Chunin Exams?

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Two years had passed since Madara's death; with the war having ended, the villages lived in peace for awhile. Hashirama had sadly passed away due to cancer about a year ago and Tobirama took his place as Hokage. Sakichi was now 7 years old and was still a genin. Team Madara had gone 2 years now without a Sensei and have been taking on simpler missions due to not having a Jounin. Sakichi's team still got together almost every night to train amongst themselves- not wanting to get behind any of their classmates. Occasionally, one of them would bring a simple scroll from their clan that they felt could help all of them learn something; ranging from sensory skills, simple medical ninjutsu, and sealing jutsus. Each of the genins worked hard and taught themselves anything that would be useful in missions since they lacked a Sensei.

Today marked the day that Sakichi's team would finally get a new sensei. The team was instructed to meet first thing this morning at the training field. All the genins had already arrived, the four talking amongst themselves about what they thought the new sensei would be like. About 10 minutes late, a woman walked towards them. "Hoi!" She called out to get the genins attention, "Sorry I'm late. I will be your new sensei from here on out. My name is Shiina Sarutobi and I look forward to getting to know the four of you better. Let's start off with names and what strives each of you to become stronger-" The lady began, signalling towards Mitsuha for her to start off. "I'm Mitsuha Uchiha. I strive to become stronger to protect the ones I love." Mitsuha went on and then Hiro spoke up, "Hiro Hyuga," he said calmly giving a polite bow of his head. "I work to become stronger so I can protect the village and the will of fire." Akame was the next to speak up, "I'm Akame Uzumaki. I strive to better myself to help those who are too weak to defend themselves." She responded simply, giving a confident smile. "Sakichi Senju-" Sakichi bowed his head respectfully towards his new sensei. "I will become strong enough to bring peace to the Shinobi world." Sakichi stated as if it was a fact, the young boy believing in himself to the fullest extent.

"Well we have a promising group here it seems. I suppose the next thing would be getting to know each of your skills as well as seeing how well you all work as a group. Let's have a little spar- the four of you vs me. Don't worry I will go easy." The long haired woman teased lightly at the genins giving a wink of her eye as she smirked. The four genins looked amongst themselves, already having gone through something similar with Madara. All of them gave off a confident reaction; Hiro and Sakichi glancing at each other and giving a nod of agreement towards the other. They had gone through this play a million times when they had trained together. Hiro and Sakichi would be in the distance - preferably somewhere at a high point for advantage over the enemy and the two would watch the opponent for their fighting style and would try to figure a way around the enemies defense or offense. Akame being a skilled healer as well as her high defense skills and Mitsuha's high speed attacks and intelligence made going against an opponent by themselves quite easy, especially only if there is only one.

Hiro and Sakichi followed through with their never tested before plan. "okay ready, Uchiha?" Akame smirked as the boys jumped back to be in the trees, the girl pulling out a kunai and twirling it around her finger before clenching it in her fist. "Yea, I'll stay back and act more as a second hand attack for now." Mitsuha noted, her eyes rested steadily on the woman infront of them. Akame noded and quickly rushed in, darting left and right as she dashed towards her new sensei. The Uzumaki went straight to Taijutsu as she approached their new Sensei, throwing punches left and right to which of course was easily dodged. After getting somewhat of an idea about the woman's speed, Mitsuha charged in and jumped into the air. "Fire ball jutsu!" She called out, her face lighting up as she breathed out fire into a large ball. Akame heard Mitsuha and immediately made an odd hand sign before slapping her hand down in the dirt; a small protective shield quickly formed over Akames whole body as she was squated down on the ground. Shiina Sensei was quick on her feet however and jumped high into the air.

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