Chapter 3

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Bella's pov

When I got to the office I opened the door and walked inside and I walked up to the receptionist and I said hello I'm Bella I phoned 2 days ago about starting here and the lady said oh yes that's right well here you go and she hand me my timetable and she said have a good day and I said thanks and walked out of the office and I looked at my timetable and I saw I had english first and so I went to english had a great class met some people and then I went to maths and met more people and then I went to histroy and met more people.

So then lunch came and there I saw Scott again and we talked and then after lunch I had drama and then gym and then everyone went home and so I walked out of the school and I went to my car and I used my keys to open it and I opened the car door and then I threw my bag into the car and then as I got into the car I heard someone call my name and I looked as I closed my door and rolled down my window and I saw Scott and Stiles and their friends Isaac, Ethan, Aiden, Liam, Lydia, Allison and Malia run over to my car.

Then I said hey guys what's up and Isaac said nothing much we were just wondering if you wanted to come to the beach with us tonight and I said I'm sorry I can't but maybe some other time yeah and all of them said yeah maybe and then Scott said see you tomorrow and I said yeah tomorrow and then I dorve off towards the hotel I was staying in but I drove through the woods and it was so stupid because I was so scared and then half way down the road my car came to a stop and I didn't know why and evem though I didn't want to I got out of the car and I went to the front of the car.

So then I opened the front of the car and saw there was smoke coming from my engine and so I knew I was stuck so I screamed fucking hell why here and then I heard a scream and I jumped and said don't follow it but I did anyway I walked away from my car and I ran into the woods and followed the screaming and once I got into the woods and I found the place were the scream came from no one was there and so I walked around trying to find my way out but I couldn't and I knew I was lost and just as I was about ot take my phone out I hear a growl.

Then I start getting really scared and I started running and I knew it was following me because I heard it get closer and closer and then finally when I thought I had lost it I stopped and took a breath but as I stopped whatever it was attacked me and threw me to the ground and as it did it bit into my side and then it ran away and as it ran away my back bent and I let out a howl and then it was over and so then I stood up and as I did my side was so sore so I looked down and I saw the bite through my clothes and it was the biggest bite I had ever seen.

So it couldn't have been animal or human who attacked me that much I know so I just covered the bite with my clothes to keep it clean and I ran carefully back the way I came trying to find my car and finally after 5 minutes of running around looking for it I found it and so then I remembered the car wouldn't start so I just walked over to the car and opened it and sat back in the car but as I sat back my side started getting sore and I couldn tell the bite was bleeding so I tried the car again and after 3 tries the thing started and I was so happy about that and so I drove away from the woods and I drove to the hotel.

Then once I got to the hotel I parked my car and I opened the car door and I got out and I went over to the hotel room door and I opened it and I went inside and then I shut and locked the room door and I went into the bathroom and I filled the sink and I took my top off and I cleaned the bite up and then I put a medical covering over it and then I went into the main part of the room and I put my PJ'S on and then I sat on the bed and I watched TV and then at about half 8 my room door knocked and I huffed and stood up ignoring the pain from the bite and I walked over to the door and I opened it and once I opened it I saw Scott and Ethan standing there.

So I said what how did you find this address and Scott said my mom is a cop she ran a check on you and I said oh ok then so wat the hell do you want and Isaac said whoa what the hell is your problem and I said no it's nothing something just happened in the woods which wasn't normal and Scott said um ok what happened and I said ok well my car broke door and I got out to fix it but then I heard a scream and so I ran and followed the screaming but when I got to the place the scream took place no one was there but then after a few minutes I heard a growl.

Then I just ran and then as I ran I was being chased and then whatever it was attacked me and then I pulled up my PJ's top and I said then it bit me and ran over and then both Isaac and Scott gave eachother a worried look and Isaac said Bella what are you feeling right now and I said well honestly I want to kill someone or something and then Scott said ok um Bella don't do anything stupid we will see you in class tomorrow ok.

So I said yeah ok fine and then both Isaac and Scott walked away from my room whispering and I could hear a bit they said this isn't good Isaac if she turns Derek isn't going to be happy and Isaac said yeah I know we just need to keep an eye on her and we need to tell everyone else to as well and Scott said yeah your right and then I couldn't hear them anymore and so I just gasped and wondered who the hell Derek is and I wanted to know what they meant by turn but I just closed the hotel room door and I pulled my top back down and then walked over to the bed and I lied down on it and I fell asleep and I had bad nightmares about that attack in the woods all night.

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