Save me a cliche moment.

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It's been a little bit under a month since Harry left and I have yet to talk to him.

I've gotten worse. Sadder.

I quit smoking a week after he left, and I don't party anymore. Zayn and I hit a year two days ago and I cried literally the entire day.

Right now I'm sitting in Louis car, tying my boots Gemma got me for Christmas. Louis looks at me and sighs.

"Are you sure you don't just want me to take you home? I heard you crying all night." Louis says and I shake my head.

"I just miss him, Louis. I'll be fine." I say and he says ok, then gets out of his car. I do the same and start walking towards Zayn's class. He's normally here now and since I'm early I might as well hang out with him.

Zayn doesn't even feel like my boyfriend half the time. He's just some guy I hang out with kiss at times.

With that being said, I don't know why it hurt so bad when I saw Zayn pressing Perrie against the wall, gently kissing her.

I just stand there and look away, screwing my eyes shut and putting my head down. "Zayn." My voice comes out cracked and I look up, seeing him staring at me with wide eyes.

"Be happy with her, Zayn. Please, for your family's sake, don't screw her over like you did to me. I can't keep doing this Zayn." I say and turn around, walking away.

I hear Zayn calling my name but I just pull my hood up, staring at the ground as I continue to walk into the school. I walk straight to psychology and sit in Harry's old seat, and Sascha smiles weakly at me.

"Are things any better?" She asks and I look at, bursting into tears as soon as I make eye contact. She scurried over to me and pulls me into a hug, rubbing my back until I stop crying.

Sascha and the rest of the girls have gotten much better with being there for me, and so has  most of the boys.

My parents don't trust me alone so my friends are always in and out of my house, causing me to become a lot closer with them.

Class starts and Sascha sits back down, waiting for our teacher to start the lesson.

"Alright, good morning everyone. Today, we're doing presentations for our papers. We had to write about the time that we felt most depressed in life, and keep in mind, this counts as your final. Ariana, you're first." I fumble with my backpack and get out my paper, walking to the front of the class. My makeup is probably ruined by now so I just fix my hair and start reading.

"Everyone, at some point, has felt depressed. Whether it was a small feeling, or one that engulfs you, it's inevitable. I'm going to be very upfront and tell you that point for me, is right now. In the past month I have been cheated on too many times to count, found out my now ex boyfriend is the father of someone else's baby, hospitalized for domestic violence, realized that my friends haven't always been friends. I've seen the true colors of everyone around me. They, at the time, would rather go out and get high and drunk instead of see their friend. But when all of this started, I had someone. He was the greatest person I've ever met, and I never told him this but I loved him. He made me happy, and made all of my problems miniscule. I messed up somehow though, and now he's gone. The worst part? He's gone to me, but not to other people. Not to his friends here, or his family. Just me.

He left and it feels like a piece of me left with him." I finish the reading and sit back down, putting my head on my desk. I don't pay attention to anyone else's papers, and I run out of class after the bell rings.

I ignore mostly everyone today, and when I finally get home I do the same. I put on a pair of joggers and a hoodie, putting a coat over it and boots on my feet.

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