The Test

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Later that night, Sakichi headed out into the village. The village had quietened a bit; giving a peaceful walk. The Senju soon found himself infront of the Uchiha residence, resting his hand on the handle of his Katana- he gave a sigh and walked to the door, giving it a knock. A male looking about 20 answered the door, glaring down at the Senju boy as he pulled the door open. "Can I help you?-" he asked, Sakichi bowing his head in politeness. "Pardon me, but does Madara happen to be here?" The young Senju stood himself up straight to look the male in the eye.

"And what business would you have with Madara?" The male crossed his arms, his eyes glancing down at the boys Senju armour. "Madara is my sensei, sir. I'd just like to ask him a favor." Sakichi responded calmly, the male scrunching his eyes together. "Is that so?" he breathed, glancing back and Madara appearing behind him. "Yes, I'll handle this." Madara dismissed the other man, taking his spot in the doorframe. "What do you need Senju?" He gave his attention to the younger boy. "please train with me?" Sakichi clapped his hands together bowing towards Madara. The older Uchiha was caught off guard a bit from the question. "Right now?-" he blinked his eyes as Sakichi straightened himself. "Yes, if it's not too inconvenient-"

"...I suppose not." Madara sighed after a brief silence and began walking off from the house. "Just know that this training session will be different seeing as you're the only one." He stated as he walked passed the Senju boy. "What makes you come seek more training? I thought you all would appreciate a nights rest after our mission." The older male asked as Sakichi joined him in walking. "I just- I need to get stronger Sensei. I didn't realize how weak I was until today.. I never want to feel that helpless again." The Senju admitted, his voice coming out softly. His words caused Madara to chuckle under his breath. "Senju, you were able to completely disable an anbu in a matter of minutes. Strength is important, yes; however if you can outsmart an enemy, you will always have the upper hand."

"Yes but in trying to outsmart the enemy, I ended up getting knocked down... I would have died today if you weren't there.." The Senju realized, his gaze looking down at his palm. "That's the best way to learn, child." Madara breathed in response as they came up on the training field.

"Now then, to start off- I'd like you to show me all the jutsus you know. I've been noticing that you know a few high ranked jutsus.." Madara noted, standing beside Sakichi. "Yes, I used to watch my father as he would try to create these jutsus and the handsigns for them just stuck with me. Obviously I'm not able to use them to the extent he is- but it gives me something to work towards.." the Senju responded, turning himself to face the small lake and creating handsigns. "Water Release: colliding waves-" Sakichi said, water beginning to circle around him and Madara. Sakichi stood in the middle of the circle, concentrating his chakra into the water before he'd release it; the water clashing to the ground and becoming a small wave that Sakichi would be able to control with his hand.

Madara watched carefully, "okay- next one." He instructed, Sakichi giving a nod and continuing. "Water Release: heavenly weeping-" The Senju drew in a big breath, spitting out 3 small water needles at a decent speed. Sakichi continued without hesitation. "Water Release: water waste." He called out, water beginning to swirl around his fist and create a spike. "This one I taught myself, my father uses something similar like this on his katana when in combat so I decided to make it my own." Sakichi stated, allowing the jutsu to slowly release. "That's all the jutsus I really know, unfortunately.. I've spent a lot of my time trying to get better at these few. But the first jutsu seems to always take away a good amount of my chakra." The Senju boys sighed, resting his hands in his pockets and turning his attention to his sensei.

"Yea, it is a high leveled jutsu; a lot of chakra is to be expected- however, most of the chakra you're using is uncontrolled therefore not giving the best result... When you're getting ready to do a jutsu, such as that one- you need to feel your chakra flow from your body and into the water. It'll help you get a better sense of how much chakra is exactly being used and it'll make it easier to keep the chakra more controlled. Is water release the only chakra nature you have?" Madara suddenly asked, Sakichi blinking at his question. "Eh- I'm not sure." He responded, rubbing the back of his neck.

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