War against the Mist

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Sakichi woke up the next morning to Tsunade calling out his name as she entered his room. "I'm up-" Sakichi mumbled, raising the covers over his head and laying there for a moment before giving off a sigh. The Senju boy got himself out of bed and got dressed for the day before heading into the kitchen for breakfast. The table was empty besides his plate and his brothers, the house was quiet besides the water running in the kitchen from Mito washing dishes. Kaiyu shortly joined Sakichi at the table.

"Morning Nii- San." His younger brother said tiredly as he sat down, Sakichi responding back and continuing to eat. "I feel like it's been awhile since we've actually done something together, would you want to go training or something with me today?" Kaiyu suddenly asked, looking up from his food. "I can't today, I'm going out on another mission." Sakichi sighed and finished his food. "I'll see you later, Kai. Hopefully I'll be back by tomorrow and we can hang out-" he patted his brothers head as he walked by and made his way out the house.

Making it the the Hokages office, Sakichi found Akame standing at the door. "Morning Kicki kun-" she sang down the hall and opened the door to the kages office as she was instructed to come in. Sakichi followed the girl inside the office, Hashirama sitting at his desk with tobirama by his side. "Morning everyone, I would like to start off by apologizing.. we haven't been completely honest with all of you. Yesterday, me and Tobirama spent the day testing every genin and chunin in the village. The ones we see most fit will be sent out today in war against the mist.. unfortunately, you 4 will be the youngest and less experienced ones on the battlefield and I'm sorry that we are having to send you guys out but we need some anbu to remain in the village to watch over everyone. But don't worry, Madara will be with you guys at all times and has assured your safety. Tobirama and I will be dealing with the Mizukage and his troops not that far off from you guys surely so if anything too serious happens we shouldn't be that far away." Hashirama informed, the mood of the room changing as he spoke. The Hokage stood up from his seat with a sigh. "Yea, let's get going. We will be traveling together for most of the way-" he stated.

The 7 headed out from the village, walking all day before deciding to stop as the sun went down. "Tomorrow we will reach the enemy so everyone needs to get some rest. Me and Hashirama will take shifts in watching the area." Tobirama stated, sitting himself down by a tree. Hashirama stretched his arms and sat down beside Tobirama with a sigh. "Mito prepared us all something small to eat," Hashirama said, reaching into a bag to pull out a scroll. He opened it, the paper rolling out and as he applied chakra 7 small bento boxes appeared out of a puff of smoke. "Feel free to take one-" Hashirama smiled, the 4 genin thanking him and grabbing a box along with some chopsticks. Noticing one left, Hashirama blinked over at Madara who stood against a tree with his arms crossed. "Ohh come on, don't be a grump and come eat-" Hashirama insisted, Madara rolling his eyes at his comment but taking the small box from Hashirama. "Thanks" Madara said quietly and sat himself down, eating.

The sounds of nature filled the area as they ate, Akame being the first to finish and would pat her belly. "Ahh, I missed Mito Samas cooking-" she smiled up at the sky and leaned herself back. "Ohh?-" hashirama chuckled, "you're welcome to come over whenever for dinner if you'd like. I'm sure Mito would love to see you." He smiled, the girl blinking at him. "T-thank you, Lord Hokage. I might have to now." Akame laughed softly. After all finishing their food the 4 genin laid down to get some sleep, Madara shortly joining them; falling asleep against a tree.

In the morning Sakichi woke up to the chirping of birds and sat himself up to see Hashirama awake, leaning back against a tree infront of him. "Morning-" he smiled, handing Sakichi a small thing of yogurt to eat. As everyone woke up, they'd eat a small snack before heading out. "We should reach the enemy by mid day, Tobirama and I will spilt apart from your team as we approach the enemy." Hashirama informed. The group walked for a couple of hours through the forest.

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