Lilly Anne.

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|May 7th|

"God dammit, Harry! I'm gonna be late for my ultrasound! If you're coming hurry up!" I yell down the hall and Harry yells back 'Coming.'

I start walking towards the front door and Harry comes running down the hallway and speeds past me in order to open the door.

"Who's car are we taking?" I ask and he motions towards his. He  opens my door for me and I get in, my hands resting on my belly the entire way to the appointment.

Today's the day I found out my baby's gender!

We pull up to the doctor's office and I walk ahead of Harry, my little legs walking faster than normal with anticipation.

"Oh lord, look at you! Ari baby you look wonderful!" Sandra, the secretary greets me and hurries from behind her desk. I give her a tight hug and step back, looking at Harry. "Is this your man?"

"No, he's my drug dealer." I say, a completely straight look on my face. Sandra looks taken back by the statement and Harry sighs.

"Yes, I'm her boyfriend. I'm Harry." He goes to shake her hand and she shakes her head before hugging him like she did me.

"Such a beautiful couple! Annie's ready for you love, you can go right back. You too, Harry." Sandra smiles at us and sits back down, so I take Harry's hand before going through a door. We take a turn down a hallway and I see Annie sitting in a chair next to a bed, all ready for my ultrasound.

I lay down and pull my shirt up, revealing my belly. Annie, knowing how eager I always am, just smiles and gets started. The equipment is cold but I stay completely still besides tracing the cross tattoo on Harry's hand. I zone out at some point, not really realizing what's happening until Harry pulls his hand away from mine. I furrow my brows and look at him, my expression softening when I see him wipe his eyes with his palms.

"Why are you crying?" I whisper, wiping a tear from his cheek with my thumb.

"That's our baby." He whispers back and looks at the screen.

I look at it as soon as Annie presses some buttons and looks at me and Harry.

"Congratulations you two. You're having a baby girl." Annie says and I repeat Harry actions, wiping a few tears away.

Harry and I have obviously known since the day I found out I was pregnant that she was going to be a girl, but it being confirmed is overwhelming.

"Harry..." I whisper and smile at him. "You were right, we're having a daughter."

"I'm always right." He smirks and I scoff, pushing his arm.

"Maybe in your dreams." I laugh and he just shrugs.

"No, those are mostly of you." He winks and I roll my eyes, trying to fight a smile.

"You're a cheese ball." I say as I stand up and pull my shirt down. Harry puts his arms around my waist and hugs me, swaying me back and forth while Annie prints the ultrasound.

"Whatever shorty." He kisses my forehead and takes the envelope from Annie. He sticks it in my purse and I follow him out of the room.

I wave bye to Sandra, my words getting cut off by a squeal caused by Harry picking me up. He says goodbye before pushing the door open with his back and carrying me bridal style out to the car.

I smile at him and crane my neck, kissing him on the cheek. He just smiles and puts me down, making sure my feet are firm on the ground before unlocking the doors and opening mine.

|Twenty minutes later|

Harry pulls up to my parent's house and I jump out of the car as soon as it stopped. I run up the steps, not waiting for Harry, and slowly open the front door. My dad is sitting at the island in the kitchen, a cup of coffee in his hand while he reads the newspaper.

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