Chapter 6

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Bella's pov

Once I got to Forks I drove into the town and I parked my car and turned it off and then I opened my door and I got out of the car and I grabbed my handbag and I shut the car door and I locked the car with my car keys and then I walked into the main part of the town and when I got into the town I looked at my watch and I saw it was 4pm so I said crap because I knew the shops where closing soon so I went into clothes and shoe shops.

Then I bought myself some clothes and shoes since I had to leave them all behind in Beacon Hills and then I went into an estate agents and I walked up to a woman and she said hi may I help you and I said yes you can um I'm looking to buy a house and the woman said ok sure and she looked at her computer and she said ok so we have a house for sale just inside the woods before you reach the reservation of la push.

So then I said yes that will be fine so how much is that and the woman said it will be 10,000 plus tax which brings it to 10,500 and so I then pulled my bank card out of purse in my handbag and I gave it to her and I said thank you and she said your welcome and then she swiped my bank card in the money swipe machine and she hand me it back and then I put it away and the woman said there you go ma'am and she handed me the house keys and I put them into my handbag.

Then I said ok thank you and I walked out of the shop and I walked back to my car and I unlocked it and I opened the door and I put my bags into the car and then I got inside and I shut my door and then I put my belt on and I started the car and then I drove away from the town and I drove to the closest supermarket and I parked my car and I took my belt off and opened the car door and grabbed my handbag and then I got out of the car and I shut my door and then I locked the car and I walked over to the supermarket and I went inside.

When I got inside the market I grabbed a trolley and I went around all the aisle lifting all the food and all the bath stuff I could get and I put some DVD's into the trolley and then as I left the aisle the DVD's where in someone bumped into me so I looked up and I saw a boy and once I looked at him my whole world changed it was like he was my whole life and he looked 18 years old and he said oh I'm so sorry and I said no it's ok it was my fault and the boy said no it's ok hey um I'm Paul so I just smiled and said hi I'm Bella and Paul said hi nice to meet you.

Then I said nice to meet you to and Paul said new in town and I said yes I am and then I heard 2 other boys come up behind me and one of them said Hey Paul you ready to go and Paul said yeah um Bella these are some of my friends Jacob Black and once he said Jacob Black I remember my brother, my sister and my uncle saying my father's name was Billy Black but I didn't say anything I just let Paul continue as he said and Embry Call and then I turned around and I looked at them and I said smiling hi nice to meet you and both boys said hi Bella nice to meet you and then Paul said hey um Bella we are having a bonfire down on the reservation beach you are welcome to come.

So I just said oh yeah um thanks I might be able to come I'll see what I can do and Paul said ok see you then and I said yeah hopefully and then Paul and his friends walked away as the 3 of them said bye to me and then I pushed the trolley to the till and I paid for my shopping and then I walked out to my car and I unlocked it and I opened the boot and I put my bags of food and things into the boot.

Then I shut the car boot and I walked over to the trolley bay and I put the trolley back and then I ran back to the car and I walked over to the drivers side of the car and I opened the door and I got into the car and I set my handbag onto the passenger seat and then I put my belt on and I started the car and then I drove away from the supermarket and drove to my new house in the woods.

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