?" He asks me groggily. He frowns and touches his cheeks.
C: "I don't feel so hot right now. Did you know I was male hottie in 2018? I don't see it but some people must." He asks me chuckling. I smile.
L: "I did know, and I'm very proud of you." I say happily. He nods.
C: "do you see it?" He asks me frowning. I frown.
L: "see what baby?" I ask him confused.
C: "see the 'hottie'. I don't like that word." He mumbles to himself. I sigh.
L: "I do see it." I say giggling. He nods unconvinced.
C: "can I take a nap? I'm tired. Oh and hungry! Can I have a Chinese?" He asks excitedly.
N: "you need to stay awake for another while and you can't have Chinese food just yet. Maybe when you get home you can have some soup?" He says kindly. Cole shrugs.
C: "I don't know." He says shrugging. He lays his head to the side and closes his eyes.
C: "I'm no sleeping I'm just thinking about sleeping, with my eyes closed." He states seriously. I nod and kiss his head. About 20 minutes later he was aloud to go home, but the Anastasia just hadn't wore off yet. The nurse helps me get him to the car and we dive home.
C: "do you ship Jarchie? I sometimes see it but I wouldn't want to kiss KJ." He says confused. I sigh.
L: "I think they are good friend." I say shrugging. He nods.
C: "oh! Can I get a milkshake?" He asks me smiling. I nod.
L: "sure. What flavour do you want?" I ask pulling into the store car park. He sighs.
C: "surprise me but not chocolate, strawberry or banana." He says nodding. I nod and kiss his cheek.
L: "I'll be back in two seconds." I say grabbing my wallet before going into the shop. I get him his vanilla milkshake and pay before going back out to him. I smile.
L: "vanilla milkshake?" I ask him. He nods and smiles.
C: "should I take my other tongues out or keep them in?" He asks me. I sigh.
L: "take them out, your not bleeding anymore." I say opening the bag for him to put them in. He nods and pulls out the tow gauges but stops.
C: "why is this one not coming out?" He asks me. I giggle.
L: "love, that's your actual tongue." I say pulling his hand away. He sighs.
C: "oh." He says sighing. He takes a drink of his milkshake and smiles.
L: "is it nice?" I ask him. He nods and leans his head against the car window. I smile and stroke his cheek before driving off. About 5 minutes later he speaks up.
C: "does your dad like me?" He asks me curiously. I nod.
L: "yah he does." I say smiling. He nods.
C: "your mum?" He asks me. I nod.
L: "she does, in fact she really likes you." I say happily. He nods.
C: "your sisters and your aunt and cousins?" He asks nervously. I nod.
L: "well Tess likes the idea of me dating Cody. Chloe has only met you once but she likes you, my aunt likes you and Addy adores you. Why are you asking love?" I ask him curiously. He shrugs.
C: "just so I know if when I ask them if I can marry you I know I won't be heart broken." He says shrugging. I smile.
L: "you wanna marry me?" I ask him. He was brutally honest when he was drugged up and secretly I was loving it.
C: "yep. You'll wear a pretty white dress, the one you showed me and Dylan will be my best man. We'll dance to 'All Of Me' by John Legend. Then you'll pick where we go or stay for our honeymoon. We won't tell the world. In fact I'd just love you to, after we get married just change your user names from Reinhart to Sprouse, if your taking my last name. A lot of celebrities don't change their last names but I find it confusing because then one of their kids parents won't have the same name as them and I find that sad. I'd love you to be a Sprouse, officially like." He says smiling. I smile and grip his hand. He frowns.
C: "both hands on the steering wheel please! I've already give down a motorway at full speed hanging out of the window I don't want to do that again." He says seriously. I smile and put my hand back on the steering wheel. He sighs.
C: "well I would do that again if it was for you or my cameras." He says shrugging. I nod and giggle. We sit in silence the rest of the way. I thought he would fall asleep but he didn't. I help him walk into our house and help him to the bed. When he gets settled, getting ice put in his cheeks so he didn't swell too much, I get all his meds set up and a sheet to write times on so I don't forget. When I get in beside him I could see he was fighting sleep. I smile and run my hands through his hair. He smiles slightly and moves closer to me, putting his head on my chest. I smile and rub his back.
L: "are you feeling any hotter?" I ask him. He shacks his head.
C: "nope. Can I sleep now? Did the nurse tell you when I can sleep?" He asks me gently. I smile. He was so cute.
L: "yes you can sleep now." I say softly. He nods and sighs in relief.
C: "good. I didn't want to do anything bad." He says sighing. I smile and kiss his head.
