Leave by one.

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"What shirt should I wear?" Harry asks as I sit on Louis' bed, watching Harry and Louis find something for Harry to wear to school.

"One that makes you look cute." I say and he stops sorting through shirts and turns towards me.

"So no shirt?" He smirks at me and Louis rolls his eyes, pulling a black shirt off of a hanger.

"Here, just wear this." Louis says and tosses the shirt at Harry then walks out the room with his backpack. Harry shrugs and takes off his current shirt and puts on the new one.

Once he decides it's fine we walk out of Louis' room and go downstairs. I grab my backpack off the floor and walk out the front door, locking it behind me. Harry takes my keys and slides into my front seat deciding he wanted to drive. I shrug and get into the passenger seat, buckling my seatbelt as he pulls out of my driveway. The drive is silent until we have less than five minutes left before we arrive at school.

"Why am I so damn nervous?" Harry chuckles and I smile, squeezing his hand that's intertwined with mine.

"Don't worry, Harry. It's all the same people, you'll be fine." I assure him and he just lets out a deep breath. Within another minute we're pulling into the school parking lot, instantley throwing nerves at me when I see Zayn sitting with our friends, his arm around Perrie.

"That's a dick move." Harry says and hands me my keys.

"I don't care. She can have him, I have you now." With that Harry and I get out of my car, and he interlocks our hands as soon as we start walking towards them. Ashton looks up and sees us, a smile spreading across his face. He says something I can't hear, and everyone looks up, going silent.

"The legend returns!" Niall hollers and pumps his fist in the air, making me laugh. We reach the large group and Harry breaks apart from me, hugging everyone. Well, except for Zayn and Perrie.

"Glad to see your little boyfriend is back, maybe now you'll leave me alone." Zayn says and Alexa screams out a laugh, to which Zayn rolls his eyes.

"Zayn, stop it. Don't be an ass." Perrie says and I smile at her.

"I think I could get used to you." I tell her and sit down next to Sascha while Harry goes and talks with Niall and Luke.

Sascha grins and hugs me, keeping me in her arms and Alexa joins on the other side and does the same thing. Sophia detaches from Liam and sits on my lap, looking at me. "I'm glad he's back, Ariana. You deserve your happiness." She says and hugs me before going back to Liam.

"You look amazing today, that boy really does wonders for you." Alexa says and I smile, glancing at Harry.

"Yeah, he's pretty amazing." I say and Harry meets my eyes, smiling at me.

:Harry P.O.V:

"What are you doing back?" Niall asks me and I lean against his car.

"I missed Ariana and my mum." I say and Sophia lets out a loud 'aw.'

"We're glad you're back, mate. This is most we've seen Ariana smile since you left, and it's only been five minutes. You make her happy." I smile at Niall's words and look in Ariana's direction, making eye contact with her.

"She makes me happy too."

|After School :Ariana's P.O.V:|

Harry and I are walking back to my car, Zayn for some odd reason walking with us. All of us are silent until we get to the car, when Zayn clears his throat.

"Look, everyone's getting together at my place on New Year's for a party, you guys should come." Zayn scratches the back of his neck and I raise an eyebrow at him.

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