Go again?

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Just a little something to thank you guys from 1k. I never ever expected this book to get past 500 reads. I remember sitting in bed one night and just pondering this idea and I put down in writing and it because this story and I'm so damn grateful for all of you who have stuck with this story. This is a flashback to Harry and Ariana's first Valentine's together. Smut warning lol

I dedicate this to MeghanReese here on wattpad because she's always so active whenever I update and always comment and votes and you rock homie. SORRY THAT I DEDICATED A SMUT CHAPTER TO YOU BUT OH WELL LMFAO

I walk inside the front door and all of lights are off. Candles are widely spread out on the floor in a trail, making me smile. Harry is literally the cheesiest person ever.

As I'm slowly following the trail I see a very small wrapped package. I pick it up, and realize as I walk along they're scattered throughout Harry's homemade aisle. I blow out each candle as I walk through to avoid a fire and by the time I get into the bedroom my arms are full of soft things wrapped in pink paper.

"Harry?" I call out and empty my arms onto the bed. He doesn't answer so I call his name again. Again, no answer. Did he seriously light a dozen mini fires and then leave. I sigh and go into the bathroom, a smile tugging at my lips when I see Harry sitting in the tub. It's full of bubbles and he has his eyes closed, but I can tell by the small tapping of his fingers that he's still awake.

"Are you just going to stare at me or are you going to join?" Harry asks, his voice soft and curious. I drop my bag and eagerly unzip my dress. I strip before walking to him and he helps me in.

The water is hot, so he mustn't have been in long. He wraps his arms around my torso and pulls me into his chest, snuggling his head in the crook of my neck.

"How was work, love?" He questions, kissing my neck lightly after the sentence.

"Typical day. Filing and paperwork." I respond in a small voice.

"Hmmm." He hums and kisses my shoulder, letting it linger.

"Are those presents for me?"

"All for you. They benefit me but they're all yours."

We stay in the bath for ten minutes longer, staying relatively quiet, just relaxing and enjoying the other's company.

I put on clean underwear and just put on Harry's motorbike button up T-shirt. I love it.

I sit on the edge of the bed, one foot dangling off and start opening the packages.

The first one is a small pair of black lace underwear from Victoria's Secret.

I raise an eyebrow at Harry and he just smirks, leaning back but propping himself up with his palms.

Now I understand.

All of the presents are a different pair of panties in various styles, fabrics, and patterns.

After I open everything I crawl over the bed and lean towards Harry. His shirtless torso is warm as I rest my palm against his chest, lean in, and put my lips next to his ear.

"What pair do you want to see first?" I whisper and he blindly reaches around me and grabs a pair.

The red lace. Of course. Red gets people excited. Makes sense.

I make a show of walking into the bathroom and closing the door. I hurry up and change my panties before walking back out. Harry's on the edge of the bed now, his feet planted on the floor as he faces me.

I walk to him and stand in between his legs.

"I can't see them." He whines and grips the bottom of my shirt, well his shirt, and tugs it. I follow the motion and nearly fall into his chest, but catch myself before I do.

I laugh at his eagerness and kiss him lightly, making it short. He whines again and stands up, spins us around, and picks me up. He throws me onto the bed and climbs over me. He sits on my hips and I scream when his hands go to my sides and start tickling me.

"Harry! Stop it!" I scream and try to squirm from his grip but its hard seeing as he's sitting on me. "Please stop!" I have tears coming out of my eyes from laughing so hard before he finally stops.

He dips his head down and presses his lips to my jaw. Then right under ear. Then down my neck until he hits the collar of the shirt.

"This has to come off..." He whispers and I nod, fumbling with the buttons. He helps me take it off and within two seconds both of our torsos are completely bare, nothing but our underwear keeping us apart. He pushes me up the bed and sits in front of me.

He looks at the panties he got me and nods, licking his lips. "Yeah, I like those."

He maneuvers his body and kisses my lips. It's deep, and it's sensual. I bite his lip when he pulls away and he smiles, kissing me again.

"As much as I like these..." He says to me quietly, his fingers hooking into the band of my panties, "They have to come off too." He pulls them down and throws them next to the shirt.

I look down and smirk when I see the bulge in his underwear. I grip the waistband of them and tug them down, revealing him and making it so we're both nude.

Obviously not bothering with a condom since I'm already pregnant he grip my hips and aligns himself at my entrance.

"Harry..." I half whine/half moan when he slowly pushes in.

|Next Morning.|

I groan the second my eyes open and roll over, letting out a quiet yelp when I feel a pain in my hip.

"'M sorry babe." Harry's voice is filled with sleepiness and his eyes are still closed.

"For what?" I chuckle and he opens his eyes. He sits up and tells me to do the same. When I do he pulls my shirt up and over my head. "What are you doing?"

He shushes me and lays me down before pressing a small kiss to my hip. He presses long, lingering kisses to various spots on my body, being oh so very gentle.

"I should've been this gentle last night." He laughs and stands up.

Suddenly everything to comes flashing back, and the pain in my hip turns from bad to good.

I stand up with Harry and he pulls me into the master bathroom. I stand in front of the mirror and Harry stands behind me, his hands on my waist as I look at myself.

I have finger shaped bruises on my hips, no doubt from his grip he had on me until the break of dawn.

Red and purple bruises, or hickies, scatter from my left ear, to my collar bones, between my breasts, and stop on my hips.

He got a little carried away throughout the night... I don't care though.

The images of his roughness come flashing through my mind and my eyes flutter shut. I lean back into his Harry and he tightens his arms around me.

"I'm sorry if I hurt you." He says quietly.

"My scalp is sore from you pulling my hair but I'm a big girl, I can handle it." I wink at him and walk away, turning on the shower.

"You wanna go again?" Harry wiggles his eyebrows and I push him out of the bathroom.

I get in the shower and within seven minutes Harry has me pressed against the tile wall.

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