C: "good night." He mumbles, half asleep. I smile.
L: "good night baby." I whisper.
C: "will you still be here when I wake up?" He asks me nervously. I nod.
L: "Im not moving." I whisper kissing his head. He nods. He was out within 5 minutes. His face was relaxed, the slight frown that sat in it earlier had dropped. He looked peaceful. I take a photo of him before resting my head on his. We never really cuddled like this. Most of the time I was laying on him. I loved holding him but he preferred holding me. He slept with a weighted blanket as a child so maybe it was the weight of another person that made him feel safe. It was amazing though, my best nights sleep was when he had his arms wrapped around me. All my worries went away, like all troubles in the world stopped for the time when I was wrapped in his arms. I hoped I made him feel like that. He didn't really tell me. Yes he told me his last emotions and what he felt but never what he was feeling. I sometimes wondered why? Why couldn't he tell me? He spoke with his therapist, we both went once a week but he only tells him his problems. He stopped talking to Dylan about emotions too, maybe there was a secret trauma we didn't know about or maybe he just shut done. Closing himself and the deep part of his heart that only he saw off to the world. I knew he loved  me and I knew he made me happy. He told me nearly everyday and he tells me how I make him feel but he doesn't tell me how other things make him feel. I figure the basic emotions out myself by the look in his eyes or how he talks but other emotions that I can't read I don't know about. It's been years from we got together, maybe I'll find out soon or maybe I'll never know. There's an innocence I didn't see so often, an innocence like this, a man who just wanted to feel loved and cared for in a moment of pain. Someone who needed that comfort, knowing that in a time of venerability someone would hold him, protect him, not disappoint him, something that he was all to familiar too. I'd love to learn that side of him, the once that yearned for love, piece and stability, the part that hating acting.
C: "what you thinking about?" He asks me causing me to jump. He moves off my chest.
C: "sorry I didn't mean to scare but I can practically hear you thinking." He says chuckling. I smile.
L: "it's okay. I thought you were sleeping." I say rushing the curls out of his face. He shacks his head.
C: "I was for like, 5 minutes but then I woke up. Naps never work with me." He said frowning. I nod.
L: "how are you feeling?" I ask him. He sighs.
C: "not to great. Did I do anything stupid when I was drugged up. I hope I didn't embarrass you? Did I embarrass you? Are you embarrassed to be seen with me know?" He asks me worried. This innocence, the one which it was like a small child seeking his mother's approval, not wanting to disappoint. I smile.
L: "no you were good. You told me I was very pretty, forgot you had cheeks, told me not to touch you unless I was your girlfriend, you thought the gauzes were your tongue and then you phewed and said your were glad it wasn't your tongue so you could still kiss your girlfriend. The nurse said b*tch and then you repeated it and said it was a fun word. I told you to stop talking to give your mouth a rest and the nurse agreed and you called us rude. The nurse said your the funniest celeb he's ever worked on. You told me about the time your brother went to hospital and told the doctors how much he loved you and said you think you inspire Dylan and he wants to be you. I asked you who you want to be and you said president, a woman for the day, Pikachu, Mario and a dog. You then asked if you could go home to watch anime and answer emails to which the nurse said no. You asked f you have to work and if Roberto was making Jughead have teeth removed to but before I could answer you said you didn't feel to hot and than asked me if I knew you were male hottie 2018, said you hated the word hottie and that you didn't see the hottie. You asked me if I saw it and I did and you nodded not too convinced. You asked the nurse if you could sleep and eat Chinese which he obviously said no too so you lay your head down and closed your eyes saying that you weren't sleeping yet thinking about sleeping with your eyes closed. When we were in the car you asked if I shopped jarchie and that sometimes you see it but you didn't want to kiss KJ. You asked for a milkshake so I got you a vanilla one. You asked me if all my family likes you and then told me how you wanted to marry you and how we would dance to a song by John Legend. Oh and when you went to drink your milkshake you asked if you should take your tongues out and tried to take your actual tongue out. I tried to hold your hand but you told me to keep both hands on the wheel and then explained that you would only hang out of a car window for me and your cameras." I say sighing. He groans tilts his head down. 
C: "I'm such an idiot." He mumbles embarrassed. I sigh.
L: "no! You were cute, very cute and you cuddled me which never happens." I say smiling. He nods.
C: "sorry, I was still a little drowsy then." He says sighing. I shack my head.
L: "no I liked it. You were adorable." I say giggling. He smiles and nods a little. He places a kiss on my head.
C: "I'm sorry for being embarrassing. I wasn't really in control of it but still." He says sighing. I smile.
