Genin vs Anbu

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"They must be trying to tip the war in their favor by taking hold of the byakugan.." Hiro noted, the Hyuga boy becoming more serious as he spoke. "why would they come all this way just for one Kekkei Genkai, though?" Sakichi suddenly thought out loud; Hiros eyes darting to meet Sakichis gaze. "You're right. If we are correct about their intentions- it'd be smarter for them to grab than one Kekkei Genkai at a time..." Hiro added onto Sakichis thoughts; the two continuing after the ninja as they neared the edge of the village.

"I will handle him, Senju. He doesn't seem to have an abnormal amount of chakra or anything so I should be able to handle it myself. Go find Mitsuha and fill her in on what's happening. You two look out for any other ninjas leaving the village-" Hiro instructed to a seemingly hesitant Sakichi. "I'll be fine, Sakichi. Now go!" Hiro gave Sakichi a nod, his eyes laced with determination. "Fine- you better come back alive, Hyuga." Sakichi sighed and came to a halt; the Hyuga giving a slight smirk as he continued, picking up his speed to be able to catch the ninja.

And with that Sakichi headed back to the training field. "Mitsuha!" Sakichi called out, the young Senju shortly after- jumping out from the herd of trees to land beside the girl as she trained. "Eh-" she blinked as her name was called. "Ohh- it's you. What now Senju?" The girl gave a slight huff as if his presence bothered her. "A ninja came into the village and took off with a Hyuga child-" Sakichi panted, Mitsuha softly flinching at the news. "Don't worry- Hiro said he would handle it, however we aren't sure if they took off with more children. I'll need your help in looking around the village." Sakichi informed her of the situation, "Surely, if you're correct- they would have immediately fleed the village after receiving the child so the likelihood of them still being within the village is slim.." she sighed, turning herself to face the herd of trees before her. "I'll start with the north side of the village and check the perimeter- you stay here and see if you can't sense any unusual chakra. If you don't sense anything, come find me." She suggested a plan to which Sakichi would agree.

As Mitsuha went on her way to the front of the village, Sakichi gave a slow breath to focus himself before feeling out for any chakras that seemed active. After awhile of trying, the Senju began towards Mitsuhas chakra. "No luck-" Sakichi sighed as he landed beside Mitsuha ontop of the Hokage mountain that oversaw the village. "None here either.." Mitsuha responded sounding a bit disappointed before turning her gaze to the Senju beside her. "Your sensory skills are better than mine- see if you can't find anyone on this side of the perimeter." The girl reluctantly complimented.

"Right-" Sakichi nodded in return and began to feel out for any chakras. After a brief silence, Sakichi spoke up. "I sense an Uchihas chakra.. about 13 meters out." The Senju informed and began towards the chakra as Mitsuha followed behind. "I'm having trouble sensing anyone else.. whoever it is must be well trained in sensory Ninjustu as well.. we will need to be careful or they will sense us coming." Sakichi added.

The two genins pushed themselves to overcome the distance between them and the ninja; finally catching up and dropping down before the ninja. "Another Mist anbu.." Sakichi sighed. The anbu jerked himself to a halt as Sakichi and Mitsuha revealed themselves; a small Uchiha child laid over his shoulder.

"I will only give you one warning-" the Mist ninja began and with a Swift movement he pulled out his katana to aim it towards the two genins standing before him. "Move out of my way." The male said sternly. Sakichi would draw out his own Katana, giving the blade a slight swirl in his hand. "You know we can't do that-" He rebuttaled to which the mist ninja would sigh, resting the small Uchiha child on the ground beside him. "So be it." The mist ninja smirked under his mask as he straightened himself out and without a moment of hesitation; the ninja charged in towards the two.

Sakichi was quick to respond, dashing across the field to the male and clashing his katana against the opponents. Holding his weight against his blade, the two would stand there for a moment- pushing back and forth on each others blades. "Fire style: Phenix flower-" Mitsuha suddenly called out from behind Sakichi; the Senju boy jumping back from the Anbu to land behind Mitsuha as she charged in. 3 small fire balls rushed towards the mist ninja, causing him to jump into the air to dodge. Mitsuha quickly joined him in the air; "ahhh!" She called out, cocking her fist back as she approached him.

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