Declaration of War

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Tobirama made it to the Mizukages office, knocking on the door. "Come in." The voice from withing the room called out. Opening the door, Tobirama gave a slight bow of his head. "Good Afternoon Mizukage." His voice rang back as he closed the door behind him; sitting before the kage. "Hello-" the eyebrowless kage sat back in his chair. "What do I owe this visit?" The man grinned a bit; showing off his shark like teeth.

"I've come all this way to discuss your villages newly built bridge- along with the goals you're trying to accomplish with your village." Tobirama stated in a monotone.

"Eh?- what do you mean?" The white haired kage breathed, leaving a small silence in the room. "Why'd you turn the Mist village into what is now being called 'the blood mist'? Having children killing off their whole class just to be given a title. What do you hope to gain by this?" Tobirama didn't hesitate, his voice firm.

The kage gave a laugh at the older Senjus question. "Well you're rather blunt, aren't you-" he chuckled before giving off a sigh and sitting back in his chair. "I assure you that I'm simply doing what's best for my people," the kage paused for a moment, turning in his chair to look out the window at the village. "Or for the world at that matter." He said nonchalantly.

"You realize that decreases your number of upcoming shinobis in your village by a significant percentage, how is that any benefit to your village?" Tobirama continued, slightly getting annoyed at the man across from him for beating around the bush. "Only the strongest of the strong will survive and push through- If anything it's just getting rid of the dead weight." The Mizukage sighed as if he was becoming bored with the conversation.

"So you're preparing for something perhaps? There must be a reason, Lord second. I am not naive. This may be your village and it's your ultimate decision of what happens to it, however I won't just sit idly by and watch as you try something that might affect the rest of the shinobi world." Tobirama began to insist.

A thick silence fell over the room, the kages expression turning slightly more serious as he eyed the Senju before him. "You leaf ninjas are quite annoying, trying to talk your way into everything." The man sighed tiredly. "My ultimate goal is quite far away and I'm not even sure it's possible, however..." The kage began, turning himself to stare out at the village once again. "The villages may have been a sign of 'peace' for the people within them. But at what cost? After several years of observing the younger ninjas as they slowly grew older, I noticed that increasingly throughout the years each class seemed weaker than the class before- not having any REAL experience in actual battle. The title of shinobi has been soiled by this... Our children becoming soft and not truly understanding what it means to be a shinobi... Eventually all the world will see this and hopefully change to my ways to restore the true meaning of what it means to be a shinobi. Of course then-" he paused for a moment, a smirk growing on his face. "it will be just common sense that these villages are nothing compared to the true meaning of peace"


"I don't have to answer to you-" the girl mocked back his answer with a playful smirk- to which Sakichi would ignore, deciding he wasn't going to acknowledge her childishness. With a sigh the girl rolled her eyes, "fine. You see, my father is the Mizukage... Needless to say- he'd be pretty upset to hear that I just sat back and watched this happen.." She said, the tone in her voice changing slightly as she'd unsheath her katana. "So you intend to fight me?" Sakichi questioned, aligning his katana vertically out infront of him. "That's what I said-" the girl breathed and without wasting a moment, the girl charged towards the boy as he gave off a sigh. "I don't have time to deal with you." He said nonchalantly; swinging his katana down as she got close enough, the blade slicing through the girl who would splash into water. With that, Sakichi ran through where the girl once stood- heading towards the forest. If anything- Sakichi couldn't get caught up in the explosion, maybe that was the girls overall plan.

Sakichi jerked himself to a halt, feeling the girl poke the side of his head from behind. The Mist girl held a finger gun to the boys head with a grin. "It should be obvious by now that a simple blade won't work on me- too bad really." The girl began, leaning forward to whisper in his ear. "Boom" She whispered, slowly lowering her thumb as to pull a trigger.


Tobirama sat there for a moment, taking in what the male had just said. "You're trying to rid of the villages?" Tobirama questioned, his voice sounding more stern as he leaned himself towards the kage; almost starstruck that someone would even think of something like this. "Tch- that's ridiculous." The older Senju gave a soft huff. "And you except every other village to just go along with this with no issue... That's quite a naive idea." Tobirama pushed himself to his feet, his dark red eyes looking down at the kage. "Say what you want, but I plan to do everything in my power to see this through. Even if I'm not able to achieve it in my lifetime- there will be a day where all the villages will be united as one." The kage responded, seeming somewhat disappointed that the Senju didn't understand where he was coming from.

Tobirama said nothing, allowing the man's words to echo softly in the room as he turned himself around; "I assume you know what this means for our two villages.." He looked back at the kage before leaving the man's office.


In a blink of an eye, Tobirama appeared standing before Sakichi. His gaze quickly landing on the girl- who's eyes would widen on the male as he appeared out of nowhere. Sakichi flinched, his eyes flickering up at his father. Without a moment of hesitation, Tobirama took the hand of his son and with that- he teleported them back within the outskirts of the forest. "F-father-" Sakichi stumbled a bit on his feet as they appeared in the forest. "No time, Sakichi. We must go-" his father insisted before jumping up into the trees; making his way back towards the leaf village through the branches. Sakichi followed after his father, shortly hearing a loud explosion from behind him- Sakichi allowed himself to stop on a tree branch, turning back- wide eyed at the bright explosion.

And with that, the area went dead quite. A soft breeze passed by; shuffling the leaves along with it. "Sakichi!" His father called out sternly as he turned to notice his son had stopped. Without a word, the boy snapped back to reality; blinking at his father before continuing on their journey home.

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