L: "don't be, you weren't embarrassing at all." I say smiling. He nods timidly.
L: "the nurse loved it, he just stayed in the room to listen in, I don't even think he was working." I say giggling. He chuckles.
C: "could you make me some soup? If not that's good but I don't feel good and I'm starving." He says just as his stomach rumbles. I giggle and kiss his head.
L: "of course I can. I'll be back in a second." I say stroking his cheek before climbing off our bed and making his the soup. When I go back in, bringing the soup with me, he was sitting with his laptop open, answer emails. I sigh.
L: "Cole." I say sighing. He looks up at me and smiles guiltily.
C: "sorry I just have to answer these. I have photos to edit too. They emailed, they need them for tomorrow." He says sighing. I huff.
L: "tell them to wait, you've just had 4 teeth removed." I say setting the tray of food beside him. H sighs.
C: "I know but I can still do this. I'll be done in an hour." He says shrugging. I sigh.
L: "eat first." I say moving his laptop off his lap and setting the try there. He smiles.
C: "thank you." He says taking a drink from the glass. I nod.
L: "no problem at all." I say sighing. He frowns.
C: "are you mad at me?" He asks me softly. I sigh.
L: "no, I'm just annoyed that you won't rest. I know you don't want to disappoint but you have to rest." I say softly. He nods.
C: "I'm sorry. I just, I have to do this and then I won't work.' He said sighing. I nod.
L: "it's okay, just eat your soup." I say smiling. He nods and eats his soup whilst I put someone on to watch. I rest my head against his shoulder and we watch the show I put on.   He smiles and kisses my head, setting the tray to the side and replacing it with his laptop. I watch as he edits the photo, pausing every so often to see what other changes he could make. It was so interesting watching him, focusing more on the model or point of the photo and slightly blurring out the background. I sigh.
L: "how did you know how to do this?" I ask him curiously. He sighs.
C: "well, my dad helped me a tiny bit, just like telling me about what each thing was but apart from that I taught myself in my free time. I started when I was about 14." He says sighing. I frown.
L: "but you were working, schooling and in the public eye." I say confused. He nods.
C: "yah, that's what I done in my free time. When we got home at set we'd eat, do work, I'd study for an hour, memorise lines and then edit photos." He says shrugging. I frown.
L: "when did you relax? Or watch movies or play with friends?" I ask him. He sighs.
C: "well sometimes I would have brought my laptop to my bed and watched a movie whilst editing or watched and edited in the living room with Dyl. My only fiends were at set so I saw them all the time." He says shrugging. I shack my head and sigh.
L: "did you not do anything fun?" I ask him sighing. He frowns.
C: "of course I did, like editing was fun and studying was enjoyable. I didn't graduate without working my a*s off." He states seriously. I nod.
L: "I suppose so." I say sighing. He nods.
L: "did you do all of this to the photos you too of me?" I ask him. He shacks his head.
C: "a little but but not all of this." He says sighing. I frown.
L: "why?" I ask him confused. He sighs.
C: "because they didn't need it. The weather was perfect, the background was perfect, you were perfect. I did fix the background a little because it was a little blurry but that's on me but apart from that nothing else really." He says sighing. I smile.
L: "your too cute for words you know that?" I ask him, stroking his cheek. He had took the ice off to eat. He frowns.
C: "even after embarrassing you?" He asks me frowning. I sigh.
L: "you didn't embarrass me. In fact I laughed through most of it." I say giggling. He nods.
C: "I'm glad I made you laugh." He says smiling. I nod. He sets his laptop down and lies down a little.
C: "can I lay on you again?" He asks me timidly. I smile and open my arms for him.
L: "of course you can." I say happily. He smiles and places his head on my chest, his face resting in my neck. I sigh relaxed and run my hands through his hair.
C: "I love you baby." He whispers sheepishly.
L: "I love you too cutie, so much." I whisper happily. He chuckles and squeezes me. I giggle.
L: "you feeling okay?" I ask him, my hand running from his head down his back. He nods.
C: "better now your holding me." He mumbles. I giggle.
L: "your a big baby." I say giggling. He smirks and kisses my neck.
C: "but I'm your baby." He whispers. I giggle.
L: "what was that?" I ask him, wanting him to admit it. He smacks my shoulder gently.
C: "shush I'm sleeping." He mumbles. I smile and kiss his head.
L: "My baby." I whisper happily.

(I don't really know what this is but lack of inspiration and Cole's cute dance made me want to write this 😂 I hope you are all keeping well. Thank you for reading and please leave any request in the comments. Thank you so much-G❤️)

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